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Using guns to K.O

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I think that when you are behind a still player, you should have the option to knockout the person with a hit to the back of the head if you are holding a gun instead of having to switch to a melee weapon to do it if you prefer a less lethal approach. This would increase hostage scenarios, roleplay, etc. . 


The chance of a knockout using a buttstock would also obviously be affected by the material and quality of it. Here's a small chart of knockout chance:


Metal Pristine: 100%

Metal Worn: 85%

Metal Damaged: 65%

Metal Badly Damaged: 50%

Metal Ruined: 20%


Plastic Pristine: 90%

Plastic Worn: 80%

Plastic Damaged: 55%

Plastic Badly Damaged: 30%

Plastic Ruined: 10%


Wood Pristine: 90%

Wood Worn: 75%

Wood Damaged: 60%

Wood Badly Damaged: 35%

Wood Ruined: 15%

Edited by Hexxalot
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Any chances based on gear conditions are bind to fail. Why would a bother with a "chance". I want results, and not check all the time what condition my buttstock has when I swing it in his face. It's also unrealistic as hell. Don't you think a rusty metalrod hurts as bad as a new one? Thats ludacris.

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I hate insta-kills in videogames. They often require little to no skill to use in comparison to the amount of damage you can inflict with 'm.
Insta-knocksout would piss me off too, people running around you like crazy hoping to get a lucky hit in .. They already do that and it's retarded, the only reason you can't keep up with it and shoot 'm in the stomach is because it's a videogame where you can run and alter direction way too fast.

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where you can run and alter direction way too fast.

You never saw how i run from wasps...


To the topic - good idea, but that game is screwed and i don't to hide that's true, because moders will errase it in 60%, because nobody needs your opinion in real life, so i just visit that form, when i have nobody to talk with.

I think second post explain why % of chance is bad part, i think that should depend what part of head you hitted and how much strenght you used.

Edited by Electi

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Maybe add melee with weapons at all and not only a hit from behind (give bayonet a reason! つ ◕_◕ ༽つ )

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Why would a worn gun be less likely to knock someone out?  Just thinking an old bent up iron bar is probably as likely to KO someone as a a pristine bar...

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Why would a worn gun be less likely to knock someone out?  Just thinking an old bent up iron bar is probably as likely to KO someone as a a pristine bar...

If anything, they'll be more scared 'cause they didn't keep up with their tetanus shots!

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Well, I also think a wooden buttstock should be as hard as a metal one.

If a material would be "softer", than it would be plastic (but only,if it's hollow. A "full" plastic-cube is also hard as fuck).



But I'm 100% for being able to melee with a weapon xD



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I just thought about that, because I recently got killed by a player because I had a mosin (only object I had) and the other player had a baseball bat... I'd like to add an idea about the mechanic. I think each weapon should be usable as a melee weapon (with different strengths like OP posted).


It should be possible to right-click a weapon and have a option like "use as melee weapon", so the character takes the weapon into his hand (maybe like in the picture of irishroy) and use it for close comabt. If you want to use it as a "gun" again the quick buttons should put it back into the "firing postition".


Another addition, I think there should be a chance to damage the weapon while using it as a melee weapon. Only a slight chance, so that it doesn't always break when using it, but that there is still a risk.

Edited by degude

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It should be possible to right-click a weapon and have a option like "use as melee weapon", so the character takes the weapon into his hand (maybe like in the picture of irishroy) and use it for close comabt. If you want to use it as a "gun" again the quick buttons should put it back into the "firing postition".


Maybe moreso that you hold the weapon like normal, but thrust the stock forward, and flip the barrel of the gun towards you. (Guns with pistol grips, for example AKMs or M4s, would have the barrel go to the side, whilst Mosin type weapons would have the barrel over your shoulder. Might be OP, but it seems reasonable.

Edited by lelmat132

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