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8300 blood, died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

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Just lost all my gear (see attachment)

What happened. Had 8300 blood. Was spotted by zombies, sprinted FULL speed. Out of the corner a zombie attacks me while I am running, causing major bleeding and I pass out. After my character regained consciousnesses I had 2000 blood and 2 zombies still attacking me. I couldnt shoot the zombies or bandage myself, because the character does some retarded animations and doesnt respond to controls. Its like he tries to pull out an invisible weapon for three times and you cant control him.

So what do we have ? 8300 blood. Died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

You think its well balanced ? Well, I am not.

Yes zombies should be hard. But not insta killing a char with 8k blood. Thats too absurd.

Obligatory the "please fix asap" line.

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Time to get some buds to cover you man. If a zed got you unconscious in real life, I don't think you'd want to wake up. ;)

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Time to get some buds to cover you man. If a zed got you unconscious in real life' date=' I don't think you'd want to wake up. ;)


All jokes aside. I dont want to play with buds. Zombies should not kill you with ONE single random lucky hit with 8300 blood.

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When under 9k blood, the zombies have a certain chance of knocking you out, so really - it's your own fault for risking it in the first place. There's nothing that should be fixed.

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When under 9k blood' date=' the zombies have a certain chance of knocking you out, so really - it's your own fault for risking it in the first place. There's nothing that should be fixed.


So 8k blood from 12k blood is 0,66% or 2/3. So with that amount of life, over 50%, you say its OK to die from one lucky random zombie attack.

Like how is it realistic ? Military sim, right ?

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Unfortunately yes you do have a chance of being knocked uncon uder 9k blood, but i do agree something needs to be done about the triple hur dur dur animation bug thing.

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The next advise from you will be not play the game, right ?

Unfortunately yes you do have a chance of being knocked uncon uder 9k blood' date=' but i do agree something needs to be done about the triple hur dur dur animation bug thing.


Yes, there should be a chance below 6k blood. And not THAT high of a chance. How am I supposed to survive with low blood then ?

You might as well spawn three hearts - each zombie hit you loose one heart.

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its funnier if u having 12000 blood and getting broken legs from a single zombie + unconscious

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[...] Zombies should not kill you with ONE single random lucky hit with 8300 blood.

Yes, they should. That's what makes every single zombie encounter so unpredictable, and thus intense, no matter how experienced or well equipped you are. Nothing to fix here imho.

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As far as I can tell, it wasn't a one-hit kill, just a one-hit knockout. If you're travelling on your own and you get knocked out by a zed, it's pretty much likely that you're not gonna get back up in time.

I've been killed a few times after being blindsided by a zed and subsequently knocked out. I just try again, I don't really mind.

And hey, it could be worse - You could be doomed to zombification after a single hit no matter how much blood you have. I think the system's fine as is.

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its funnier if u having 12000 blood and getting broken legs from a single zombie + unconscious

Already had that. Everything works as intended

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I like the three hearts system. And you can't use the DMR unless you have five hearts.

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I like the three hearts system. And you can't use the DMR unless you have five hearts.

Yea, and you gain hearts by posting on the forum stating how the game is perfectly fine balanced and people just have to l2p. Sad world

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i never had that happen to me.

but i can feel you that it must be very frustrating.

i think a minimal critical hit chance is still good. maybe he punched your larynx or hit a main artery.

anyway. you come in here just to cry i lost all my gear bu-hu.

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I like the three hearts system. And you can't use the DMR unless you have five hearts.

Yea' date=' and you gain hearts by posting on the forum stating how the game is perfectly fine balanced and people just have to l2p. Sad world


Even better! you gain hearts by growing up and making that 20min run back to NWAF and grab that M4A1 CCO you lost that isn't that rare. You really need to calm down. If you're going to travel alone there are MANY risks you must accept, but travelling in groups also has their own separate donwfalls. But in all seriousness, if you don't like the way the game is designed, quit. If it's making you angry, quit. If it's too frustrating, quit. Post your suggestion on the Forums, and quit, don't follow it up by crying us a river about how you can't turn your head while running and see a zombie making a B-line right for you. Adapt to the situation and move on.


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I find it funny people talking about balance or imbalance on an Alpha stage mod. YOU GUYS MAKE ME SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!1111 ONE ONE!!!, but in all seriousness, this mod is not for the weak willed. Y3w must be stronger child, in the heart and in the mind. Believe in yourself 'nd urself will b3lieve in yu3.

W-izz-ord to my Homeskilletz.

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I find it funny people talking about balance or imbalance on an Alpha stage mod. YOU GUYS MAKE ME SICKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!1111 ONE ONE!!!' date=' but in all seriousness, this mod is not for the weak willed. Y3w must be stronger child, in the heart and in the mind. Believe in yourself 'nd urself will b3lieve in yu3.

W-izz-ord to my Homeskilletz.


<3 Lovering proc chance on broken bones, loosing consciousnesses or bleeding are 3 lines of code. One line per change.

But we rather add bear traps to grief even more. Fuck yea!

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Just lost all my gear (see attachment)

What happened. Had 8300 blood. Was spotted by zombies' date=' sprinted FULL speed. Out of the corner a zombie attacks me while I am running, causing major bleeding and I pass out. After my character regained consciousnesses I had 2000 blood and 2 zombies still attacking me. I couldnt shoot the zombies or bandage myself, because the character does some retarded animations and doesnt respond to controls. Its like he tries to pull out an invisible weapon for three times and you cant control him.

So what do we have ? 8300 blood. Died from a SINGLE zombie hit.

You think its well balanced ? Well, I am not.

Yes zombies should be hard. But not insta killing a char with 8k blood. Thats too absurd.

Obligatory the "please fix asap" line.


Had a similar situ myself. 1 or 2 hits and i'm hitting the kunt with my axe and I get two broken icons and I lose over 6000 blood in less than a minute.

respawned and 5 hours down the drain.

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I think the system is fine aswell. What you explained haven't happened to me though, but I've been surprised by many zombies suddenly just appearing behind me, they do knock you out pretty fast.. I broke my leg in 1 hit (12.000 blood) I found that pretty annoying but what you gonna do? I just respawned and continued, I'm sure someone could break your leg in 1 hit in real life if strong enough ;)

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<3 Lovering proc chance on broken bones' date=' loosing consciousnesses or bleeding are 3 lines of code. One line per change.

But we rather add bear traps to grief even more. Fuck yea!


Rocket is lowering the chance of broken bones.

Personally, I don't think the chance of you passing out from taking damage after you've lost a quarter of your blood is too unrealistic, although the threshold could be lowered a bit (to, say, once you've lost one third.)

This is Alpha, Rocket is adding new ideas to test how they work, if they don't work well then they are removed.

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When under 9k blood' date=' the zombies have a certain chance of knocking you out, so really - it's your own fault for risking it in the first place. There's nothing that should be fixed.


The first thing has nothing to do with the second thing - stop mixing the two. Yes - he was at fault for not realizing how dangerous it is to do any kind of zombie related activity below PERFECT HEALTH.

Does that mean the mechanic is broken? Oh you bet your scrawny arse.

Ninjaedit: It's 3:30AM here. Don't expect the vault of eternal wisdom.

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I believe the unconscious mechanic was intended for you to work with a teammate or a group of people. You have to remember that you took the chance to go solo with low blood and paid the price.

However, I do agree that 9,000 blood is a little high to be one-shot KO'd. It should be lowered to around 6,000.

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You don't need much words to explain why the game is right and you're wrong, they can be summarized in your own phrase: "Was spotted by zombies" <<< here the big mistake that toke your life, indipendently from your blood level or weird animations.

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fix: matches should spawn way more often, with meat you can regain a LOT of blood (a cow gives 6400 blood if my math is right) a rabbit 1000 blodd etc...

just dont fight with below 9k blood, that is all

(<3 my axe)

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Seen plenty of perfectly healthy people drop to the floor and be unable to stand again after a solid king hit, and I don't think their "blood" was low. I once saw a guy get taken to hopsital because he got knocked on the head with a scool lunch box. Running at full pace and taking a solid round house to the nose sounds like a "Down for the count" situation to me.

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