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Well, that was awkward....

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So I broke my leg on a door up north, near Stary. I JUST got to Cherno hospital (YES, I crawled the entire way. It took over two and a half hours)

I get to Cherno. The hospital, and several other buildings are just leveled. I'm kinda cut, 'cos y'know, I wanted morphine for the many hour journey.

Is this even possible legitimately? And if it's not... HOW does one just *level* a building in DayZ? Do frag grenades manage that?

It dropped my frames (usually 60) to about 10 too. This was on Seattle 126.

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Well I doubt it took you 2 and a half hours, I died after about 20-30 minutes of a broken leg without getting morphine.

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So I broke my leg on a door up north' date=' near Stary. I JUST got to Cherno hospital (YES, I crawled the entire way. It took over two and a half hours)

I get to Cherno. The hospital, and several other buildings are just leveled. I'm kinda cut, 'cos y'know, I wanted morphine for the many hour journey.

Is this even possible legitimately? And if it's not... HOW does one just *level* a building in DayZ? Do frag grenades manage that?

It dropped my frames (usually 60) to about 10 too. This was on Seattle 126.


hehe amazing you crawled all that way.. but next time try respawning. believe me gear means nothing and you will find better fun while playing for 2,5 hours without crawling. and it doesnt seems legit to level a building. maybe someone found a rocket launcher - but its for vehicles, not to level buildings as far as I know.maybe some vet have better answer for this but it doesnt seem legit to me.

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Well I doubt it took you 2 and a half hours' date=' I died after about 20-30 minutes of a broken leg without getting morphine.


Well I doubt you died due to your broken leg.

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People like to blow up hospitals and other high loot buildings with duped/hacked satchel charges lately. That's what the DayZ community has become.

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hehe amazing you crawled all that way.. but next time try respawning. believe me gear means nothing and you will find better fun while playing for 2' date='5 hours without crawling.


I set my little guy up on South, pinned my W key down and let him go free.

Yeah, I just thought fuck it. I had 200 zed kills and didn't feel like starting again (even though I would have had to spend that long getting new stuff anyway...). I had to log out from the framedrop to a new server, I got my morphine in the end at the back of the hospital :)

Funny story though, I was heading OUT of Cherno after I got it, and I see a dead body of a survivor. He had a coyote (elite) pack, with NVG, GPS, rangefinder, AS50 + 5 M107 rounds, an M4A1 CCO SD in his pack, an M9 SD with 6 mags, blood bags, morphine, you name it. EVERYTHING.

So because I crawled all the way back, it turned out that I got every bit of gear and awesome weapons. The universe decided to reward my efforts :)

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Satchel Charges do the job.

And no, they are not hacked in or duped. I have found a few myself, one in a barracks and the other in an airfield tower.

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Satchel Charges do the job.

And no' date=' they are not hacked in or duped. I have found a few myself, one in a barracks and the other in an airfield tower.


If you have enough to take out a hospital (not sure how much damage needs to be done) then I'm sure they're duped. The charges are extremely rare, and I'm quite sure you need more than one.

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I think I leveled a building on accident by spawning inside it a couple of weeks ago. Logged out to join a buddiy on another server while I was inside the fire station in the middle of elektro. As I join his server I hear the loudest explosion while it's loading and then I'm standing on rubble as my view clears. I stumble down it and get away from the place, thinking someone has a rocket or more explosives, but as I sit in town no more explosions and no one else seems to be near me. Considering it happened right when I logged on, but somehow didn't even hurt me, the more I thought on it, the more I think I may have somehow clipped into the wall, or upset the physics or something. So, I dunno, maybe someone logged out too close to the wall?

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I've heard of a Smoke Grenade glitch that does massive damage to buildings as well but if several buildings were leveled I'd put my money on a hacker.

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^^ I threw a smoke grenade accidentally inside a building once. Left a big hole in the building and tons of zombies running my way xD

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Satchels are legit, we found a handful in a camp, 2-3 satchels should be sufficient.

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hehe amazing you crawled all that way.. but next time try respawning. believe me gear means nothing and you will find better fun while playing for 2' date='5 hours without crawling.


I set my little guy up on South, pinned my W key down and let him go free.

Yeah, I just thought fuck it. I had 200 zed kills and didn't feel like starting again (even though I would have had to spend that long getting new stuff anyway...). I had to log out from the framedrop to a new server, I got my morphine in the end at the back of the hospital :)

Funny story though, I was heading OUT of Cherno after I got it, and I see a dead body of a survivor. He had a coyote (elite) pack, with NVG, GPS, rangefinder, AS50 + 5 M107 rounds, an M4A1 CCO SD in his pack, an M9 SD with 6 mags, blood bags, morphine, you name it. EVERYTHING.

So because I crawled all the way back, it turned out that I got every bit of gear and awesome weapons. The universe decided to reward my efforts :)

Strangely a lot of people have such gear these days.

I shot 3 guys with the same loot (well one had a L85A2 CWS and no m4) in 2 days now. Duping, farming on low population servers or closed servers plus hacking seems to be the way to go lately.

I seriously have no idea what to do with all the loot you find lately. I stored 3 NVG in a tent but what for? The rest I always bury.

Hackers are the new face of DayZ...

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Two friends of mine were shot by a tank (yes, a tank) 2 days ago.

Never knew there are tank spawns :/

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Two friends of mine were shot by a tank (yes' date=' a tank) 2 days ago.

Never knew there are tank spawns :/


createVehicle can do all kinds of stuff :)

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Yeah the last thing I would be expecting coming over a hill is to be staring down the barrel of a T72 rofl, The hacker bit makes it pretty lame though naturally.

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Two friends of mine were shot by a tank (yes' date=' a tank) 2 days ago.

Never knew there are tank spawns :/


There arent tanks in DayZ. It was a hacked vehicle.

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