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Eugen on new Engine Modules: "growth hurdles are mostly gone"

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Since the DevTracker doesn't really get updated enough (seriously, I'd volunteer to help update it), I'll post this here:



Q: "Is there any ETA for this "tech to support the vision" (like Q4 2014)? "

A: "I see the snowball effect already happening. Understand though we will get these modules (as in Animation,AI,Sensors,Sound,Particles etc.) one at a time. They take a lot of mandays, and me making a guess is almost the same as making a promise. And Im not at a point where I feel confident enough to make those unless Im 100% sure. What I can say is that I know we will get there. The team is strong, and growth hurdles are mostly gone. We`re in for the long haul and want to see this game flourish down the road."

Edited by WhiteZero

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sounds like the team is growing to speed now since the last major employment?

Snowball effect is always good, hopefully we're 'over the hump' now :)

I'd still put a base-release time no earlier than Q3 2015 personally.

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