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Nario (DayZ)

Fuzzy, resolution ok.

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So anyone experence when you are attacked by a zombie you screen goes fuzzy? Once this happens I hit esc and then configure, then video. Once this is done with out changing any settings the screen clears. Any ideas?





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This is by design. Blurry screen means you're below a certain health value. The lower you get, the blurrier it goes.


If you don't want it, turn off post-processing in the options.


I highly recommend keeping it tho, cause it's a way to tell when you're low on health.

Edited by Pixel1191
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Yes, blurry vision is part of low health but you should also be seeing in black and white if hurt.


I believe what he is seeing a glitch.


I'm pretty sure it's a well known one too.


I experienced this before with a perfectly healthy character.


When you adjust graphic settings it clears.


What he's talking about has nothing to do with post processing.


Edit: The problem didn't fully go away for me until I spawned a new character.

Edited by BioHaze

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I changed the screen resolution to see if I could boost the frame rate and it left me with naught but a hideously blurry screen, even though my dude was showing healthy, stuffed, energised, hydrated etc.....

So glad I remembered about the post-processing option. It gives me a headache playing with all the fuzziness.....


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