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Looking For Someone To Play DayZ Overpoch Or Standalone

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I am currently looking for someone to play DayZ Standalone and DayZ Overpoch/Epoch With. Looking for people 14+ and can record.
I would like to play with people in PST or some timezone close. Post your Skype so I can Skype you.

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I am currently looking for someone to play DayZ Standalone and DayZ Overpoch/Epoch With. Looking for people 14+ and can record.


I would like to play with people in PST or some timezone close. Post your Skype so I can Skype you.

Do you own DayZ SA or Mod ?

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Hi, there. I just got the game and I'm loving it, but I need battle buddies. I'm preferably looking for a clan, and I can cover anything from survivor to bandit depending on circumstances. I tend to stream pretty much any time that I play, and my computer's well capable of recording. I use teamspeak, mumble, ventrillo and skype. My skype handle is ambrose.ce

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Im looking for a parner as well, Im a well experienced player with a solid year of playing under my belt. Im looking for someone to team up with who is also an experienced player. Right now I'm playing on a Taviana server and want to become the dominant force on the server, but its difficult to do that alone and I'm looking to partner up. Let me know if you're interested :)

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hello im making a clan me and 2 ffriendds maybe another soon but small i am only one with mod 1 of my friends has standalone we play but hasnt been on but we also play unturned as well and we are bandit clan just steam me im killerzombeeboy can tag (ZaW) i need ppl with mics for better comunication im 15 male just need ppl to help out i like to stick to shadows and sniper as well as go in loud some times can kill ppl unless against 3+ ppl so need help if anyone interested 

Edited by killerzombeeboy

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I am also looking for someone to play Dayz Overpoch with. Im age 15, message me on steam if you are interested in playing. Steam Username: Hannah_is_my_bitch

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