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In-game Currency

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It's very unlikely that there will ever be any centrally-organised currency items in the game. Perhaps the community will come up with certain conventions involving ammo or food or hats or whatever, or involving accepted trade values for various items; but players will always be able to barter with each other for whatever they like.


At this stage in development it isn't really possible to really think about what trade value you give to what specific item, because loot rarity is changing, as well as new items appearing, all the time.

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As everyone has already been saying, I see bartering being prevalent, not any kind of currency. It makes the most sense in this sort of scenario, and I think it will be the most productive for players.

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A trade centre....in a town....in dayz.....BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


As you guessed I don't think this will ever start to happen. They would get surrounded and sniped, then have there "trade post" looted by a group using a concealed campsite.


I like there being no currency, I lets items have a dynamic value. Its like mosley said, if you are starving to death then your gun is worthless....a tin of beans though. NVG was one of the "holy grail" items in the mod....but still, I rank a vehicle much higher. I willingly traded mine to some guy on the mod for a quad and thought it was a great deal. He was happy to be able to see (lil story about that at and). But obviously to him, at that time, the NGV were more important. 


The story of quad guy and the nvg -


So me and my 3 friends had got nice and entrenched on a server, we all had a ghillie on and a set of nvg at the time. We decided to head to stary for a loot run, parts for an offroad and ammo were top priority. We get to about 500m out and start scoping round for activity. Alls quiet, no zeds around (thanks for fixing that SA!) so we head in.


All of a sudden the entire hillside lights up as a quad crests the road into town from the south east, heading for novy. We dart to some bushes for concealment and start spreading out. The quad dosent stop at novy but drives strait to the mill tents. We start to close in around the tents, confirming he has no NVG we decide get as close as poss and try for a friendly encounter.


Slowly we draw in, he heads to the market on foot and we follow his movements. 100m...50m...20m...I start to see my teammates again and as he exits the orange hose into the street we circle him. Trying to avoid the cone of light from his Remington was a fun game, and we did quite well. All of us got to about 10m, maybe less, then one of the funniest moments from all my time in dayz.


The guys remmy flashlight lands on one of our team, he quickly turns to run no doubt crapping himself after seeing a ghillie suited DMR guy that close. As he turns his light lands on the 2nd guy (me), another attempt to turn and he spots our 3rd :D Then...the toon instantly stops moving and slowly the torch beam,in the same manor mavin from hitchhikers would hang his head, points at the floor in defeat.


Im 100% sure he was expecting some ruthless close range execution, but we talked to him and ended up sending him on his way with an ak, 2 mags and NVG...in exchange for his quad :) 

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Before money people used to exchange things that they don't needed it, for things that they needed...My chicken for your knife type of thing... there is your currency.


thats the point, we don't need any currency, if you need something from omeone and you don't have anything he desires, bad luck


if there was any kind of currency hard implemented, the KOS mentality would be even worse because more money is always a good thing, whereas slaughtering newspawns can be quite entertaining, you have no real use for it

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My clan is solely dedicating themselves to finding other campsites, vehicles and trade posts to take out and claim for ourselves.

Cya on the flip side suckas!

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What do people think would make the best currency? Ammunition is the first thing that comes to mind.

I'm guessing we'll need a rational benchmark for costing things. 

Bullets = Bucks.?


i am sorry to inform you, but as i have learned from unfortunate experience, the only currency in this game at the moment is bullets and bambi tears...

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