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Little boy blew

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'ON YER KNEES SON!!!' commanded Beansy, the kid obliged.

'There's a good boy' Beansy continued with an evil grin, 'now open that purty little mouth nice an' wiiiiiide, that's it, now... say HELLOOOOOOOO!!!'


Our pre-pubescent captive could never have known just where his ill fated ambush attempt was going to lead him, if he had even the slightest inkling about the dark and depraved road his actions would eventually lead him down he surely would have kept his high pitched squeak of a voice and his mosin quiet.


We found him 20 minutes earlier, we'd heard some shots in Berezino and like moths to a flame ran to investigate and there he was, crouched over an unconscious fresh spawn screeching insults at his helpless victim 'You dumb bitch! You f*cking dumbass noob bitch....' etc etc, I am sure you get the gist, as we watched and listened from behind a wall the squeaking continued until, with a final outburst of childish hate filled vitriol (which included multiple references to the victims mothers unusual sexual preferences) he ended his victims ordeal with a double tap to the face.


'I like him' chuckled Beansy 'reminds me of me when I was a little un' the child finished looting the body then withdrew to the building from where no doubt he had first emerged, like a trapdoor spider lurking in his stairwell behind a closed door listening for the sound of footsteps before springing an ambush.


'I'll bait him you waste him' suggested Beansy


And so it went, Beansy trotted past the door making as much noise as possible, the little scrote opened the door and appeared, gun raised and I smashed a couple of 5.56's into his chest and down he went like the proverbial sack of excrement.


Cue Beansy... - 'You nasty little sh*t, eh? you dirty sneaky little toe rag you, eh? How ya feelin now ya sackless tart? does yer momma know yer out this late? or is she still out servicing truckers for a fiver a pop?'


Seeing he was still alive I instantly applied a bandage then proceeded to strip his lifeless form of any weaponry, Beansy sharp as a razor saw what was afoot and applied some handcuffs, we waited in silence for him to regain consciousness. Beansy checked his pulse and discovered his name was 'SykoBoB'


'When yer wake up Bob yer gonna come with us, no talking, no raising yer fists, any monkey business an we'll end yer on the spot, do you understand son?'


'yes' it squeaked, 'Good' said Beansy, then added 'Not a f*ckin word out of you son!'

no sooner had Bob regained consciousness than we were off towards the trees, me up front, Bob in the middle and Beansy bringing up the rear.


and it was in the woods where we imposed our will upon the wretched child, we force fed him a rotten kiwi and laughed as he vomited, we punched him a few times and he raised his fists and fought back, he landed a couple of good uns on me and I feared I would go down, unfortunately for Bob the only person going down today was him and that brings us back to where our tale began...


A child on his knees, Beansy standing above him barking instructions as he guided the barrel of his shotgun towards an opened mouth '... say HELLOOOOOOOO!!!'


'helloooo' he squeaked as a single shot echoed around the forest and Bob was no more.

















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Beansy's my favorite. Bob rest in peace although you deserved it .

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