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They said the end of August, so this Wednesday makes sense.


I believe there will be a wipe only after they fix duping/hacking. Might be a few weeks off.

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They said the end of August, so this Wednesday makes sense.


I believe there will be a wipe only after they fix duping/hacking. Might be a few weeks off.

No, the wipe will be before the release of 0.49 at the end of 0.48.

They wan't a clean data base when the new 0.49 item system is in.

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No, the wipe will be before the release of 0.49 at the end of 0.48.

They wan't a clean data base when the new 0.49 item system is in.


What a baseless and ignorant dismissal:

"once we have addressed the core issues with abuse of item duping, as well as resolved issues with the protection of player storage and opened game server providers rental of private shards, to wipe the stable branch clean."

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Oh that is interesting that a lot of people are saying the wipe is this Wednesday, but as your post shows, they said only once they stop the dupe exploits.

So either they won't wipe wendnesday at all. Or they will find out later it's harder to stop all the exploits within the next patch or two and decide to wipe anyways.

Does anyone think they can really stop the 3 or 4 different methods of duping wihtin the next patch or two? I find that unlikely. So they either will not wipe for a long time, or they will wipe without stopping all the duping methods.

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Thats basically the announcement:

"once we have addressed the core issues with abuse of item duping, as well as resolved issues with the protection of player storage and opened game server providers rental of private shards, to wipe the stable branch clean."

Most other things you will read are probably only wild mass guessing. The wipe will come if those things are fixed so probably when they deside to push the update containing them to stable. Might be next update might be later - I think even the devs are not exactly sure until right before the update. So basically: When its done!


Another guess: They won't wipe before they fixed duping etc. as the effect would be minimal and only lead to (unfounded) player complaints.

Edited by Evil Minion

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Yeah they said that there's an update coming at the end of the month and since they do the updates on maintenance day (Wednesday) then there's like 99.9% chance it's this Wednesday.

As for a wipe, I've heard rumours of a wipe, one person even went as far as saying it's coming this Tuesday (tomorrow) but like I said, it's rumours and I've yet to see an official post about it.

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Does anyone think they can really stop the 3 or 4 different methods of duping wihtin the next patch or two? I find that unlikely. So they either will not wipe for a long time, or they will wipe without stopping all the duping methods.


I don't think they'll ever completely stop duping.  All online games have it in some form, and when certain methods are fixed, people find new ways.  I think they'll definitely fix some of the easier methods though.

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