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Discussion etiquette on these forums

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I have observed that nearly every controversial topic discussed on these forums fizzles out with no outcome, or leads into an endless argument with no party on either side being willing to admit that the opposing party might be right in anyway at all. While this may be the norm for all Internet forums, it is still disheartening. That is all.

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I H8 U N HOP U DIEE!!!1!!

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I have a certain amount of pity for forum members who lack basic decency and the ability to form cogent arguments to support their opinions without resorting to hurling insults or spewing vitriol. They have grown cozy in their protective internet anonymity  security

blankets. Sure makes it easy to TIDR.  Too Ignorant Didn't Read. 

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I think everyone is just a bit too reactionary. I get a lot "all for me, or not at all" vibes when we have opposing arguments.


Then we have the MASSIVE divide between genuine problems with the games and idiots who have no idea what they're talking about. And those who forget they're buying into an alpha.


It's easy to blame the mass of new players, as the playerbase has doubled since the mod. And I will, because quality has taken a massive hit since then. I don't generally bother with newcomers who did not play the mod, as they really don't understand what DayZ is about and what it actually is. Not like they're all that way, but the mast majority is.


It's kind of sad how the forum is, when I think about it.

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In my opinion, it used to be a lot worse. I couldn't even so much as mention player construction in late 2012 without getting a complete earful from people about how it'd ruin the game somehow. And even as recent as four-six months ago, I couldn't mention any piece of equipment made outside of mother Russia without being accused of trying to put a cheeseburger in the mouths of every DayZ enthusiast.


Most of the real trolls have either been banned, or moved to Reddit. The moderators on this forum are pretty on-point with that type of thing. Plus, I've learned to not get too involved with the haggard topics (i.e. gamma exploit, helicopters, vehicles in-general, TPV vs. FPV, hardcore vs. regular, etc.).


What I find annoying, and this is just a general comment on people not specific to this forum, is the extent to which illogical and unsupported arguments gain traction.


Likewise, I agree with Cap'n, there's a lot of people here who want it their way and no way else. If it's not their way, the developers are letting them down on a personal level or are insinuated to be dishonest. This would be comical, if the developers didn't get unreasonably indicted for things that they never said, or intended to do in the first place. And even if they did, they've always provided solid reasoning for why they've changed their minds.


Which is not to say that we as players and members of this community cannot be critical of the developers. I am frequently critical of the developers. But it can be done in the form of a reasoned argument, rather than pure vitriol.


My favorite thing though is when things don't "feel" right, with no explanation as to why. That one always tickles me in ways.


My second favorite thing, is when people pretend to speak for a majority, the "community," or a persecuted minority. Speak for yourself, it's all you can really do.


However, 99% sure this thread will get locked sooner or later. As all the etiquette guidance you need is outlined on the list of forum rules.

Edited by Katana67
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While this may be the norm for all Internet forums arguments between human beings, it is still disheartening. That is all.

Corrected. Thats not unusual and you better get used to it. Just extract the essence of both sides and you will learn even if nobody wins.

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