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snipe's, nvg's, and silenced weapons should b removed?

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keep scoped assault rifles, and the winchester, but i think sniper rifles don't really fit this game.

i think it would be better to force a certain level of interaction (whether hostile or friendly) and sniper rifles just enable too great a distance, and create completely impersonal moments.

i was nicely geared up the other day, walking slowly along the edge of cherno in a tree line, checking for activity, being cautious, minding my own business. having just travelled north, then east, then back down south it was actually nice to see a large town... blam. dead. completely out of the blue, completely out of nowhere... what a shit way to end what had been a thoroughly entertaining story.

there had been close shaves, zed problems, random encounters (hostile and friendly)... then a sniper rifle was added to the mix and that was that.

this is, imo, what will quickly put people off. it's just a bad ending.

i appreciate and enjoy the risks of urban areas, but to get plugged from a mile away is just frustrating and an entirely crap way to die.

this was, imo, a good ending.

spawned after being randomly plugged from some ridiculous range. quickly spotted a flash light further down the beach, so jogged along to catch up.

direct comm's got going and into cherno we travelled.

snooped from house to house, ran in to some zeds but luckily i'd picked up a 1911 so dealt with them.

by this point there were three of us. suddenly a flare arched across they sky and we all froze. bullets ricocheted and whizzed over shoulders - comms lit up.

where is he? dunno, looked like the flare came from that building... etc.

we crawled along the edge of the flares light.

more bullets, more ricochets, one down after another. etc, etc.

we all died, eventually. out gunned and out positioned. but it was a good death and trying to survive the encounter was brilliant.

walking. walking. was that gun fire? dead. is not a good encounter - it's boring.

it's not a question of skill, it's a question of who has one and who doesn't (or at least that's what its become).

imo players should not be able to essentially remove themselves from the core of the game.

every decision should come with a risk, every movement needs to be measured - planting yourself on top of a hill with nvg's and a sniper rifle is so close to risk free that i just don't believe it adds anything worthwhile (unless, of course, you enjoy indiscriminate killing).

love the game, and i'm absolutely not anti-bandit - this game would be crap without them.

i just think the fact everything can so suddenly come crashing to a halt is a major balance issue.

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Your suggestion is well thought-out, but the game isn't supposed to be balanced. NVGs are pretty rare, and a person who finds one has a massive advantage at night, just like in real life.

By sniper rifle, I assume you mean the CZ550. This firearm is one of the most popular hunting rifles in Europe. Suppressors are also pretty common in Europe. I think some areas actually require them for hunting. Removing them doesn't fit with the setting of the game.

Anyway, hitting a human-sized target in ARMA 2 with a scoped rifle at long range is not at all easy. If they hit you with the first shot, they're a pro. If they don't, hit the ground when you hear incoming fire.

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rocket said in an interview last night that his vision of an apocalypse accounts for insane snipers killing people for fun

you mention that you want a certain level of player interaction? I'm certain that whatever interaction you're asking for occurs now

so, why is that thing you want so much better than all other things that other things should be expunged? because you didn't have fun? DayZ isn't about fun. because it wasn't fair? DayZ isn't about justice. because it wasn't risky for the guy with the NVGs and sniper rifle? sure was, it's just that you didn't pose the threat, because you was dead

fyi 'walking slowly' is not 'being cautious' - move quickly from cover to cover for the lowest chance of being seen and hit

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Basically you had two encounters with snipers. 1 was very good and 1 was not as good. You can't take sniper rifles out of the game because you didn't have fun when a very good sniper got you. As you said the second time you have a lot of fun.

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it's not a question of fun; it's not a question of me raging; and it's not really a question about sniping, it's a question of story telling.

dying can make for a great ending. i just don't think dying that easily adds to the survival aspect of the story.

death by long range sniper is too quick and easy a way to die; that's my point - it diminishes everything.

there's no struggle, no endurance, no chance of attempted retribution or escape. just black. the end.

boring in other words, for everyone except the sniper.

what i'm trying to say is that every encounter with another survivor should be personal, in some way.

i don't mean taking a shot to the head personally and getting angry, i mean that in a story involving the decimation of mankind there needs to be an emphasise on human contact and interaction - long range sniping is entirely impersonal.

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I died from a zombie, because he saw me while I was crawling across the road. And that's not a very good story.

Can we please remove zombies from the game?

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ah, so you want DayZ stories to fit into this lovely romantic western plot with a gunfight at the end




DayZ is more like Babel

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ah' date=' so you want DayZ stories to fit into this lovely romantic western plot with a gunfight at the end





that's not at all what i'm saying. i think most western themes are boring and done to death.

bring the evils closer to home. it will amplify them.

say you've got someone on top of a tall building with a scoped assault rifle. if you're on your own chances are he'll drop you first shot and you wont know what hit you. however, the risks to the bandit are greater - he can't really just go on an indiscriminate killing spree; he risks drawing attention and his position. another survivor may see him and for once be able to think "there you are!" as opposed to "time to log off".

others could hinder him by throwing items at the base of the building he's on, or at night using a flare to pull the zeds in. if he shoots again the chances of zeds looking for him is increased again.

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right, so why do we have to engage you at a close to medium range that allows you to return fire?

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I like that you approached it from the story angle - this is my habit also when considering game mechanics. You are correct that being sniped without warning is a terrible ending to your story, however, you must also consider the story from the sniper's perspective. Ideally, sniper ammo would be rare and available only in unreliable spawns (such as helicopter crashes). Thus the story of the sniper would be one of surviving against all odds, scraping together what little ammo he could find under adverse conditions, and taking someone out cleanly and looting their stuff to survive.

In summary, I think we can rebalance ammo for the sniper rifles before we remove them entirely.

EDIT: Additionally, there is a problem whereby grass doesn't render beyond a certain distance. If grass rendered to the maximum range of the rifle, if the first shot failed to kill you, you would become obscured by grass, and may have a better chance of escape. This seems to be an unfortunate technical limitation.

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Sniping you isn't impersonal. Sitting at the end of the scope, watching you move, gauging if you're a threat, weighing the odds of spending a round and exposing my position or letting you pass silently--it's as much my story as it is yours.

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I had a similar ending to my best life, honestly it was annoying and a pretty lousy ending to a great story which was like fight club with single serving friends, meet up, help out, leave. Then I was near a helicopter crash site in my ghillie killing zeds with an M4A1 Camo SD while waiting for my friend to arrive to pick up the DMR then just sudden death. However it was my personal decision to pick that M4 over the M107 earlier and over the DMR's at the crash site, and that's the reason I died. You can't expect a game without snipers, if someone is going to kill you the gun they're carrying won't stop them, I've had people sprint at me with a Hatchet. Just move on, it's what makes the game fun.

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