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Tikka (DayZ)

Killed by axe-killers

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today dieing was really funny. i climbed up a deerstand and was happy to find a mp5sd6 with 3 mags :)

i was so happy i didn't pay attention to my surrounding and when i climbed down the ladder, i got attacked and slayn by 2 (or more?) guys with axes :P

wasn't even mad because of loosing my new weapon, it was just funny :)

maybe they were allready infected ^^

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Pretty much the same thing happend to me once. In a wierd way I prefer getting chopped down by an axe dude than getting shot down by a camping sniper.

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I was once surrounded by a group of axe-men on bicycles, as a new spawn, they jumped off and killed me.

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As a newly spawned i ran to Balota Airfield, after arounf 10 minutes snooping around for wep. an axe wielder started to chase me.

5 minutes later I had a train of zeds after me+Mr.Axe, the comedy ended when som dumd f****

decided to macaroni me when i came through a bush...

I bet he got a surprise when axe guy and zed train followed....

*evil grin*

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As a newly spawned i ran to Balota Airfield' date=' after arounf 10 minutes snooping around for wep. an axe wielder started to chase me.

5 minutes later I had a train of zeds after me+Mr.Axe, the comedy ended when som dumd f****

decided to macaroni me when i came through a bush...

I bet he got a surprise when axe guy and zed train followed....

*evil grin*


Made me laugh :) Thanx!

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I'm an avid axe wielder. I will kill anyone I can with an axe as it just adds to the tension for me. Stalking your prey as they go around looting through piles of garbage, only to be hacked down as soon as their backside is exposed.

Why just yesterday I was lying prone in a field north of Sobor when a guy with a Lee Enfield (why was he so far north with a Lee Enfield??) came running directly towards me. As he came within melee range I majestically rose from my concealed hiding spot and hacked him down. The last thing I heard from him was "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???" over comms.

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A friend an me killed you Tikka^^

we spawned in three valleys, went to Msta and only found hatchets in the barn, so we started checking the deerstands and found you ontop of one.

We hid behind trees and charged you while climbing down.

Both chars didn't die since then and your MP5SD is still in use.

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LMAOOOOO! Unholy that is some funny Sh@t! LOLOLOL

Fajeth - Kudos on axe murdering, I love the axe murders, more balls than the snipers.

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