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For the "noobs" who think this game is too hard.

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Hey guys,

I just downloaded the game yesterday night, installed it this morning ... so far I have a total of 30min life on my first character.

I have not looked at any tutorials, I only have some experience in Arma 2 (been playing arma 2 for some time)

So yeah, this is for those who think the game is "Too hard" / "unplayable".


1- Stealth

The game is a simulation of what a Zombie Apocalypse could be like, people irl will kill you if thay have no other solution for their survival, so don't complain about people killing you.

You have various stances, use them !!!

Crouch walk & Prone are your best friends when you start unarmed.

2- Head for the city

That is usually where you will find loads of "goodies".

Yes it is where most people will be, so again, be stealthy !!!

3- Once you got your stuff, head north for the "real game"

Not much to add, staying along the coast has really boored me.

Now you might want to say "but I am unarmed and have no gear", well guess what I have been playing this mod for around 30-40 minutes (I am a "fresh noob") but I use my brain.

I have noticed that my position is saved from server to server (unless I die, duh)

So what does my brain tell me ?

Simple, I have nothing, so I might aswell stack up on goodies that will allow me to travel and survive:

- Spawn

- Go to an "item spawn spot" (aka a house, a barne ... you name it)

- Nothing on the floor ?

- Disconnect, change server ...

- Still nothing ?

- Change server again !!

- Wow you find stuff, take what you need

- Disconnect, change server ...

Etc ... do that till you have a decent Hand Gun / Rifle, ammo, food & drinks, medical supplies ...

Then head north for the real stuff or what ever tickles your fancy.

Video coming soon for the illiterate who can't understand.


Sure this kinda takes the fun of scavenging and raiding away ... but it is for those who just can't quit complaining thay have "no way to survive" ...

I am not encouraging this practice, as the game looses it's "survival" aspect ... anyway, cya on the servers.

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So you actually farm using server hopping for like getting the basic stuff that everybody gets in less than 40 minutes if you don't server hop.

Guess who is the noob here ?

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Never said I was pro, this is for those who can't stop complaining that the game is too hard.

Farming, whatever ... it's gathering the basics.

Also, if I am not intrested in "strugeling" to find stuff at the start befor I can go north, that's really none of your buisness.

I don't encourage this practise, but yeah.

If someone does not want to spend time trying to find stuff, he should be able to do what he wants.

Except hacing obviously.

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Promoting exploits, no good.

I think we've met before.

Posting priveleges removed + 50% perma warning.

Have a nice dayZ

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Promoting exploits' date=' no good.

I think we've met before.

Posting priveleges removed + 50% perma warning.

Have a nice dayZ


Nope, never met befor, first time here.

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The problem for new players is to find that sweet spot where he can actually find a gun and defend himself. Server hopping does not really help with that.

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I don't encourage this practise' date=' but yeah.


Yet you make a thread telling people to do it....ok.

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"Nope, never met befor, first time here."

We all make mistakes...

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