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My Buddies 2nd Day

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Hey guys, I thought i'd tell you my friend, who was new to the game, his first day. He had just gotten the game last night but I had to go when he hopped on, So I got on today and we began playing. WE first started off by trying to figure out where he had spawned, he showed me on cam on skype his location and I was able to locate him. He had spawned just outside the new town. So i figured I would show him around the new town. After a short time of looting a clan on the server met on our lines. They told us to put our hands up and dont move. Being the normal guy he is he complied, just as I did. But I knew they were up to no good and told him to run on the count 3. Yet they had started to hancuff him and me. I told him to run but he was to late. I was able to get away. He played it off as he had just met me and we had no communication. After I found a mosin and some ammo they had taken him to the city hall on the top. I traveled up the stairs slowly and was eventually killed when I got to him :(. But they let him go shortly later. But I had spawned at NEAF where 2 new spawns and 1 slightly geared guy tried to kill me. After taking them out with my hoe we met up again. We ran for a while and met a player on the road. After I hield up the player he tried to pull a gun an I poped him. After that we just ran to the NWAF but, we got lost and we found and killed his first animal :D. But then I had to go for a while. Here is a picture of him and his first kill http://imgur.com/8G7EXvh

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Sounds like you guys had a truly great experience, hope you have many more :)

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Nice story! Btw... The mask your buddy wears is a bullet magnet. He likely gonna be shot at no matter if he's friendly or not.

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Nice story! Btw... The mask your buddy wears is a bullet magnet. He likely gonna be shot at no matter if he's friendly or not.

Ya I know XD I told him but he thought he looks patriotic 

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