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Buying DayZ

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I am thinking about buying DayZ, but I am slightly confused on what stage this game is at.

I've tried doing some research, but I can't really find anything.

1. Buying DayZ from the Dayz.com website, is it still in like Beta or Alpha, or what stage is it in right now?

2. Again, buying it from Dayz.com, is this the actual Arma mod, or is this Standalone I am buying? 


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Steam, you buy from Steam.

You could buy from BI Store but that will only give you a Steam key.

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And buying DayZ on steam would be the standalone, which is in Alpha. If you want the DayZ mod (Which is a hassle to get running) you need Arma 2 Combined Ops (Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead) then you need DayZ Commander, it's just a ton of work.

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I have to disagree with Stryker.  I found that once you've got it sorted in your mind what you need to do then it's pretty much plain sailing. Search for what you.


To better answer your question: the standalone is bought via Steam and is in alpha. That means it is still in development but early release means you can play what is already been developed while it continues to be made. It is playable as you can see from footage on youtube, for example. There will always be complaints about too many of this or too few of that and you will never please everyone but yes, it's fun to play right now.  Just keep in mind it's not a fully working game with all things added yet.


Ask if you have any other queries and good look.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula

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It's not worth playing the standalone until they release more zombies and fix the performance issues. Yeah they're adding tons of new weapons and items but what's the point if there is no NPC threat in the game and it runs like a piece of shit. It's just a complete waste of time.

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