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Sometimes you have to go to extra lengths to find friendly people in DayZ. In this case I had to sing.

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After spending most of a day looking to meet friendly people and failing. I decided to become friends with a group of people whether they liked it or not.


The song I am playing is an abridged version of 'foundations' by Kate Nash.



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You are my new hero. We should have an in-game jam session some time.  


Except I'm in San Diego, CA so I don't know about the ping.


Why do people have to be so absolutely terrible?  It's like the vast majority are missing every part of their brain that could enjoy anything besides other people's misfortune.  Very sad yet uplifting tale of humanity.  A true martyr.

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You are my new hero. We should have an in-game jam session some time.  


Except I'm in San Diego, CA so I don't know about the ping.


Why do people have to be so absolutely terrible?  It's like the vast majority are missing every part of their brain that could enjoy anything besides other people's misfortune.  Very sad yet uplifting tale of humanity.  A true martyr.


People like this can be frustrating. However I think I would be bored without them. Part of what makes it so fun for me is finding people like this, then trying to talk (or in this case sing) your way out of getting shot. It does not always work, but I talked to one of the guys from that group on steam not so long after. He seemed like a really nice person, but told me that a few of his people thought I was sent up as a distraction as there was another group that was trying to kill them. It is understandable, if a little mean.

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lol was waiting for one of them to shoot you in the face at the end.


with a group that size, and especially in this game, statistically there had to be at least one kos jackass.  nice try though - have some beans.

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Occasionally you come across a video in the forums.. out of hundreds that get posted up, that literally surprises you in a good way :)


Thanks for the share! It's a shame I can only donate 1 can of beans..

Edited by NuckFuts

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This was really nice. it's these sorts of videos that reminds me that there are awesome people in the community. Whoever shot you was a cock.

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You are my new hero. We should have an in-game jam session some time.  


Except I'm in San Diego, CA so I don't know about the ping.


Why do people have to be so absolutely terrible?  It's like the vast majority are missing every part of their brain that could enjoy anything besides other people's misfortune.  Very sad yet uplifting tale of humanity.  A true martyr.

It's because they're trolls. Most people who play DayZ are selfish and would do anything for their gear. It's why DayZ can never truly be realistic.

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if you had bumped into me and done that i'd have given you everything i had.

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if you had bumped into me and done that i'd have given you everything i had.

Well i must try to bump into you sometime!

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Great show. Maybe one day our paths will cross. Don't give up my man.

Deep down you must of known a group that big the chances of walking out of there alive were slim to none. But it would of been so funny if you had dropped a grenade just after playing the song. :D

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