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LFM - UK/Euro players!

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Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the game - me and my friend both bought the game two days ago - and basically I'm looking for some European players to come and join us (well there are 3 of us now but we're gearing up our newest member).

We have a TS server and we're just looking for people to come and join us. Doesn't matter if you're a complete noob and installed the game 2 minutes ago or if you've had it for weeks, as long as you can actually play - i.e. follow instructions, don't aggro, call stuff out and most importantly don't try to betray anyone then you're welcome.

We usually play on a EU 30 - a French server with 25 slots. We follow a modified shoot-on-sight rule - if a target doesn't identify themselves as friendly after 2 seconds of a callout then they're dead.

If you see my in game (FrostDMG) call out that you're friendly in direct chat and lower your weapon immediately. If you hear me shout "friendly do not fire" you have 2 seconds to either reply/salute and you can be sure I will not fire.

See you guys on the server!

P.S. - Forgot to add - you've got to be able to speak English :D

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I'd like to team up! I'm from Denmark but I speak and understand English pretty well! Just one question, can you play in 3rd person in EU30? I really don't like 1st view :P

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I would like you join up with you and your friends.

Im from the UK, 24 years old and have a mic for TS3.

I have played the mod for about 4/5 days now, can happily play solo but would like to try and play in a group. I fully understand teamwork and tactics as I am normally playing competitive CSS. Add me and give me a chance. steam (Wr4th88).

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I'd like to team up! I'm from Denmark but I speak and understand English pretty well! Just one question' date=' can you play in 3rd person in EU30? I really don't like 1st view :P


yep EU30 is a regular server :)

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Im game!!! please add me on skype SuperstarRat, I have a mic etc

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Id like to join ya,From Ireland 17 years old and i know exactly what how to play.

have mic for teamspeak. steam and skype= A55A55IN8R

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I would love to join you guys. 21yo from Belgium. Fluent in English and looking to learn the ropes of this mod.

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Yo got the game 2 days ago, been playing solo kinda sucks. erm got some equipment on me, tent :) and a weapon. looking to join, got mic. from the UK

steam: curious_kid

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Installing the game as I'm writing this, would like to join you guys ^^ I'm from Finland and I talk fluent english. I'm not new to realistic fps games, I've played Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising and that game really rocks hehe, can't wait to try this out!

PM me the TS3 ip and pass will ya :)


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Hi im 21 from UK. In game name is Billy Bob.

Add me on steam: NinjaTurkey17

Been playing for a few weeks now, got about 150 hours on here.

I have a mic and use TS3 all the time.

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I want too join, ive been going solo on this for about 2 weeks now, im in need of some team mates, add me



also have ts3 aswell.

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Hey, im swedish! Playin all the time! Pm skype,Ts3 and ill join i like to play the game serious i hope you do it too :)

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