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Vehicular Travel.

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So I know vehicles are probably a long ways a way... However, how far are vehicles like Mountain Bikes away? Will something like that be released first? :o

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They've said they plan on releasing bicycles first, and they're working away on vehicles! Check out the bottom bits of the latest dev hub weekly reports.

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Oddly enough, I can't see why they want to release bicycles first, of all the vehicles.


I mean, yes, it's a very simple vehicle, but it's also the only simple vehicle. Not a particularly smart choice for something supposed to test vehicle mechanics, in my opinion. Not representing the average vehicle very well.

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the problem is that they will be rare and broken.


instead of common and broken.


and with that hive loot people will need to server hop.




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and with that hive loot people will need to server hop.


I don't think server hopping in this case will do anyone much good. Usually, you server hop one place like a military compound, loot everything, then go on to the next server, because that military compound is one of the only places where the items you want can spawn.


With vehicle parts, dynamic loot respawn and global loot tables, that's a bit of a different story. You can server hop, but it won't do you any good unless you know for a certainty what server the part you need is on. Vehicle parts will (if it's similar to the mod) be able to spawn pretty much anywhere. Server hopping one single tool shack won't get you anywhere. There are just too many of them.

Edited by James Hawke
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EDIT: I should stop drinking. Please excuse the double post.

Edited by James Hawke

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But for testing things, like a player/driver, variable parts, physics, etc, bikes may be a good first option - In essence aren't all other vehicles simply deviations of these basic components (even helicopters)? Some will have more player "slots", more required parts, etc, but for the most part I think you will find that they will simply be a "up-scaled" set of basic features which you will find in bikes.


Getting a simple vehicle like the bike right will make it easier to up-scale to other more interesting types... 

Edited by Hoik

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Well the bike doesn't need fuel. It also doesn't need much of a bodywork. Or a windshield. Or engine parts.

I just think they should start with a vehicle with which it is possible to test most important vehicular gameplay mechanics, if not all. The bicycle just seems too simple to me.

Edited by James Hawke
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They've actually hinted that bikes probably won't be first and it will likely be a small car or something instead, which I really hope is true.  Hicks mentioned it in a few streams, but we'll see.


We already run as fast as bikes, and bikes are extremely solo in terms of gameplay.  Vehicles work best as a group goal/tool, so I'd rather see a small car.  It's not that solo players should get the shaft, but the only benefit for a solo player with a bike is they get from point A to B faster, where as with a group and a car it opens up more options.


Also, if they take the approach they did to guns they should really make the most complex ground vehicles first to get all the systems/mechanics in place.  They've stated that's why they chose the m4 as the first weapon to fully implement, and it makes sense.  You make the hardest thing first, then everything else is easier.  Which I just noticed is what James Hawke said above me.

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Well the bike doesn't need fuel. It also doesn't need much of a bodywork. Or a windshield. Or engine parts.

I just think they should start with a vehicle with which it is possible to test most important vehicular gameplay mechanics, if not all. The bicycle just seems too simple to me.


From the basic bicycle mechanic they can quickly move towards motor bikes and off road bikes, which would allow them to design and test all those mechanics you mentioned.   They are just taking baby steps in the process.  Personally I hope they don't over do vehicles, I don't want to see military grade vehicles and the game map already seems small enough without adding in vehicular travel.

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Doesn't matter really.


Vehicles will be introduced but if they are anything like the Vanilla mod they will be so rare that you will not really encounter them often.


They will honestly have very little impact on the game.

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Hicks has stated in one of his past streams that bicycle's will NOT be the first "vehicles" implemented, he did not say what it would be though. The rumour mill started this "bicycle" thing and was never stated by the devs.


A bicycle will not test fuel consumption, parts acquirement and the like. We will most likely see an ATV or something similar imo.

Edited by R.Neville

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Something like this would be a better test bed. Takes passengers,open topped,small,frail,Eastern European:



Off topic, but are the 2 dudes next to the bridge having an argument? they look pretty pissed!

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Doesn't matter really.

Vehicles will be introduced but if they are anything like the Vanilla mod they will be so rare that you will not really encounter them often.

They will honestly have very little impact on the game.

I think server hopping might help that problem ;)

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Hicks has stated in one of his past streams that bicycle's will NOT be the first "vehicles" implemented, he did not say what it would be though. The rumour mill started this "bicycle" thing and was never stated by the devs.


A bicycle will not test fuel consumption, parts acquirement and the like. We will most likely see an ATV or something similar imo.

Hmm if by rumour mill you mean rocket about 3 months ago saying they had most of a bike ready to go and just needed to clean up some files. It was during his game talk streaming live play of Dayz but nothing more was said about it after that. So um yeah i guess devs start rumours(although he said bike not bicycle.)


But hey i am happy to wait and see when and wait they put in as a first vehicle as really in the end they will be pretty rare so it wont be much of a game changer just give clans and small groups of people a task to do. As for the guy saying a bike only allows 1 person to get from A to B faster but a car opens up so many more options what extra options does it open up?? getting multple people from A to B faster??

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Hmm if by rumour mill you mean rocket about 3 months ago saying they had most of a bike ready to go and just needed to clean up some files. It was during his game talk streaming live play of Dayz but nothing more was said about it after that. So um yeah i guess devs start rumours(although he said bike not bicycle.)


But hey i am happy to wait and see when and wait they put in as a first vehicle as really in the end they will be pretty rare so it wont be much of a game changer just give clans and small groups of people a task to do. As for the guy saying a bike only allows 1 person to get from A to B faster but a car opens up so many more options what extra options does it open up?? getting multple people from A to B faster??


Could easily be a motorbike. Hicks specifically said it "wouldn't be a bicycle" and ended it at that and this was within the past month or so.


Only way we'll know for sure what it is, is when it gets here. Saying that, I highly doubt it will be a bicycle.  ;)

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Could easily be a motorbike. Hicks specifically said it "wouldn't be a bicycle" and ended it at that and this was within the past month or so.


Only way we'll know for sure what it is, is when it gets here. Saying that, I highly doubt it will be a bicycle.  ;)

Yeah thats why i specified he said bike not bicycle because it could be very likely a simple motorbike first as it would cover pretty much all the mechanics required for more complicated vehicles( but now i am just speculating on the scraps we have heard as yeah i recall hicks saying not a bicycle) ah the joys of trying to piece together cryptic cluees sprinkled in streams tweets and posts on reddit LOL...

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Something like this would be a better test bed. Takes passengers,open topped,small,frail,Eastern European:




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Doesn't matter really.


Vehicles will be introduced but if they are anything like the Vanilla mod they will be so rare that you will not really encounter them often.


They will honestly have very little impact on the game.


You are smokin' dope. Vehicles were a common occurance in the vanilla mod. I found at least three out in the woods every 5-hour play session I had on weekends. That and people always were crying for rides in sidechat. They will be a game-changer in terms of how people congregate, move across the map, and will change the objectives of play substantially. And I suspect I'll be finding them all the more frequently now that the wilderness has been significantly marginalized (thus narrowing the possible hiding locations substantially). Personally, I don't think vehicles themselves should be overly rare.


However, vehicles should be spawning in near total disrepair (because a rusting husk is useless on its own, but a chassis with four wheels and a working engine is easy to get working again)...


Vehicles should have specific, not generic, repair parts (i.e. Military Offroad Engine Block, Bicycle Tire, Skoda Gas Tank, etc.)...


The specific repair parts should be rarer overall (but not managed by the hive, which is a silly idea for helicopters)....


Vehicles should require specific, not generic, tools to accomplish a specific repair...


The specific repair parts should, for one, be more varied (i.e. Military Offroad Intake, Military Offroad Exhaust Manifold, Military Offroad Battery, etc.) and secondly should require an actual procedure (call it a mini-game for all I care) to install, vice an automatic animation...


Vehicles should require gasoline as a fixed/finite/dynamically allocated resource on the server (rather than an infinite resource which was all over the map)...


Do all that, and how common the vehicle spawns are won't matter. I think people, not you in particular, really have a warped view of what vehicles were in the mod. The biggest contributor to their commonality wasn't the rate at which they spawned, the overall numbers, or their locations. It was the fact that the repair parts were generic, the fact that things like gasoline were in infinite supply, and the fact that they were just plain inconsequential to operate.


That and the only vehicle that was truly advantageous in terms of being able to control the map, was the helicopter. And even then, that's primarily to do with how inconsequential it was to operate (i.e. innate door-mounted machine guns with server restart spawning ammunition) offensively.

Edited by Katana67

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Hey i like your ideas and hope they implement them in pretty much that fashion ( the idea that vehicles would be rare isnt so much that they themselves are rare but working ones driven by people will be if they are as hard to get running and maintain as they should be and you yourself have sugested.


Vehicles were not rare in the mod between the 1000 vehicle servers and the mods of the mod eg epoch where you could buy a vehicle!! I for one would hope we dont go down that track when they are rare they are special ( that fear as a lone wolf hearing a vehicle coming running for cover or in a group going hmm can we gank that ride etc.


But besides a mil vehicle or if its possible a heavily modified crafted vehicle i cant see it being a huge game changer, sure they will allow for faster flow around the map but if there are few running then it will just be one or 2 groups moving aqround fast while the rest of us go about our day to day ( with maybe the added quest of hmm can i stalk the vehicle wait for clan we awesome to hide there vehicle in the bush and gank that shit..


Civ vehicles will be pretty weak to small arms fire so risking your new ride in a possible shoot out will be costly time and parts wise(not to mention potentially lethal.


Dont get me wrong i look forward to seeing how they put them in but for the many people here who seem to think it will be like the mod ( or like epoch were almost everyone got a vehicle) I hope there sadly mistaken more and more of something lessens the value of it . You know they think everyone will get one by the why add a stamina in now wait to vehicles type cry when anything that may slow your movement happens( they all think there walking/jogging /running dayz will be over there all going to be low riding that shizzz..

Edited by SoulFirez

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Oddly enough, I can't see why they want to release bicycles first, of all the vehicles.


I mean, yes, it's a very simple vehicle, but it's also the only simple vehicle. Not a particularly smart choice for something supposed to test vehicle mechanics, in my opinion. Not representing the average vehicle very well.


Do we already know what the average vehicle will be?  Is there a list I can check out?  All I have heard about so far is a bicycle and ATV.  I figured there wouldn't be much beyond things such as those, since gasoline shipments would likely stop in an apocalypse.


Just give me a horse and a lasso, please!  I want to be a cowboy!

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Lol what? It used to be many vehicles in the mod? I almost spewed all my cereal there. It was like around 25ish vehicles, in the old mod. It could vary a little because vehicle save and spawn was bugged. Ppl were crying coz they couldn't even find a bike. We had 50 slot server, which was always full at daylight. It took 2 weeks before some hackers from reddit figured out where my team had our camp. Our camp wasn't even placed outside the border. We had about 20 vehicles in that csmp... No one was asking for a ride in the chat, coz there was no global chat back then. 20-30 vehicle's was perfect for the old Chernarus map. I quit playing when helis and too many ppl were hacking. Helis were to OP and having a base was pointless. The pilots would easily spot them.

Edited by Heradon2k

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I do want vehicles to be rare, I want that sense of "omg I made this" once It's up and running.


And why I suggested bicycles first.. Just something so it's not a running simulator I guess? Just make bikes go a tiny faster than run speed to give the sense of travel I suppose o:. And bikes would be the easiest to make, I THINK! don't quote me on that :P!

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