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Riffy Wrecks

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I am currently at riffy Wrecks the abandoned ship on the coast line, I am not to familiar with directions and maps but I posses a compass. I want to make my way towards a military base from here, not sure how many bases their are but the nearest one.



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Well, you are pretty far from any military installation, because they changed the airfield near you to a civil one :)

So you can either go west, for a very long time and go to North-West Airfield, or you can go South-West and go to Balota Airfield.


Use this map to find your way mate: http://www.izurvive.com/#c=59;128;7

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You'd be best off heading for Svet and looting the police station there, then moving on to Chernaya to have a go at the fire station there. Then town-hop westwards. Don't go to NEAF, because it's crap and heavily camped.

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