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Got my first two PVP kills in dayZ today.

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I encountered some bandits at the military base at the NW airfield, I didn't see them so the gunshots took me by surprise, I made a run for the east while zigzagging to avoid getting shot, after humming some cowboy music whilst hiding behind a rock I decided to try taking them on. I decided to sneak outside of the airfield and run along the fence so they didn't see me.


I managed to find both of them, huddled together (Hasn't anyone every taught you to stay a bit separated even while you are in a team?) I took this opportunity and emptied a thirty round AKM mag into them, I didn't even aim I just used hipfire. By the time the mag was empty they both died, I got a magnum off of one of their bodies and took off.


Now I feel more confident when I go into PVP battles, also I was humming cowboy music through my microphone the entire time that I was fighting them, just so I didn't lose my composure (whenever I'm surprised my hand will often get a bit jittery making it harder to aim.)

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nothing to sooth your own nerves like some cowboy music,

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nothing to sooth your own nerves like some cowboy music,

Hell yea, when I fired at them they thought I was long gone so they just stared at me for like a second before I sprayed them over.

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omg that profile pic

I'm that kind of player, because I don't want to go down in history as a combat logging jerk, but a survivor that runs around helping people and giving them random loot.

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Always like to read stuff like this. As I'm still mostly new in this 3 weeks of playing I as well had an awesome fight. As I started to roleplay a lone wolf sniper guy running along the outskirts of Airstrip and Krasnostav (place I decided to operate) I've noticed two fully geared players getting out of the ATC and going towards Krasnostav. I had a feeling in my guts that they were trouble. As I was curious I decided to follow them for a bit to see if they were bandits. I've kept moving carefully through the forest and bushes in the outskirts of Krasnostav, finally got some guts to come closer with some ninja skills. They were running around the town and some barn south of the town. They managed to run by me on less then 5 meters twice without noticing me, thank god for the grass and a nice green camouflage gear I'm going for. They entered middle of the town from the south side near the food store. And again I slowly moved towards them, being careful and went for the Ashwood tree which is by far my favorite tree for hiding. I stand there and proceed to looking at them and thinking of my next moves, next thing you know they notice two semi-geared guys and that bandit duo KOS-ed them on sight. I felt sorry for them but that's how it is in dayz life. I was still inside the Ashwood tree standing and leaning, I aimed down the site and went for the kill. I managed to get them both while they were running around and trying to loot the guys outside the food store. And as I always do after shots been fired, I went straight towards the woods to avoid any bad situation which I wouldn't be able to control from the start. 

It all took about 20-30 minutes, I really enjoyed it and it felt like I'm inside a movie. This character lived for almost 2 weeks and died while I was logging off in a bad spot ^-^. I managed to kill around 15-20 players, mostly bandits I guess. Tried as much as to avoid killing new players/spawns, had to kill one crazy axe guy, his fault for going for me. I like the role I took and thankfully this game allows me to be whatever I want to be :)

Edited by Miracool
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I didn't lose my composure (whenever I'm surprised my hand will often get a bit jittery making it harder to aim.)




this goes away after a while you will get used to it. it happens to most people best thing to do is not get attached to your gear if you do that jitteriness will never leave. gearing up is fast and easy  atm . honestly I hope it slows down a bit. would be nice to make it so you actually had to try to survive I know its alpha so im hoping for the best with beta drop.

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I didn't lose my composure (whenever I'm surprised my hand will often get a bit jittery making it harder to aim.)




this goes away after a while you will get used to it. it happens to most people best thing to do is not get attached to your gear if you do that jitteriness will never leave. gearing up is fast and easy  atm . honestly I hope it slows down a bit. would be nice to make it so you actually had to try to survive I know its alpha so im hoping for the best with beta drop.


About gearing fast, I agree. I managed to get fully geared from the fresh in just one night and even found 2 long range scopes on the way. Just missing the bandana, green one to tie it over my face. I just don't know where to search for them.

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I'm that kind of player, because I don't want to go down in history as a combat logging jerk, but a survivor that runs around helping people and giving them random loot.

You should defenetly change that attitude to


"Trading players for random loot"


We need more Traveling Traders like myself.

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You should defenetly change that attitude to


"Trading players for random loot"


We need more Traveling Traders like myself.

no offense but being a traveling trader atm is pointless with server hopping and crazy amount of loot spawns atm. if they nerf the spawns then yea that would be a great idea.

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no offense but being a traveling trader atm is pointless with server hopping and crazy amount of loot spawns atm. if they nerf the spawns then yea that would be a great idea.

Everyone always needs bullets


And I need those batteries from fresh spawns.


Even if, I could care less if I trade a AKM for a can of beans, the fact that im playing the role I want to play suits me and gives me alot more enjoyment out of the game.


I really cant wait for Radios to actually work in-game so I can announce my trade routes, and deal with bandits, and people needing supplies, and other things.

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I didn't lose my composure (whenever I'm surprised my hand will often get a bit jittery making it harder to aim.)




this goes away after a while you will get used to it. it happens to most people best thing to do is not get attached to your gear if you do that jitteriness will never leave. gearing up is fast and easy  atm . honestly I hope it slows down a bit. would be nice to make it so you actually had to try to survive I know its alpha so im hoping for the best with beta drop.


I don't get attached to my gear, it's just the general shock of suddenly hearing gunshots out of the blue sort of like a jump scare.


Also I don't really trade because I mostly help out fresh spawns (Giving them food and some rags), although sometimes I'll team up with more well geared people (I've already made some friends on the server I'm on that I know I can trust.)

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omg that profile pic


Haha it really is great  :lol:

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I some times have large gaps of time were I don't kill anyone. Some times a week or more, then theres gaps of time were I don't even play. Im so fucking cuatous these days I practicly have to look for trouble. Then there are times were its none stop pvp. I can relate sometimes the pvp gets really intence and super fun. High Octane pvp. My 1st kill was a mercy kill LOL some player ran up to me and asked me to kill him so he could respawn LOL My combat kill I killed player that was harassing me with a fire exstinguisher haha


About 2 months ago I had day of pvp I'll never forget in DayZ in an apartment building in barizino. My group had been running around in the streets moving from one building next. We were slowly getting picked off and getting in fire fights left and right. Half the group logged off, people were getting shot. I came up with the idea....lets take over an apartment building and snipe out it. So we did. I took up the top floor other player in the group watched the stairs. With in 1 hour I shot 4 or 5 players dead, and fired at serveral others. But it didn't take long for people to figure us out though. Players started spawning in our building LOL we were drawing allot of attention and fire. There were players shooting at us from the 2 apartment buildings across the street too LOL so it turned into this masive gun fight....so much fun...The best part that gave me the most satisfaction and confidence boost...was all the pvp we saw that day I survived with out a scratch. The vary next night I was shot through a window up in kelm...and died..I was not able to recover my gear so I had to start from scratch..DayZ has a way of bursting that ego really fast LOL


But what I really took from that day, is the mosin with long range..can be fucking deadly in game if used properly. It became one of my vary favarote rifles in the game from that day forward. They say its nerfed now....I think its still effective.

Edited by CJFlint

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Good for you I got 6 kills with mosin in berezino. All on armed players.

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