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7.62mm rounds now rare loot?

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Yo, survivors,


2 days ago I lost my round box full of 7,62mm rounds for my mosin due to a bug, since then I'm trying to find any new ammo for it, but I couldn't find a single bullet so far.


Before that I didn't play DayZ for like 2 months, and back at that time I found the 7,62mm in huge amounts on the NW Airfield.


Now I've checked like 50 different servers, many of them fresh started, but as said, I couldn't find any mosin ammo. Neither in barracks, nor in ACT or hangars.


Any ideas about where I can find it now?

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Do you mean 7.62x54mmR or Soviet (7.62x39mm) rounds? I found the former quite often but only 6 rounds of the latter - however its probably due to people having looted the areas before. After all they are used in the SKS (which is/was really common), the AKM (most common assault rifle) and the CR527 Carbine so there might be a high demand.

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and back at that time I found the 7,62mm in huge amounts on the NW Airfield.


Now I've checked like 50 different servers, many of them fresh started, but as said, I couldn't find any mosin ammo.

You make yourself sound mighty server-hoppy ...

Anyway: freshly started servers is the old (and somewhat cheesy) way of making sure you get the loot you want. I don't believe it works any more (but I could be wrong, I gotta admit that this persistence enabled/disabled/hotfixed/.48/tentfest has me quite confused).

I've found a fair amount of mosin ammo in the current stable version - but most of it I've found in civilian homes. There might be a full 20 box, or just a stack of a few rounds on tables here and there.

Oh and if you're just back form a longer break, you might have to completely revise your take on where loot spawns (both in terms of which houses and regarding where in the house). It changed a good deal.

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Mosin rounds are mostly in civilian buildings. They are not very common, but also not very rare. You can find them here and there in a shelf. But what I nearly never find anymore are loose rounds. they are always boxed. So look for those small greyish boxes that look much like the sewing kit. 

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I find it in houses, petrol stations, barns...


Maybe try server-hopping Staroye instead of NWAF?

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most of the time you can find mosin round


1) In the top room of a school

2) in the big light-brown house with the big room with shelfes

3) The red house with the small stair leading up to a locked room, in the room before the kitchen

4) the wooden houses where also a lot of weapon attachments and weapons spawn


and besides that, deer stands have sometimes ammo and every row house with a few upper floors seems to have some ammo spawns


also of course fire stations and police stations and cars

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What other people have said, Mosin/blaze/longhorn ammo seems to be showing up in civilian/industrial spawn locations now. I found a box in one of the big warehouses last night.

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I think is luck, When i got my mosin I couldnt find any 7.62 ammo for at least 3 days, visited nw airfield, millitary bases and even green mountain and nothing, now i have 4 boxes that i found in random places in towns and citys..

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last time i looked for them was oN EXP before stable..and man..they where rare...i found 3 !! THREE bullets...in al of novo...

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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