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RomanZ (DayZ)

I miss the public hive

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Dear DayZ community,

Dear DayZ Mod dev team,


this is to express my deepest concerns about the recent shutdown of the public hive for the good old vanilla DayZ mod. Playing on the public hive has been the most intense and fun gaming experience I've had in years, but since a few days, it's all gone. Please, if you definitely can, do answer the following questions.


1. What happened? Rumor has it that the public hive was hosted on HFB Servers, which appears to have gone out of business. This is a bit hard to believe for me. What about backups? There must be somebody who has/had direct access to the database...


2. Is there ANY way how I can continue playing my 30k humanity hero again? :(


3. If the public hive as we knew it really has gone forever, can't you/we just start off with a new one hosted somewhere else?


I really really miss playing DayZ. I don't want to play the standalone as long as it doesn't have a humanity/vehicle/loot system like the mod does. I don't want to play the "300+ vehicles" crap that totally kills the intense DayZ feel. I've hesitated to play on private servers because I'm a lone wolf ranging the woods, fearing that he will get lost in clan wars among people who stick to a single server. I would like to build up humanity and keep it, not lose it again as soon as the server admin decides to wipe their private hive... :(



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 I don't want to play the "300+ vehicles" crap that totally kills the intense DayZ feel


You and I? We're best friends now.


You see the 4 inappropriate behavior points below my avatar? At least one of the, is from replying to every bullshit private hive advertisement on the forums. There used to be 20 a day... I actually kind of miss textually screaming noob at all of those 999999999999+ helicopter, start-with-whatever-gun-you-want, donator-privilege-giving, admin-hacking server owners.

Edited by Applejaxc
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I feel for you.  I don't have any answers, don't really no what's happening but I do know that dayz mod is still a huge part of my world but I can't play right now because my pc is broken. I love the mod's straightforward simplicity.  Get an axe and kill the infected.  Bliss.


I can't imagine not being able to run up the beach and kill the infected with my faithful old axey..

Edited by Sula

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Agreed. I really miss vanilla dayz, now all the craze is about mods which are basically Wasteland with zombies.

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I wouldn't worry about the private vanilla hives brother, played on a couple and met helpful admins and friendly players. If anything, they offer the lone wolfer greater protection than public ever did.

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It's effectively Game Over for me now the public hive is gone, as it was THE killer feature of Dayz mod, being able to meet up with friends and/or leave behind asshats by changing servers and carry on playing.


The unreliable, over-modified, change-mods-on-a-whim, admin-cheat-tool-ridden private hives that I quickly became fed up with were the reason I stayed public hive until the end.


My sandbox server will be converted to some kind of DaiZy build methinks.

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Thank you guys for the nice words.


I've tried a few private vanilla servers today. So far, they were all unplayable. Admins playing music over side, and hackers giving away insane weapons was pretty much all I've found. (I'll keep looking, though! The game was just too much fun to give up on.)


It would be nice to hear a statement or comment about the whereabouts -- and perhaps the future -- of the public hive. Whoever set it up and maintained it must have something to say... (Rocket? R4Z0R49?)

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Thank you guys for the nice words.


I've tried a few private vanilla servers today. So far, they were all unplayable. Admins playing music over side, and hackers giving away insane weapons was pretty much all I've found. (I'll keep looking, though! The game was just too much fun to give up on.)


It would be nice to hear a statement or comment about the whereabouts -- and perhaps the future -- of the public hive. Whoever set it up and maintained it must have something to say... (Rocket? R4Z0R49?)


From what I saw on another thread, the company that ran the public hive went out of business.

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That's what I've read, too, but there doesn't seem to be an official statement as of yet.


But even if that's the case, why doesn't anybody do anything bout it? I mean, it's not like that company created the mod and took it to their grave, leaving behind nobody with insight how it worked, right? AFAIK, they merely hosted the hive. I'm aghast at how, apparently, the "officials" just don't seem to care and let their creation die like that. What's the problem with setting up a new hive somewhere else?

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I came back to Dayz recently trying to find that old experience only really seen on the public hive, seems to me the server admins have totally ruined it, plus a million variations on the mod itself has fragmented the community IMO, the overall popularity of dayz maybe still high but it seems impossible to find a server that runs something that resembles the original dayz idea.

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Your best bet for a true vanilla experience with good population is US434.  Lots of players, stellar admin, actually vanilla, dark nights with real moon phase, good player base with a mix of bandits/survivors/heroes.


As for the public hive R4Z0R has stated many times that it's out of their hands.  Apparently somebody at BI held the key to the public hive database and apparently they have no interest in bringing it back.  Sad day.  I *REALLY* miss the public hive as much as you guys do.  Most of my friends in the Knights group disappeared after the hive went down.  Seems I'm playing lone wolf for the most part these days.

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I was hoping Drunkie would have considered turning UK410 private vanilla to mirror your efforts with US434, but alas I don't think he could and the loyal player base will have melted away by now.




As much as you guys have your act together, we need a reputable server to gather in on this side of the pond.

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Your best bet for a true vanilla experience with good population is US434.  Lots of players, stellar admin, actually vanilla, dark nights with real moon phase, good player base with a mix of bandits/survivors/heroes.


As for the public hive R4Z0R has stated many times that it's out of their hands.  Apparently somebody at BI held the key to the public hive database and apparently they have no interest in bringing it back.  Sad day.  I *REALLY* miss the public hive as much as you guys do.  Most of my friends in the Knights group disappeared after the hive went down.  Seems I'm playing lone wolf for the most part these days.


Was wondering about your crew. I still see Deanzphx on 434, too. Glad some of you guys are sticking around.


ANYWAY, it appears we have enough players and enough interest to start our own private, public Hive. SO LET'S DO IT!


I can't provide any technical help, but I can donate!


Tommy Geryon (us434) has two servers, TG clan prolly still runs 3480, get one more server and that should be a great start.


There's a lot of extra noise that gets thrown into the discussion. The point is the Vanilla Mod is still the gold standard (especially now thanks to Razor for making it so stable and feature rich). Imagine there's no SA, no h1z1 or anything else and today 1.8.1 Dayz appears on the gaming scene for the first time. It would be a massive hit, just like it was two years ago. But even more so again because 1.8.1 is so nearly perfect.


There's a passionate group of us who love vanilla (maybe 40 players). I think that's plenty enough from which to build the community back up again. Every night on 434 I see 10+ players' names I've never seen before. These are all potential "converts". I don't think they stay for very long because a) vanilla mod is quiet/dead thus no notoriety for epic deeds and 2) vanilla is so deliciously difficult it is not noob friendly at all. Despite all that, vanilla clearly draws significant interest even now because so many potential new customers every night.

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The US servers ping at about 170 for me... Btw, no one want to play vanilla? The MOD devs might want to think about why that is, but the answer is not gimicks or pay2win even though these things are popular.

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Main issue I've seen is that once 1.8.2 came available a lot of the servers switched. Unfortunately DZC and DL are only offering 1.8.1. People simply have not moved over to Steam. It's sad because as the defacto portal for PC games with a track record for longevity people still have not become comfortable using Steam for Dayzmod.

A week ago US434 was almost always full with 1.8.1 but since converting over to 1.8.2 the population has died down to half. I've also noticed this with facoptere's servers as well.

Conversely when US 3481 came online again it was on 1.8.1 and it immediately took off within a few hours. When Jimmy switched to 1.8.2 the population tanked. I'm confident in saying that at this point the lack of accessibility of 1.8.2 on these custom launchers is hurting the player population. It's not the developers fault but it shows you no matter how easy it is to install and launch with Steam, players will stay with what they are use to. Which frustrates me to no end.

Only time will tell if the reliance on DZC will fade.

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Im all for this, Ive heroed on Epoch, Overwatch, Overpoch, and as soon as I gain hero status some noob asshat misses me, and I lose it for being a better shot.

Origins was GREAT for heroes, but its gone now...

So my last hope is Vanilla DayZ (Screw DayZRP, I watched someone get an IP ban for accidentally double posting)

So if yall guys got a private public hive (oxymoron much?) Then I would DEFINITELY donate. And play. Amd stuffz.

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Im all for this, Ive heroed on Epoch, Overwatch, Overpoch, and as soon as I gain hero status some noob asshat misses me, and I lose it for being a better shot.

Origins was GREAT for heroes, but its gone now...

So my last hope is Vanilla DayZ (Screw DayZRP, I watched someone get an IP ban for accidentally double posting)

So if yall guys got a private public hive (oxymoron much?) Then I would DEFINITELY donate. And play. Amd stuffz.


What happened to origins if you don't mind me asking?

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Main issue I've seen is that once 1.8.2 came available a lot of the servers switched. Unfortunately DZC and DL are only offering 1.8.1. People simply have not moved over to Steam. It's sad because as the defacto portal for PC games with a track record for longevity people still have not become comfortable using Steam for Dayzmod.

A week ago US434 was almost always full with 1.8.1 but since converting over to 1.8.2 the population has died down to half. I've also noticed this with facoptere's servers as well.

Conversely when US 3481 came online again it was on 1.8.1 and it immediately took off within a few hours. When Jimmy switched to 1.8.2 the population tanked. I'm confident in saying that at this point the lack of accessibility of 1.8.2 on these custom launchers is hurting the player population. It's not the developers fault but it shows you no matter how easy it is to install and launch with Steam, players will stay with what they are use to. Which frustrates me to no end.

Only time will tell if the reliance on DZC will fade.


I think maybe people made the same mistake as I did, but don't know how to rectify it, and that causes the switchover to 1.8.2 problem. So heres how the story goes... steam automatically updates my Dayz mod, and I didn't notice. So I hop onto Dayz launcher and it says theres an update. So I update, and then hop onto Dayz commander, and yippee! Theres an update there too! Good 'ole dayz commander is BACK!!! So I think I am updating when in fact the  launchers are throwing me back to 1.8.1, I scratch my head and start wondering how my updates didn't update, if you know what Im saying. So I jump back onto steam and figure out how to get 1.8.2 running, and I live happily ever after, for now.


Its confusing times for the less tech savvy of us!

Edited by Jock McScottish

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What happened to origins if you don't mind me asking?

Dunno, I guess kiddies and KoSers complained about its lack of guns, tough zombies, and HERO CENTERED GAMEPLAY (hellz yee)

So it was pretty much Vanilla DayZ with base building that took several hours a day for almost a week to build, even with a team.

So yeah, I imagine kids complained that leet360as50noscoping was too hard, and that their bases to camp from were too hard to build

Did I mention its on Taviana, the greatest map?

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Are the Public Hive Servers are really gone for good now?

I can't believe it. :(

I Don't want to play on private and the SA is to complicated to be actually fun (Don't like the deterioration of loot, the million ways to get sick, the billiion hats... >:( .).  

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My pc has been fixed a few weeks now and I'm back playing. There are a few severs still running. But I'm mainly playing on overwatch servers, which are like vanilla but have food, weapons and vehicles. Personally, I love it and am playing up to 6 six hours a day/night. Some are crowded pvp servers, others are quieter hunting/survival servers. I play both. I recommend you give them a go.  :thumbsup:  

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Are the Public Hive Servers are really gone for good now?

I can't believe it. :(

I Don't want to play on private and the SA is to complicated to be actually fun (Don't like the deterioration of loot, the million ways to get sick, the billiion hats... > :( .).  

I feel you.  The focus in SA is way to microscopic.  So far they've ignored or failed when it comes to core mechanics that made DayZ mod so fun.  Time will tell if they ever get around to getting them implemented.  For now, there's a few private hives running vanilla settings like the public servers.  US434 is the most popular US vanilla server.  The most popular EU one is DayZ Europa.  I suggest checking them out.  It's the closest you'll get to the original DayZ mod feel.

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To me, the only thing I saw in public hives is that it was a good cheating tool.

  1. Spawn on a server, go to NWA
  2. Change servers until you're fully geared up
  3. Ghost out when you end up in combat. Log on a different server.
  4. rince and repeat

Private hives force players to commit to a single server. Do you research about which one you want to play on, and stick to it. Never understood the desire to play on 1248719874 servers.
And yes, they are still some very good vanilla servers with serious admins *subliminal self-advertising*

Edited by Aidsplosion
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To me, the only thing I saw in public hives is that it was a good cheating tool.

  1. Spawn on a server, go to NWA
  2. Change servers until you're fully geared up
  3. Ghost out when you end up in combat. Log on a different server.
  4. rince and repeat

Private hives force players to commit to a single server. 


True, but the flip side is that the public hives was a good anti-carebear tool.  Most (not quite all), but most of the public hive servers played by the public hive rules and kept server settings at the DayZ mod defaults.  You hardly ever saw shit like DMRs spawning in the super market in Elektro, Ospreys fully repaired on the coast, bicycles littered in every coastal town, fully repaired vehicles on restart, 24/7 daytime, etc etc etc.  I gladly took the server hopping and combat logging as it was far less frustrating than trying to find a private hive that actually ran real settings.  The private hives were largely just a popularity contest, and the server that added the more shit got more clients.

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