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Nario (DayZ)

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About Nario (DayZ)

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    Back woods Rocky Mountains

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    DayZ reminds me of home where a can of spaghetti and a hatchet is all you need.
  1. Nario (DayZ)


    Ya in my time in Dayz, thats all the combat I have run into. Must be my play style.
  2. Nario (DayZ)

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    Ya I have been thinking of the ambush situation. Are explosives the only way to get that car to stop, or can a cut down tree force them out to move it? Interesting...
  3. Nario (DayZ)

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    You are right, they are in every movie out there, well except The Road and A Boy and His Dog that I can think of. No survival would not go out the window. I do love the running from place to place in this game. It’s quiet and gives you a sense of the population having been drastically reduced, plus it ramps up the excitement of running into players. I just see cars and a group of people controlling the entire map and it making it impossible to play as a nomad and force you to have top military gear just to be able to keep up. Not everyone wants a machine gun :P . My gripe comes from a pre conceived notion of fear that the game will be ruined is all. I do see the positive side of vehicles, fixing them up, trying to protect them, and being able to transport a ton of stuff. But I’m sure once they are in the game I will say to myself, how did I get along without them :D
  4. Nario (DayZ)


    That is one tricked out firearm you have there. But I guess Im old school and have an infatuation with the 1911. My perfect build would be the 1911 accompanied with a sawed-off shutgun, you know just in case.
  5. Nario (DayZ)

    Has dayZ succeeded in being a different type of game?

    I hope this is the case, I have ran into more 30 round mags then I can count. I do have an AK only until I can find a Mosin. I like to play as more of an outdoorsmen then a shot 'em up army sim.
  6. Nario (DayZ)


    So I have been searching for weeks for a mag for a 1911. I have been to the airbases on several occasions, large cities and military bases. This has become my holy grail. It gives me the drive to keep roaming the vast areas. So if it does exists and I happen upon one then what? Has my journey come to a close? This makes me think of what it means to have rare items and longevity of this game, which I think is a good thing. So once you can gear up and stay alive so fast you nothing else to do it begins the hunt for these items that you have not come across. Many people have seen and not seen a few things here and there, but for your one coveted item the hunt gets into your blood. Keep the hunt strong, Nario
  7. Nario (DayZ)

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    Horder With A Cowboy Hat
  8. Nario (DayZ)

    Recent loot trends

    Just came across my first 1911 in 52 hours of game time. Never have seen a mag for it, just wondering how rare these things are. When I first started all I saw was the mosin which I like now all I can find are the SKS. Not really into any AK or M4, just doesnt fit my play style. The NWAF was bare when I ended up arriving, but that figures. Im just lucky I wasnt KOS.
  9. Nario (DayZ)

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    Cars arent need IMO. They will ruin the size of the map, so travel wont mean a thing anymore. You have to plain on where to go and gear up so you can make it. With cars survival goes out the window. Even if you make them rare and hard to maintain. But this is just my two cents.
  10. Nario (DayZ)

    Fuzzy, resolution ok.

    So anyone experence when you are attacked by a zombie you screen goes fuzzy? Once this happens I hit esc and then configure, then video. Once this is done with out changing any settings the screen clears. Any ideas? Thanks Nario
  11. Nario (DayZ)

    Vehicle Ideas of DayZ Standalone

    To add to that Roller-skates Scooter Skateboard Think about a guy in his briefs with nothing but a clown mask and axe roller-skating towards you.
  12. Thank You. I know what you are saying, its almost jab dodge jab. But good times!
  13. So new to the forum, but have about 24+ hours in game. Is it just me but has zed gotten a bit tougher in the new .47 patch? The new forggy jump is a real kick too!