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Character skin rewards

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I looked briefly but didn't see any topics regarding the following suggestion: 


Add additional player skins for getting more players to buy the game.  Possibly, unlock an additional skin for getting one other player to join the game.  Another for getting more (3+) people to join.  Something like that.  Something that wont give you an advantage in game but something substantial enough.


Sorry if this has been suggested already, I saw some posts regarding skins, but nothing like this.


What do you think?

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unlock an additional skin

I don't like it because this kind of customization options should be available for everyone - to the point where every player looks (with a high chance) different. Having many "generic" survivors and a few "special achievement" survivors conflicts with the spirit of the game in my opinion (thats why also I believe the concepts of DayZ/Sandbox and F2P cannot work together).

You should give all options to all players.

Edited by Evil Minion
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