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How to develop trust?

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Howdy all,

What are ways to develop trust between two players? Is there just no real way to develop trust between two people in DayZ that have never met before? In my first few characters, I would ask for people in chat to see who would want to meet up. I did manage to find one survivor, he had me expose myself as a trust test (he didn't shoot even though he had a good bead on me) but said he couldn't trust me and walked away. I'm not normally coldhearted, but the bandit threads about people manipulating other people just to shoot them in the back has jaded me severely.

Yes, I realize this is a game feature, there is no need to remind me or recommend that I stop playing or pursue some other game. I'm afraid the real conclusion to this game is trust is impossible unless you're playing with known acquaintences - but if someone has tips or tricks to build trust I'd like to hear them.

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

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1) Find someone

2) Tell them your friendly

3) Shoot them in the face

4) Tell them you thought they were going to shoot you and that they can trust you now.

5) Profit?

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

Nothing. Other than that it's not doable twice so it makes little sense for them to do that on a public area. In game it's not so easy to know who shot who and it's easy to make excuses for shooting someone. In the forum it's open for public scrutiny so the dayz forum is a good place to look for people.

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I usually gain people's trust by saving them from a running horde of zombies. Afterwards friendship ensues.

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I usually gain people's trust by saving them from a running horde of zombies. Afterwards friendship ensues.

Ahaha, I ran to two survivors once. They shot me, let the zeds feast, shot the zeds, and proceeded to loot my corpse (well I think I did, on respawning in the loading screen I saw someone hovering over me).

Ok, the consensus is trust no one.

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Ya it looks like it all comes down to luck and a leap of faith. Showing someone you trust them by making yourself vulnerable so they know it becomes their choice to trust or not. But even then, after reading the 'confess your sins' topic in the bandit campfire, some people just wait around until just before you gotta log off then shoot you in the back.

The only separator I can think of between bandits and players is a bandit will never take a chance to earn trust of another player by making theirself vulnerable while decked out in lots of gear.

Still, there's no faster way to die than to trust someone during an apocalypse.

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Use the mic.

It makes your life much much easier.

I used to get kos all the times.

But with the mic, i even persuaded a person not to shoot while he was shooting at me :)

people tend to trust someone with real human voice.

right now characters without mic feels like just a game character which makes them easily killed without regret

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I just push the left mouse button instead of the caps lock key. I trust them after that.

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

Nothing. Other than that it's not doable twice so it makes little sense for them to do that on a public area. In game it's not so easy to know who shot who and it's easy to make excuses for shooting someone. In the forum it's open for public scrutiny so the dayz forum is a good place to look for people.

so bandits are only bandits because there is no real meta like say this line

so currently we can meta game for loot and other player locations but not to communicate and form trust.

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

Nothing. Other than that it's not doable twice so it makes little sense for them to do that on a public area. In game it's not so easy to know who shot who and it's easy to make excuses for shooting someone. In the forum it's open for public scrutiny so the dayz forum is a good place to look for people.

so bandits are only bandits because there is no real meta like say this line

so currently we can meta game for loot and other player locations but not to communicate and form trust.

OK so start one. Add me.

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Engaging in conversation over direct comms is probably your best bet.

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I did manage to find one survivor' date=' he had me expose myself as a trust test



"Why don't you have a seat over there..."

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

Nothing. Other than that it's not doable twice so it makes little sense for them to do that on a public area. In game it's not so easy to know who shot who and it's easy to make excuses for shooting someone. In the forum it's open for public scrutiny so the dayz forum is a good place to look for people.

so bandits are only bandits because there is no real meta like say this line

so currently we can meta game for loot and other player locations but not to communicate and form trust.

OK so start one. Add me.

Wouldn't do any good since your in-game name can change at any moment you wish.... I blame arma 2 :P.

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and what stops bandits from abusing that sub-forum?

Nothing. Other than that it's not doable twice so it makes little sense for them to do that on a public area. In game it's not so easy to know who shot who and it's easy to make excuses for shooting someone. In the forum it's open for public scrutiny so the dayz forum is a good place to look for people.

so bandits are only bandits because there is no real meta like say this line

so currently we can meta game for loot and other player locations but not to communicate and form trust.

OK so start one. Add me.

Wouldn't do any good since your in-game name can change at any moment you wish.... I blame arma 2 :P.

I don't change my name. It is a point of personal pride. Others might, but I never will. I've used the same name in just about every game I've played.

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Always keep near solid cover. If you meet someone, who doesn't shoot on sight, communicate with them from behind solid cover. Ask them switch to rifle and to lower rifle, do the same. Exchange a few words, while having an object between you. If you're looting a store, ask them if there's something specific they need. If it develops into a conversation, it might turn into a short partnership. The key to the partnership is to be really generous with the loot, give advice to new players or take it from experienced players.

The only thing you have is their word and their voice. If you sense they are mocking you or are overacting as new and clueless, you should keep some solid obstacles between you. Try to part ways with them, break line of sight and make sure you cover your six, while making your escape. If they turn hostile, break contact or take them down.

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I trust anyone who leans side to side' date=' clearly they mean no harm.


It is like the safety dance?

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I don't think you can expect trust from a player you bump into. The stakes are too high and murder is too rewarding. At best you may not get shot. At worst one of you will die. Depending on your rules of engagement, it may be you.

If i were you, i would hook up with someone outside of the game. Maybe these forums or some other community. Find someone willing to put in some time to play with you while being on voip. Then play a few lives together, see if it works out. If you get betrayed you can start over with someone else.

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It's a rare moment when me or my friends open our minds to the possibilities of a true friendly. We only have had people join us when we outnumber and outgear them, or ALL of us had shit gear. Too many unknowns to worry about. Once we had a mexican standoff at northeast airfield, our crew of 3 against a pair, about equally geared. We hung out with them for a while and it cost us our bus. Those guys bailed at the first sign of trouble, although I guess we're lucky they didn't just shoot us while we were in the bus.

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Trust is something that comes from spending time talking and working with each other. Right now DayZ does not have the mechanics for this.

Future mechanics will solve this issue.

You should not have to find a group offline to play as a team in DayZ.

If you can find answers to this question then you know how to build a more team base feel- there will always be player killing but this should not be the end goal - survival /build a society is the goal.

I like to hear some ideas that answer this question....

How do you make a player more valuable alive then killed for his loot? And the answer is not it's better to have numbers for defense.

I like to hear some ideas that answer this question....

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I purposely don't pick up loot or drop gear that I'm afraid to loose so that I can interact with strangers without having to be afraid of loosing it. It's also about denying the enemy should they betray the trust.

Talk to people over chat or preferably voip and get a feel for who they are. I imagine only a small minority of people would shoot another character over some polygon rifle after being social with him for an extended period.

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The best way is to get a real friend to play the game with you and keep in contact over teamspeak. I have a guy at work that's on my shift that plays when I do and we just talked a 3rd guy into joining us. Rolling with real friends is the only way to be sure.

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