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Why was Dayz Mod thrown to the dogs? (rant)

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One of two reasons or both- Rocket didn't care anymore or for the sake of popularity, what do I mean?


In the beginning server admins were not allowed to do ANYTHING except run the server, not even change the daylight hours as I recall, now? you can do anything you like, mod the shit out of it, a million variations on an idea which is pretty much lost now, everyone can be a shitty game designer based on Dayz mod, I have to admit that I haven't played them all but the ones I have mostly suck ASS and yes I appreciate some guys might have put hours into modding the mod but its not YOUR MOD why why why was this allowed to happen.


I will add, as former admin on one of the most popular UK dayz private hive servers I can appreciate the need to pay the server rent, but we only ever gave skins in return for donations.


Please do not tell me there's nothing anyone could do, this IS Dean Hall's intellectual property.


Rant over.



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Because Dayz isn't dayz anymore perhaps? even vanilla isn't vanilla, if you played from the beginning you have to realize its just not the same, its a half assed pvp game now.

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I kind of agree with OP here. The vanilla DayZ mod seems to have gone out with a whimper.

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Unfortunately, as far as the A2 mod is concerned rocket only owned his original code and assets as far as most legal system are concerned. (Im not a lawyer, may vary significantly in some places).


Several things killed the public hive mod imho;


1. the shared "hive" didnt really bring anything original to the table (outside of proof of concept), and was easy to exploit thru server hoping.

2. the lack of server owners to do ANYTHING (I was one for the record) coupeled with BEs horrible ban waves rather then instant banning, saw the infux of hackers. and exploiters.

3. It's a mod. People like different things, as long as thier not selling for profit I say good on em' for creating more options for players to choose from.

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DayZ idea evolved ,for better or for worse (worse if you ask me), once it shifted to the hands the community. As it turns out for the vanilla mod the effort was destructive, GameSpy service shutdown didn't help it either.

Edited by zyad

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Of course the mod is cared for once standalone came it could've been tossed away esp after gamespy shutdown but its still being developed and imo vanilla 1.8.1 is the best/most difficult yet from a survival perspective I could play it as a single player game.

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