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You know what grinds my gears?

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I love that there is a hatchet you can use as a melee weapon now. The thing I think is pointless about it you can have it in your tool belt while having a shotgun, enfield, or any other big gun, but can't switch it out with the hatchet.

You have to drop your weapon then use it. This is particularly useful for not wasting ammo and or making all kinds of noise.

I mean it is taking up a spot regardless where it is on you.

Oh well...:s

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I'm still overjoyed it is able to but put back in the tool belt. That (re-)adjustment is awesome.

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The gear interface is also one of the things that Rocket would most like to change according to what he said in the PC Gamer live stream with him yesterday. Give him time people. Rome wasn't built in a day you know.

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Having to stand still to switch weapons is the oddest mechanic ever. Other oddities are the thumping sounds when retrieving/storing binoculars or eating(should add Minecraft crumbs for the lolz).

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Put the gun in your backpack first then.

there is a bug with that. if you put any big gun in your backpack' date=' it's instantly vaporized and you lose it. no joke, its happened to me at least three times.


It isn't so much a bug as just a crappy inventory system. There are proper ways to swap weapons in and out of your backpack without losing anything, you just have to know what you're doing.

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it is a bug. you dont lose stuff in life because u try to put them on a full bag. there sould be a warning like "bag is full" or something like that.

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