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My thought on a PvP fix.

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Yes, I do know, because I actually read his posts and interviews with him. Perhaps you should do the same. I'm tired of people going on and on and ON about something he has stated he will not change, time and time again.

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If you read my original post pve and PvP would be separated. Not go to a pve server and farm then jump to a PvP server and dominate. Maybe I should rename this because people assume I want PvP removed. And as soon as people see PvP they jump on the dumbing down of PvP wagon. Which is not what I am referring to at all.

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It's currently a pvp' date=' team based, death-match game on a large map. Team Fortress/COD etc that's what it's descended into without the glorious graphics and sound.

There are thousands of us who have bought the ARMA2 game, to play this mod, who don't play FPS games....only to find themselves investing in something they didn't want. The pvp community from COD etc have migrated here and will literally "sink this ship" at the current rate.

I feel conned. It's worrying that so many so quickly resort to being utter wankers in a game. Makes you wonder about there state of mind irl.

Sniping campers at the NW airfield..nothing better to do than live there for 6 hours a day.....sniping, then swap seats with another clan member.

"oh the humanity"


So you failed to take the time to learn what the game was about, and now feel "conned" about the game that you bought. First off, you bought Arma 2 :CO, not DayZ. DayZ is a free to play Alpha MOD for the game you bought. The game you bought is a realistic military sim heavily featured with FPS game play. You don't like playing FPSs, and you bought one. Now you are upset. next time take some time and learn about what you are spending your money on.

This game is not a COD rehash. It is not a deathmatch style game. It requires you to think before you act, and your actions can carry consequence. Do not try and change the game into something it isn't. It is not the communities fault you didn't think before you spent your money.

If you read my original post pve and PvP would be separated. Not go to a pve server and farm then jump to a PvP server and dominate. Maybe I should rename this because people assume I want PvP removed. And as soon as people see PvP they jump on the dumbing down of PvP wagon. Which is not what I am referring to at all.

In your original post you said you understand the premise of the game. It has become apparent you do not.

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If you read my original post pve and PvP would be separated. Not go to a pve server and farm then jump to a PvP server and dominate. Maybe I should rename this because people assume I want PvP removed. And as soon as people see PvP they jump on the dumbing down of PvP wagon. Which is not what I am referring to at all.

You are, actually, because by offering a PvE server you're removing a core aspect of DayZ, something that makes DayZ what it is, which is the point I was trying to make.

You're asking Rocket to change something he has developed as a CORE MECHANIC for DayZ.

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It would essentially be the same thing as asking Rocket to have servers with no zombies on them to promote only PvP. Not only does it detract from the DayZ experience, it removes a major feature from the game.

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' pid='216578' dateline='1341019214']

It would essentially be the same thing as asking Rocket to have servers with no zombies on them to promote only PvP. Not only does it detract from the DayZ experience' date=' it removes a major feature from the game.


He may as well tbh. The last thing anyone cares about in this game is zombies.

Rename the game to "pvp deathmatch"


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