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Friendly faces

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New to the DayZ franchise (but Arma3 vet) I have been playing consistently for two weeks.

I can gladly say I love the game.

However, the frenzy of PK is unlike anything I've encountered before.
Understanding full well the meaning of the word Alpha, I would very much like to see some sort of token reward for assisting other players in future builds, even a small token gesture would be nice, (e.g. Karma points, or a random item reaching pristine (perhaps only every hour, or Steam friend excluded, so as not to be exploited .).
The reason behind this is there is only rewards for banditry (looting) and nothing for doing the good thing.
I don't wish to take away from the stranger paranoia as I like this aspect alot. But the current set up it really kill everything/one you don't know IRL.

I personally have not killed anyone, yet even people I have assisted (rescued a player from a double zombie attack, only for them to ask me for map directions and have them start attacking me).
I am yet to encounter anyone who would wish to join up with me and work together.

In a true survivalist environment I would think non zombie threats would work together. There should be safety in numbers. 
Currently it feels more like a zombie death match  game more than survival simulator (which I would like to see happen)

Perhaps doubling the zombie spawn and increasing drop rate of items (not food) might also help with the unification of players. I would like to see people working together more, hunting, cooking, fishing, camping etc... although these things are implemented I see no real use for it as a solo player.

I understand and appreciate the delicate balance involved in creating a game of this caliber and  would not like to take away from those who genuinely enjoy the bandit experience, but those of us who wish to play Co-Cooperatively with others there is little hope or incentive.

My idea's are just spitballing and not really thought out concepts, I'm very interested to hear from anyone who feels the same or has better solutions.
Any idea's or concepts to balance this are welcome.


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The reason behind this is there is only rewards for banditry (looting) and nothing for doing the good thing.


Thats kind of like implying that there should be a reward for working an honest days work and  NOT robbing banks.......................................I would suggest your own personal integrity is the reward, no?

Edited by Mystic Bagel
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It's the nature of the playerbase. Working together isn't fun, unless you're working together to go kill other players. It's not like real ArmA, where you have BlUFOR vs OPFOR vs Independent vs Civilians; it's Everyone vs Everyone vs Zombies. DayZ is popular with children/adolescents. The only way for a survival game like this to actually be a survival game and not a sandbox PvP with zombies is if it wasn't mainstream. The only 2 options are, really, kill-or-be-killed or play on a private server that banhammers any kind of PvP. Both options are stupid.


There can be no reward to helping other players that the game explicitly gives you, the same way that there's no reward the game explicitly gives you for killing other players. If you help someone, they may give you gear and watch your back, or they may shoot you and run away. It's a balance of fun, risk, and reward. Shooting other players is the least risky and you can have anything from their inventory you don't destroy in the process, but (for normal people) it's not as fun. If you help other players, it's fun and high-risk for little reward. That's the balance the game strikes; the more fun you want to have, the harder you have to try. It sucks; sometimes it's like squeezing blood from a rock, it really is. Between glitches and hackers, it seems like you should save the effort and just off every player you see; you gear up faster and you get shot less. KoSr's aren't bad people (usually); it's how they decided to play. It is bullshit to argue that if you help other players, the game should reward you with something. No. That's unfair. I'm not happy about it, but it's unfair to make the game give you something for not being an asshole.

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Play experimental.  I meet friendly players every day, often getting groups as large of 8 strangers running around (this happened today and yesterday).


Simply the environment of exploring the frontier of DayZ, so to speak, makes people a lot friendlier, as we all want to see the new content together.  For me personally, if I want to PvP, I will play stable.  But overall, most of my time is spent meeting and rolling around with strangers in experimental.

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Haha, Awesome replies, thank you for the input. (thanks for the welcome Mullraugh, feeling it.) ;)


CAse in point I just spent the last hour and a half gearing up.

Finally got myself an axe after sever massive attacks and bleed outs, ran into a police station.

Ran up behind someone who was sorting inventory and i sais "hello, friendly.."
The person just runs and starts shouting "Friendly, friendly!!"
I reply, "Its cool, Im friendly also want to team up?"

He says "Yeah sure, here have a gun" drops an SK. Soon as my hands are empty he pick axes me in the head.

It's just miserable.
That all took place on a "Friendly: No Bandit server"
I prefer he just had the stones to just start attacking me.
Screaming friendly repeatedly and then becoming opportunistic is obviously cowardly but I can also see the fun in it. (for some) and would hate to see this gone.

However, I believe in a real world scenario you would get a vibe or be able to look into a killers eyes to some degree.

I'd like to see a Karma point system where you could press a key and see if the person just bandits all day.

Green for good, Red for PKer, and Orange for not sure. (Green killing Red grants Green points, Everyone starts Orange.. etc..)

Just sayin...
None of my RL friends want to pay the current price for an Alpha game, so I am literally looking for people to team up with. 
So far no joy.

Not sure where all these good people are doctajones, but I wish i was on your servers (Australia here )

Once again, thanks for the replies, appreciate it.

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Added you on Steam, i'll team up with you if ping allows it.


I've met a mixture of agressive, scared, insane and friendly survivors. All are needed to make this a good game, but you just seem unlucky regarding the people you meet. It's true that too many people regard the game as a simple shooter at the moment, but since there is nothing to be done until either they get bored and leave, or the devs can change their minds somehow, playstyles are limited.


As you've probably learned now, you can't trust anyone and so you have to try as hard as you can to spot other players before they spot you. This way you can sneak up on them, hold them up, and possibly find out their intentions. Then act accordingly. Being in full control of a meeting is the safest way to interact with people, but even then they still might have some mates around who can turn the tide. It keeps you on your toes at all times, which makes the game so great and sometimes even intense.


Also, as somebody who thinks more realism = more fun, i would be against a karma system. In real life you wouldn't be able to see somebody's intentions, why should you be able to in game? But there are endless debates about that on the forum already.

Edited by Greaves
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Shooting other players is the least risky and you can have anything from their inventory you don't destroy in the process, but (for normal people) it's not as fun.

That sounds like you're saying that 90% of the DayZ players aren't normal. Good job.

Sure, it does feel to good to help someone especially if the person thanks you. But after all it's still a  action video game where you want to have real fun. And PvP is definitly the better way for fun, regarding the adrenaline rush, the risk, the reward, the teamplay, the gear, etc.

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But after all it's still a  action video game where you want to have real fun. And PvP is definitly the better way for fun, regarding the adrenaline rush, the risk, the reward, the teamplay, the gear, etc.


This is very personal. I personally only like shooting people if i'm 100% sure they murder possibly innocent people. And if i go into hardcore roleplaying mode, i also don't like shooting people because i don't want to take lives. I will always try to hold somebody up first, because that's what i find to be the most fun i can have in the game.


I understand your point of view though. 

Edited by Greaves

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"Friendly: No Bandit server"



That's because literally anyone can join and there are no rules or any way to enforce them.

There is no PVE servers and it wouldn't make any sense anyway.


However, I believe in a real world scenario you would get a vibe or be able to look into a killers eyes to some degree.


Yeah, uh, good luck in the real world.


I'd like to see a Karma point system where you could press a key and see if the person just bandits all day.

Green for good, Red for PKer, and Orange for not sure. (Green killing Red grants Green points, Everyone starts Orange.. etc..)



The basic idea behind the player interaction is that there's no way to know whether the person you meet is Charles the cannibal or Samwise the Saint. Removing that would make the game just boring.

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wen I was first play dayz evry time I see player = die from bullet or axe or fist or machete but I don't give up I was stay calm and always try to say hello I am a frend and now is complet opposite happen 80% of player what I am met is chat no shot my sytem is vary simple if I see a player I thinking 'hmmm how can I help this player?' then if they have obvius need like no wepon or they are fight a zed I can help if I don't see a need I ask him 'hello I am a frend how I can help you today?' and most time now they say 'ah hello' and then we both relax and don't make fight.


even bandit like m4 bandit clan after they see me I going proned and put away gun and say take what is you ned please don't kill because I am a frend' and they don't shot me most times my reward is nice feling inside after meet new frends I don't need more reward because I enjoy to met the player and have chat

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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Understanding full well the meaning of the word Alpha, I would very much like to see some sort of token reward for assisting other players in future builds, even a small token gesture would be nice, (e.g. Karma points, or a random item reaching pristine (perhaps only every hour, or Steam friend excluded, so as not to be exploited .).



No. Discussed to death. No. No rewards, no punishment. Just player interaction.



even bandit like m4 bandit clan after they see me I going proned and put away gun and say take what is you ned please don't kill because I am a frend' and they don't shot me most times my reward is nice feling inside after meet new frends I don't need more reward because I enjoy to met the player and have chat


Exactly. All hail the pig king.


I shot a guy yesterday who wouldn't listen to me. He first dragged a whole lot of zombies our way which was terribly inconvenient as we were trying to communicate with someone who had a gun aimed at us and the clown that found himself shot was running about in the middle and wouldn't go away. Tough luck; life's a pisser and then you die.

Should I be punished for that? I told him to bugger off, he lured a whole bunch of zombies our way AND he was making a standoff with firearms more dangerous by being a  complete liability so I ended up shooting him in the chest and not bothering checking what had really happened to him. The stand-off soon broke off and no one else got hurt.

So basically, I should be getting karma points for that. Obviously, no system would ever look at the big picture that could ever arise when you rely entirely on human interaction so no. No stupid rewards.

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That sounds like you're saying that 90% of the DayZ players aren't normal. Good job.

Sure, it does feel to good to help someone especially if the person thanks you. But after all it's still a  action video game where you want to have real fun. And PvP is definitly the better way for fun, regarding the adrenaline rush, the risk, the reward, the teamplay, the gear, etc.


I meant abnormal as people in real life have less of a propensity for gainless murder.


But yes, the adrenaline rush associated with the all-or-nothing gamble of combat is exciting. I just wish less people ruined it by cheated or not respecting permadeath. Running back to your body to loot your stuff back is one of the most infuriating experiences in this game, almost as bad as killing someone, and them using third party programs that shall not be named to get a 15 person clan to join the server and unrealistically hunt you down. In the former case, it's like putting a player in the penalty box for fifteen minutes, but after one minute you have to give the puck back and he gets to start three feet in front of the net. In the latter case, I don't have a sports analogy.

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That's a shame, krownthorn.  We do play differently when we understand that the rules are different to real life but we play different to each other too, with different intentions.


I for example, will often point out that I have never killed another player, just zombies and AI. Though I have a vague feeling I might have killed a couple of bandits one time, long ago, but no, I don't kill players. For me the game is about survival and in my case that doesn't include killing other players, even if they're bandits.


But it's a wide open field full of different perspectives and views on what is and isn't the right way to play.  I guess that's part of what makes it such a passionate game, how much it involves us and how we feel/our values and beliefs.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Sula
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Shrub Rocketeer, your English is beautiful.  I love it. You get your meaning across with fun and wit.  :thumbsup:

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That sounds like you're saying that 90% of the DayZ players aren't normal. Good job.


It's true though. 90% of survivors in a real apocalypse wouldn't run around shooting random people for the hell of it. There's serious emotions when it comes to killing people, and no matter how tough or douche-baggy you think you are, I'm sure you couldn't bring yourself to shoot a random person unless you had a legitimate reason to.

Edited by mullraugh
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It's true though. 90% of survivors in a real apocalypse wouldn't run around shooting random people for the hell of it. There's serious emotions when it comes to killing people, and no matter how tough or douche-baggy you think you are, I'm sure you couldn't bring yourself to shoot a random person unless you had a legitimate reason to.

Sure. I wouldn't harm a fly in a real situation, no matter if it was a zombie apocalypse or anything else.


It is a videogame. And it makes fun in a videogame.

Sorry, but I can't roleplay in DayZ to reenact my real life personality. In some other games I can but DayZ is impossible to role play in my opinion :)

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We all start off friendly with good intentions. Eventually something happens and you'll realise you cant be arsed anymore and you'll put your Arma 3 skills to use.

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We all start off friendly with good intentions. Eventually something happens and you'll realise you cant be arsed anymore and you'll put your Arma 3 skills to use.


Not so much good intentions, just preferable game play. 

I'd really like to see this game become much more than just another Dog Eat Dog Deathmatch game. 

Not about me and intentions so much, just like to come across someone fishing and offer a cooker and sit and chat at a fire. Maybe we aregue? Maybe someone else comes along? ... Not so much role play, just not being an ass.

Currently there is no incentive to do anything except shoot everything that moves and loot.

I've resolved to bypass several encounters with other players where I had the upper hand, (still in my sights) and chosen to disappear silently onto the next town.

Essentially I have instead decided to avoid other players.

I still have not killed another player.

Instead I'm choosing to scan area's thoroughly and avoid player contact completely.

I go into quiet or empty servers when I can and avoid any form of multiplayer interaction.

Which sucks basically because I really enjoy Co-operative play.

But I refuse to just be another KOS bandit... Like i said before, bandits have their place, but if everyone becomes one, then it's just tedious.

I will however defend myself. (I'll let you know how i get on with that ;) ) 


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I still have not killed another player.

Instead I'm choosing to scan area's thoroughly and avoid player contact completely.

I go into quiet or empty servers when I can and avoid any form of multiplayer interaction.

Which sucks basically because I really enjoy Co-operative play.

But I refuse to just be another KOS bandit... Like i said before, bandits have their place, but if everyone becomes one, then it's just tedious.

I will however defend myself. (I'll let you know how i get on with that ;) ) 


I'll wager that will get boring very fast, because without many other people in the server, the tension which makes DayZ great is gone.


Avoiding any contact is a choice many people make, but playing on high-pop servers makes sure you might actually see people to avoid.


Also, not sure why my text is in a white box. lol

Edited by Greaves
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