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I have been admin on a server for a while and then the server went down. After the owner put the server back up he was making everyone who was admin, admin again. When he got to me he asked my my ID, I gave it to him but this time it was completely different to the first time I gave it to him. This time the ID is 18 numbers long instead of 9. I have checked Arma2 OA, and when launched Dayz I looked their also. Exact same ID. Wont work when he puts it in the control panel.  Anyway that I can get my old one back?

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I think both are listed in your profile.vars file, whether you can still be identified by your old one now that OA uses Steam, I don't know.


C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\YOURPROFILENAME.vars

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on some things you can still be referenced by your old UID the command getPlayerUIDOld was introduced for this purpose  

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Have the dev of your server use the database to get your new steamID, the change you are seeing is the change over from playerIDs to steamIDs. If he doesn't know how to get your id through there tell him to go into player_data and search your name in game. The number next to your name will be your steamID.

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