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Dayz Mod with a picture from Dayz Standalone.....mindblow

Edited by svisketyggeren
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The mod has been in development for almost 3 years.

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The mod has been in development for almost 3 years.

I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. DayZ SA has been in development since "early" 2012. The alpha was supposed to have been release November 2012.



DayZ developer Dean "Rocket" Hall has been going over his plans for DayZ at the Eurogamer Expo. "It has to be out before the end of the year," he said. "Not just because we've committed to it but in order to achieve what we have to do. It has to be. There's no 'we hope it is'; it has to be.




"I think the most important thing is we deal with hacking, bugs, duping, new content, tidying up some of the features and expanding them a bit," he said. "I think if we can get that base -- by the end of November or December -- then that means January and February will be really happy, fun times."



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The SA is based off the Mod. It shares a tremendous amount of data between the two. Honestly when the game hits beta I would be surprised if the game offers anywhere near what Overpoch offers in terms of features...

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But can you take off your shoes in the mod yet?  No? You'll never be able to? Ok.


I loved the mod, I played the shit out of it, but comparing the two is ridiculous.  The mod simply can't do things the SA can do, that's the entire point.  It will always be a mod, they are creating a game now.

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But can you take off your shoes in the mod yet?  No? You'll never be able to? Ok.


I loved the mod, I played the shit out of it, but comparing the two is ridiculous.  The mod simply can't do things the SA can do, that's the entire point.  It will always be a mod, they are creating a game now.


Taking shoes off < Base Building, vehicles, trading posts, ect ect ect...


SA will eventually surpass the mod with features (at least I hope..), but the amount of time required to achieve this point is almost laughable...

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Taking shoes off < Base Building, vehicles, trading posts, ect ect ect...


SA will eventually surpass the mod with features (at least I hope..), but the amount of time required to achieve this point is almost laughable...


Then play the mod in the mean time?  I don't see the issue and why people try to make a comparison.

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Are people really that impatient? Things take time to do right. Hence why they have this thing called "standalone" now. This "now, now, now" culture in gaming these days is absurd.


As long as I'm told why something is taking a while (which Rocket has been very up front about), then take all the time you need.

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I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. DayZ SA has been in development since "early" 2012. The alpha was supposed to have been release November 2012.






The MOD was in development since January 2012, the standalone was not even announced until very late 2012(barely 2013).


Yes, the development is oddly slow, but endless complaining will not speed it up. All we can do is wait, and who knows maybe when Rocket leaves the team development will speed up 10 fold.


Also notice how after almost three years the mod's zombies are still broken twitchy demons that can detect you through solid cover? That's because its a mod. The only way to fix that is to make it a new game, which is exactly what Bohemia is doing.

Edited by Plexico
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Are people really that impatient? Things take time to do right. Hence why they have this thing called "standalone" now. This "now, now, now" culture in gaming these days is absurd.


An indie developer (working on a team of 1) recently got lambasted because he didn't communicate for 2 weeks to his Early Access customers. Starbound developers have been facing HUGE criticism because they have consistently overshot their deadlines. CubeWorld was released into Early Access and complaints were actively suppressed until the point that everyone realized they had been duped. What do all of these games have in common? They accepted money for their product before it was finished.

There is no such thing as a "now, now, now" culture. When someone pays for something they expect the manufacturer to fulfill his promises. This has always been the case. We were told DayZ would be mostly complete (i.e. beta) by Q4 2014. The target release date will not be met. In fact, DayZ is continually missing its deadlines/milestones. People have purchased a game based on promises and expectations so it is kinda' normal when a lot of people are disappointed.

I am not saying the complaints are justified, I am saying that this is something that should be expected.

Edited by scriptfactory

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There is no such thing as a "now, now, now" culture. When someone pays for something they expect the manufacturer to fulfill his promises. This has always been the case. We were told DayZ would be mostly complete (i.e. beta) by Q4 2014. The target release date will not be met. In fact, DayZ is continually missing its deadlines/milestones. People have purchased a game based on promises and expectations so it is kinda' normal when a lot of people are disappointed.

I am not saying the complaints are justified, I am saying that this is something that should be expected.


There absolutely is a "now, now, now" culture, as evidenced by swathes of unreasonable folks... who, even when told why a target window was missed, cannot seem to understand simple principles of creative development. Simply this, shit doesn't always go your way.


Even on the highest levels (i.e. AAA games) there is absolutely a desire to push games out before they're ready, see BF4. This is created in part, by masses of players wanting more, more, more.


Again, as long as I'm informed as to why a milestone is missed, I couldn't care less.


People have purchased an Alpha for the purposes of testing. This is one of the true illusions of DayZ, it isn't a game yet. It is an unfinished product, this fact has never been hidden. People have been told, from day one, that the thing they're purchasing is not polished, complete, or even functional at times. Yet people purchase it anyway, expecting exactly what they want to expect... wrapped neatly with a bow on it.


If you purchase something, having been informed that it's incomplete, non-functional, and unbalanced... and expect it to be otherwise, then I cannot help that person. They do not possess the faculties of logic.


Sure, people expect it to get better at the very base level. And it has... I mean, I think a large contributor to the "rage" people seem to have with the development cycle is they can go "Hey, look at the mod! The mod has X, why doesn't the standalone have X? WTF devs?!"


We've got nearly 100% enterable buildings.


We've got navmesh'd zombies.


We've got an attachment system.


We've got a plethora of new items.


We've got the makings of persistence, hunting, foraging, etc.


We've got the makings of an in-depth crafting system, medical system, and weather effects system.


They come out with a patch every two weeks or so now, substantive patches. I really cannot fault their development workload.

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BF4 has single handedly destroyed the brand for many longtime battlefield fans so I wouldn't use that as a good reference. Early Access titles are starting to get stale, by the time development is completed many customers have already moved on. Rust is doing a complete overhaul but I doubt it will ever be as popular as their bare bones early access product and as a fan of games it sucks to be over a concept before it is fully fleshed out. As an impatient hypocrite I also end up purchasing many of these games so I get that companies are going to try to cash in on that impulse.

Loved the mod and still have hopes for the standalone, but I am tired of the early access model. One thing I don't get is the fans turning on Dean Hall, he has always seemed brutally honest about the shortcomings of this game and even actively tried to tell many customers to wait to pay money for the standalone. Not many developers would be willing to actively derail their own hype train so if people want to blame someone for buying a bare bones early access title look in the mirror.

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