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why are no body friendly

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Every single time i go into a town i have been shot by another player even when i spawned on the edge and walked in i got shot within 1m i didn't have anything wasn't a threat whats the point just waste of ammo killing me most of the time.

is there anyone that dose not just shoot on sight and waste ammo its the only annoying thing on here so far

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everyone shoots on sight eventually. its too risky not to. there is no humanity system, no global chat, no way to tell someones intentions. kill or be killed.

it feels like the devs are really pushing for a 225m2 deathmatch arena.

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it feels like the devs are really pushing for a 225m2 deathmatch arena.

Can always count on you, vanilladragon, to say exactly the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over with no substance and no legitimate response to anyone who calls you out on your ridiculous bullshit.

My teammate and I have had 1 death in the last 36 days, 120+ hours in game working together. Maybe 5 total murders - all while exploring some of the most populated hotspots in the game, heisting vehicles, looting helicopter crashes, etc.

What "deathmatch" games have you played where you can go 36 days without dying?

Can you name one?

Just one?

To the OP: Friends are out there. Find at least one, preferably more. Always travel in groups. Going it alone and relying on the kindness of strangers is a bad idea today, and would be a worse idea after the end of the world.

For now, until rocket ramps up some more communication mechanics like radios, your best bet is to find friends here on the forums or look for servers that advertise their Teamspeak3 servers and join those. Many clans are very happy to have new recruits and will take you under their wing and even help you gear up.

Despite what vanilladragon says, there's plenty to do out there besides "deathmatching."

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Its not kill or be killed your just fueling deathmatching why not just avoid another survivor

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Just want to add a tip here for anyone who finds themselves ending up in "deathmatches". Please look around and make sure you are not in Cherno/Elektro. You have no reason to complain if you are walking around in these towns, as they ARE just a big deathmatch on most servers.

This has been said a million times before, but head inland if you don't want to get shot. As for finding friends, your best bet like ZdB said is to join a clan on the forums, or even just find a partner.

Good luck, don't let it get you down.

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i am confident teamplay with random survivors will be encoureged more soon. the one way or the other. no doubt about it. until this time, adapt and kill others yourself or team up with a clan or friends. or rush to the north and live in the woods.

i recently saw a survivor in the north. my first spot since i left cherno for good. i asked 'friendly' over direct chat. he went prone, made a 360° turn. and when he realized he couldnt see me he just DCed.

my pure presence scared the shit out of him ^^ funny stuff because i only use crossbow ^^.

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This has been said a million times before' date=' but head inland if you don't want to get shot.


Sadly that statement is incorrect. Most of my deaths are up in north (NOT in Stary/NWE mind you) .

It seems that since north is full of geared players,they will not risk anything and shoot you even/more so if you are unaware of them and pose no threat to them.

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What "deathmatch" games have you played where you can go 36 days without dying?

Can you name one?

Just one?

What "deathmatch" game have you played where you can continue gamemode, map, position of DC and life after reconnect?

can you name one?

just one?

no sir? ah, thats why you can't live 36days in other games. kewl deathmatch game. really kewl.

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This has been said a million times before' date=' but head inland if you don't want to get shot.


Sadly that statement is incorrect. Most of my deaths are up in north (NOT in Stary/NWE mind you) .

It seems that since north is full of geared players,they will not risk anything and shoot you even/more so if you are unaware of them and pose no threat to them.

That's pretty surprising, but I was also speaking from personal experience. I wen't from ending up in fire fights everyday down at the coast to only little skirmishes when I do a Berezino run. And even those were just a few shots and we let eachother go.

I do understand that inland survivors are very hostile due to their gear, but I find that I very rarely run into them.

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This has been said a million times before' date=' but head inland if you don't want to get shot.


Sadly that statement is incorrect. Most of my deaths are up in north (NOT in Stary/NWE mind you) .

It seems that since north is full of geared players,they will not risk anything and shoot you even/more so if you are unaware of them and pose no threat to them.

Yeah I die a lot up north too. But that's cause my buddies like to blow up the thing we are riding in. lol "oh that fence post just jumped out eh"...."dame ATV it was just a little hill"....With friends like that who needs enemies!

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Nobody is friendly because there is too much at stake to try to find out. In real-life there are morals, values and general thoughts of well-being for mankind. In the game there is none of that.

Shoot first so you don't need to start back on the beach.

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Care to clean this verbal diarrhea up a bit so it makes a bit of sense and I can actually try to respond to something that resembles a human thought?

Best I can surmise by picking through the bits of leftover corn sticking out of your shit pile of a post, it seems like you're baselessly accusing me of exploiting disconnects in order to survive because you don't believe it's actually possible to last 36 days in the game legitimately?

Is that roughly it? Just making shit up about me so it seems like you have an argument? You ridiculous twat.

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Simple answer for why I shoot on sight.. because its safer for me and if you arent with my group I cannot trust you. Also more then likely you will have some gear I can make use of to help me survive longer.

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Surviving in this game is easy. Get a decent pack, decent weapon, matches, knife, hatchet and you are pretty much good to go. I could probably survive indefinitely if that was my goal. Just stay away from major centers (stary/novy, airfields/barracks, cities, etc.) and hide in the bushes. Drink from ponds with a water bottle and eat meat from the animals.

Anyway. Staying alive is easy. Feeling alive is a little bit more dangerous.

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Clint Eastwood once said :

You see in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

Replace dig with die and you have DayZ.

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This is because if they see a firearm in your hand they wont take the chance to lose their hard earn gear. If you are looking for friendlies in this game, don't look for randoms. Find them on websites and forums where you can actually contact each other and coordinate. Yelling "Friendly" in the middle of Churno will just get you killed.

Take it from other players on this Thread. It's kill or be killed out there. I've died far to many times from "friendlies" that I've turned into a bad ass motherfucker that kills on sight. Why? Because I want to survive.

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Anyway. Staying alive is easy. Feeling alive is a little bit more dangerous.

Nice line. I like it, but I wonder if it's an original or if someone else said it before!

Very true though.

Back to topic, the feeling I get from this game is that the constant fear makes people go paranoid. I keep thinking about The Thing, that movie by Jon Carpenter. People are afraid and don't trust each other because you never know who's the monster.

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Deep down we are all sociopaths.

That doesn't make sense, if we are, then "sociopaths" is void of all meaning and we are just humans.

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There is a lot of friendlies out there. Just chat with them so you don't get a bullet in your head... You must have your eyes opened all of the time, no matter what. Just run and look around...

If you see someone, speak with him. If he reads the text, doesn't answer, but starts looking around, shoot him. That means, he is not friendly. Has happened to me several times.


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I myself decided to shoot on sight, no questions asked. Why? Because everyone does that... to everyone. If you want a group, check the forums (as stated before).

I myself died to a dude in a town while being unarmed a lot of times, i just think: "nice one, you just wasted ammo and attracted a whole bunch of zeds, keep it up"

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There are 2 types of Players, it seems:

1) The Survivor who takes DayZ as a challenge to survive as long as possible. I think most players start playing DayZ with this in mind as it is how DayZ has been marketed. They view DayZ more as a Simulator than just a game.

2) Others who just see it as a game to do whatever they want. Not all have the intent of being Bandits or are Bandits, but many, probably most, certainly end up as Bandits. Some of them don't care if they die, others do care and are willing to DC when they get in over their head, others Server Hop to quickly kit up so they can get back into the fray. They view DayZ as just a Game and not a Simulator.

Personally I prefer 1. Having to be very wary of other players just makes it more interesting/challenging IMO. That said, I haven't had to respawn since 1.7, so I haven't had to deal with the possibility of having no weapon at start and Bandits sniping new spawns for no reason whatsoever. So far my experience with DayZ has lived up to the hype and I'm having fun, but I am concerned that it could end up failing if Banditry isn't discouraged in some fashion.

Just to repeat some points others have made. People wanting to avoid getting killed soon after spawn really need to stop going to Electro/Cherno. Both places are death traps and draw way too many people for one to expect to survive long. I had the benefit of watching quite a few Playthroughs prior to starting DayZ, but upon my first spawn in Dayz, the very first thing I did was to run to the nearest Mountain and just keep running(not entirely possible with recent changes, but can be done after getting a few supplies from smaller towns first). It really is far safer up north than near spawn. Certainly players up north have the better loadouts, but the area is huge and the player concentration much lower giving you the better chance of long term survival.

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