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ram attack from zombies

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Hello, I know it is far away but I'd like to make a suggestion which in my opinion would really improve the zombie challenge. And that is giving them attacks which throw you out of balance.


The idea is that a zombie runs straight at you, rams you with his body and makes you stumble or fall over.


effects would be:

- you would experience wounds or fractures, depending on how hard you are hit or where you are falling

- you need a second or two to stand up, enough time for zombies to hit or surround you

- you lose orientation, because when you are hit by a zombie your camera moving is like in a car crash

- socially people are forced to wait for you or give up on you, since you are losing time which at the current state is an important advantage against zombies


I don't know if ragdoll can be used in these circumstances, but it would be nice and of course it should work the other way around as well. You should be able to push and ram zombies in order to free your way. The angle, speed and physical condition of player and zombie would determine if raming is succesful, or if you just bring yourself out of balance.


In my opinion this would help to produce the feeling to be overrun by zombies rather than just circling around them. Zombies have serious problems to attack players (unlike zombies in the movies) and I think this is mainly because they lack their most important features. They are not able to grab, pull and ram people in order to "prepare" them for their final attack or in order to gain the necessary time to gather around a target...


Well... I hope this idea is somewhat helpful. :)

Edited by jayleann
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they already have a ram attack - they glitch you through walls into rooms you can't get out of.

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From what i've seen from the recent bugs,i believe they already have a knockdown mechanic ready,and will implement it on zombies eventually.

In mt opinion when attacked from multiple zombies (preferance 5 or above) you should not be able to recover from knockdown.

Subsequently the survior is constantly beign knocked down without getting a chance to get up and dies.

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From what i've seen from the recent bugs,i believe they already have a knockdown mechanic ready,and will implement it on zombies eventually.



Really? What bugs do you mean?

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It's already been implemented but it's only a strike that makes you fall over. Once hit, there's a chance that you'll fall on your back momentarily.

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I'm all for adding stuff like this eventually... but what I'd really like is for them to make it easier and more reliable to aim melee attacks for players before they amp up the zombie population's arsenal.  Right now I only land a hit on zeds maybe 1 out of every 4 shots....

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