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Face It - This game is PvE

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It wasnt so much about PvE last night. I went to Berezino with my friend and had a 2vs2 axe fight on top of a building after both parties shot their Blazes empty, while some DBag was sniping us. After that we died and I went to that same building. Some people had taken over it and after earning their trust I went there and got a gun. Killed the person who trusted me, after that I ran to the woods only to find somebody AFK in a tree. I axed him to death and took his AKM. Game of the year :)

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Are you the OP now? No.


So walk.... away...


..forum.. warrior.  :|


Is it a forum where multiple people can converse about a topic? Yes.


Deal... with it....


jaded... cynic.

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to be honest there is currently not much PVE because the zombies are so low in numbers...When they realise this it might be to late.

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Have you guys not read my original post? I agree with 95 % of you. I believe that the environment is everything that is trying to kill you. Including other players. The other players are the most challenging I agree. No AI can take the place of human unpredictability. But to get to that stage you must first be able to survive. I believe the survival aspects can be made to make getting to that unpredictable stage tougher. But yes, nothing can come close to player unpredictability.


Stop trying to view Dayz as PvE vs PvP. Or PvE or PvP. Let's change the nomenclature. Let's call it PvEv. (thanks Caboose).

Player vs Everything. Because that is what Dayz is. Remove any of the Pv parts and Dayz is no longer Dayz. I didn't start enjoying the game more until I realized that I actually wanted KOS in. Made my PvE much more meaningful. I like challenging games. Some do not. I believe Dayz wants to be a very challenging game. I don't want it like any other game also. I tend to play strategic/tactical games (not the rts type). And a few single player openworld titles, Fallout and Elder scrolls. To each his own and perfectly OK.


All my opinion of course and to be taken with a grain of salt.

Edited by RAM-bo4250

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Oh, look... one of this threads....


Of course DayZ is more PvE than PvP....how you propose they make a "survival" game in which the "environment" isn't a threat ?

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Is it a forum where multiple people can converse about a topic? Yes.


Deal... with it....


jaded... cynic.


Look you're the one being a defensive... well, you know what you're being. 


Im just having a conversation here, with the OP.. not with you. 


But since you want to talk, aggressively. Ill bite.


So you've logged 1,000's of hours and still enjoy PvE right?


How many of those hours were played alone on a server with just yourself? Meaning no chance of PvP.. How many hours? 


(If you werent so damn defensive you would learn quickly that we pretty much are on the same page: PvE is an important aspect and makes the game what it is, but I also believe the game is almost entirely about PvP.) 


My point of asking the OP my specific question is clear, and it had nothing to do with you. On your own, out of left fucking field you decided that you needed to call me out and get all forum warrior-ie on me, because Im guessing for some internal reason you though I was talking to you the whole time?


In any event, get over it.. its a game, and my opinion.. I really dont know what your point here is. 

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Played Arma 3 for the first time the other day and the stamina system really weighs you down if you aren't careful.

Once something similar is implemented in dayz, the game will change dramatically.

I dont think any play style should get comfortable were in for a wild ride soon.

Edited by JPWiser

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Threads like this are pointless.... HOLD ON! I like you as a poster, RAM, as I think your threads and posts are well thought out... but that's why they're pointless.

Having any kind of civil discussion or "food for thought" is kinda pointless on these boards, as of late.

If you point out a flaw in the game, you're a hater. If you run into someone screaming and tell them to calm down, you're a fanboy.

There are still a few people I know as regulars who I've diagareed with, such as Grimey Rick, who I still like because (for the most part) they seem to know how to form a dissenting opinion / counter point while being intelligent about it.

But other than those few, this place is become a real daycare center.

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Look you're the one being a defensive... well, you know what you're being.

Actually, I'm not. You posted in a thread. I commented on your post. You got all irrate about someone daring to comment on your PUBLIC post to a forum thread, which by the way is what forum threads are about, public discussions and anyone being able to comment.

Im just having a conversation here, with the OP.. not with you.

No, you are on a forum responding to a thread. That means you are having a conversation with anyone who decides to read and respond to said thread. It's a FORUM. Look up the word "forum" it's a place of public assembly that later because a place to share news and discuss things in a community. If you wanted a private conversations you use PM AKA Private Messages. You didn't even quote the OP which gives the impression that you were responding to the thread in general and not a specific poster in said thread.

But since you want to talk, aggressively. Ill bite.

Only aggressiveness was returning your tone you used in your writing.

So you've logged 1,000's of hours and still enjoy PvE right?


How many of those hours were played alone on a server with just yourself? Meaning no chance of PvP.. How many hours?

I tend to play on private servers where you tend to get to know the other players and which shoot at others and which are more helpful. So while I might not have been alone on those servers I can safely say that I have spent upwards of 800 hours in the mod on servers where the people online at the time were not PVP orientated or only shot back, never started anything. In otherwords the chance of PVP was so low as to be non-existent.

(If you werent so damn defensive you would learn quickly that we pretty much are on the same page: PvE is an important aspect and makes the game what it is, but I also believe the game is almost entirely about PvP.)

No we are not because this statement is hypocritical. You can't say the game is almost entirely about PVP and that PVE is what makes it what it is. I'm not saying it's either or, but PVE being so important means it can't be 95% PVP.

My point of asking the OP my specific question is clear, and it had nothing to do with you. On your own, out of left fucking field you decided that you needed to call me out and get all forum warrior-ie on me, because Im guessing for some internal reason you though I was talking to you the whole time?

I'm being to believe you don't understand the point of discussion things on a public forum where anyone is allowed to respond to your comments in an open and free manner?


In any event, get over it.. its a game, and my opinion.. I really dont know what your point here is.

That your opinion is probably incorrect? That at least one experience invalidates your comment? I don't know I thought that was pretty clear... but then you don't get that forums are public discussions so....

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Oh, look... one of this threads....


Of course DayZ is more PvE than PvP....how you propose they make a "survival" game in which the "environment" isn't a threat ?

Why do certain people feel they can always be so judgemental and sarcastic. Last time I checked you are free to view or not view any thread. You can even preview the thread before you read it. 


I've seen threads about the 5.45 vs 5.52 bullets and length. I don't give a flying f about bullets. Can I put it in my gun and it go bang? Everything else I don't give a damn. And I'm a handloader. Do I go into that thread and ask, "Oh another one of these threads talking about bullets." No because I see the title, decide if it looks interesting and decide if I want to read the thread. Others find it interesting. Nobody forces me to read any thread. Not even the rules thread.


Tell me, Mr. Judge, what threads am I supposed to post?


I will post any topic I want. The only judge I need is the forum admin if I post something offensive.


In the meantime.... Go F-------ix yourself.

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Threads like this are pointless.... HOLD ON! I like you as a poster, RAM, as I think your threads and posts are well thought out... but that's why they're pointless.

Having any kind of civil discussion or "food for thought" is kinda pointless on these boards, as of late.

If you point out a flaw in the game, you're a hater. If you run into someone screaming and tell them to calm down, you're a fanboy.

There are still a few people I know as regulars who I've diagareed with, such as Grimey Rick, who I still like because (for the most part) they seem to know how to form a dissenting opinion / counter point while being intelligent about it.

But other than those few, this place is become a real daycare center.

I like you too Demoth :rolleyes: I have to disagree. Having a civil discussion is never pointless. Even discussing pointlessness. A few trolls who continue to prove, "Close your mouth, better to be thought a fool, then open it, and prove it". bother me, but will never shut me up. I will read other threads and discuss with decent folks and I hope they continue to read mine. If they aren't decent, I will back hand em. We should never allow anyone to shut us down and I won't let them.



 Now shall we discuss this pointlessness ^_^

Edited by RAM-bo4250
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Why do certain people feel they can always be so judgemental and sarcastic. Last time I checked you are free to view or not view any thread. You can even preview the thread before you read it. 


I've seen threads about the 5.45 vs 5.52 bullets and length. I don't give a flying f about bullets. Can I put it in my gun and it go bang? Everything else I don't give a damn. And I'm a handloader. Do I go into that thread and ask, "Oh another one of these threads talking about bullets." No because I see the title, decide if it looks interesting and decide if I want to read the thread. Others find it interesting. Nobody forces me to read any thread. Not even the rules thread.


Tell me, Mr. Judge, what threads am I supposed to post?


I will post any topic I want. The only judge I need is the forum admin if I post something offensive.


In the meantime.... Go F-------ix yourself.

Did i miss something here ?...for someone call "Rambo" you really act like a little kid. The debate of PvE V's PvP is old and boring, and honestly... i still trying to understand what is your "point"... if any... is you original post a rant or an observation ?..or you just posted the first crap that come across your head ?

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Did i miss something here ?...for someone call "Rambo" you really act like a little kid. The debate of PvE V's PvP is old and boring, and honestly... i still trying to understand what is your "point"... if any... is you original post a rant or an observation ?..or you just posted the first crap that come across your head ?

I act like the little kid. That's precious. THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD. You complain about the Alpha too, don't yer. Really, I don't think you understand anything. I'm pretty sure that 99.999999999999999999999% grasp the meaning of what I said.


Some people are just clueless.

Edited by RAM-bo4250

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I act like the little kid. That's precious. THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD. You complain about the Alpha too, don't yer. Really, I don't think you understand anything. I'm pretty sure that 99.999999999999999999999% grasp the meaning of what I said.


Some people are just clueless.

I posted a reply to your thread... if you don't like the comments, don't star a thread in the first place.. or maybe you was looking for a flaming war to star with ? You taking this far to personal... my comment wasn't even directed to you.

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Caution - monkey throwing feces  - Caution

Dude.. if you trying to be a "forum warrior" ...  .you failing miserably..


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Did i miss something here ?...for someone call "Rambo" you really act like a little kid. The debate of PvE V's PvP is old and boring, and honestly... i still trying to understand what is your "point"... if any... is you original post a rant or an observation ?..or you just posted the first crap that come across your head ?


Well, you did kind of come into his thread, call it pointless in a rather rude fashion. I can only imagine you posting that and sitting back while crossing your arms, whispering to your monitor, "I sure showed him".


Issue is, you have to think through what you're going to post, and what type of response you're going to elicit... or whether there's even any worth to telling people you don't like what they wrote.


It's like, I'm in my house, quietly playing music in my living room with other people. I posted a sign, perhaps, on my front lawn saying, "If you like classical music, come inside!" Then you rush in, kick my stereo system, and scream about how classical music is boring.

Edited by Demoth

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Well, you did kind of come into his thread, call it pointless in a rather rude fashion. I can only imagine you posting that and sitting back while crossing your arms, whispering to your monitor, "I sure showed him".


Issue is, you have to think through what you're going to post, and what type of response you're going to elicit... or whether there's even any worth to telling people you don't like what they wrote.


It's like, I'm in my house, quietly playing music in my living room with other people. I posted a sign, perhaps, on my front lawn saying, "If you like classical music, come inside!" Then you rush in, kick my stereo system, and scream about how classical music is boring.

I posted my opinion about PvE, and the fact that you can't have "survival" without something that you need to survive...Surviving other players is easy, and a "survival" game in which you just shoot everyone to survive... isn't survival.. is just a shooter game.

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Is amazing how many crybabies and "sensitive" people is in a game, where everyone KoS and tortures each other for fun...I think most people plays this game to overcompensate for their own insecurities in life.

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Surviving other players is easy, and a "survival" game in which you just shoot everyone to survive... isn't survival.. is just a shooter game.


That's the point. I totally agree.


And I hope the game somewhen reaches a point, that you from time to time have to cooperate with other survivors to handle a dangerous situation, not just shoot everyone you see. I don't talk about banning KoS from the game, but limiting it by the own needs of surviving.


But to balance this is sure very difficult for the developers. ;-)

Edited by dirrly
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I posted my opinion about PvE, and the fact that you can't have "survival" without something that you need to survive...Surviving other players is easy, and a "survival" game in which you just shoot everyone to survive... isn't survival.. is just a shooter game.


Then perhaps I'm not quite following the whole conversation, because in the OP, I don't really see a real cry to focus this entire game to be just a shooter. What am I missing here?

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Should start tough, PvP and PvE big towns many zombies being a threat amongst a race for the best scraps of gear needed for long term survival.

Police weaponry, strong melee weapons, food and storage before you leave town for the villages and forest.

The woods should be your main source of food, animals, ponds, plants, berries etc.

This should be sustainable PvE with occasional stalking and civilian weaponry firefights.

Once the player has found good police/ civilian gear he is ready to blast his way through zombies and increasingly hostile players at airfields.

This is how I remember the mod, the scuffle for starting gear, the relaxing Pv environmental effects in the middle.

Then the grind for amazing gear, vehicles in the endgame before the eventual discovery of your camp by other players.

Edited by AP_Norris

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What they should do though is get rid of the health regen.


Blood bags and eating cooked meat should be the only way to regain health (blood)


Blood bagging should require a second person.







To make the game harder.

Its too easy to get healthy and stay that way. The cooking/hunting is currently nothing more than a novelty and there is no real reward for going to all that effort to get some cooked meat. I can just bag of rice +  water source and then put the wedge back in the w. Cooked fish should yield even more benefits because of what's involved to catch and cook it, maybe let it replenish you slightly over 100% health.


And don't get me started on what's 'realistic' or not.

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To make the game harder.

Its too easy to get healthy and stay that way. The cooking/hunting is currently nothing more than a novelty and there is no real reward for going to all that effort to get some cooked meat. I can just bag of rice +  water source and then put the wedge back in the w. Cooked fish should yield even more benefits because of what's involved to catch and cook it, maybe let it replenish you slightly over 100% health.


And don't get me started on what's 'realistic' or not.

You are aware that this is all for testing purposes, right?  I am 100% sure that they will be tweaking the the hunger/thirst system.  The forums are already a shit show of people bitching and whining, could you imagine if people were constantly starving to death?   They'd have to close down the forums for a while to let people cool off.

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