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Whats the craziest that that has happaned to you in DayZ that people don't belive when you tell them?

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I gotta say it's the time I managed to get an extremly lucky magnum headshot shot form 300m away shooting into the green prison buildings in (Old) North East Airfield.

Edited by TrimPampano

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a cowboy circumcised me with an amphibia, then with a magnum, then with a mosin. then he poisoned me with disinfectrant, then he broke my legs and put morphine at the top of a flight of stairs and left me...

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Was sniping from on top of the tall building in Cherno, with signs on it. Character had been alive for so long, been through a dozen firefights taking hits. Suddenly I take a mistep and "whooop" over the edge. It was such a drop there was time for to tell my partners "Well, I'm dead"..."What? Did you..." "Yea I'm falling".


I landed on one of the pipe walkways at the bottom...and took no damage.


That character lived on!

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  On 7/13/2014 at 12:43 AM, FREDDIEkillz said:

Why is everyone lying in this thread?

It's point of this thread,noone beleves you...

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  On 7/13/2014 at 12:49 AM, Miki Grom said:

It's point of this thread,noone beleves you...

I believe you 

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Simple...the craziest thing that I have said/done/happened to me in dayz which no one believes when I tell them:.....



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Craziest thing that's happened to me that nobody believes? 


I've never seen a hacker in over 250 hours of play time. Crazy I know!

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  On 7/13/2014 at 1:24 AM, sabre05 said:

Craziest thing that's happened to me that nobody believes? 


I've never seen a hacker in over 250 hours of play time. Crazy I know!

Lies!!!  476 hours and no hackers!!!

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I was in msta looting one of the single door houses. I had a fireaxe, no gun. I turned to the door to leave and see a hoxton mask/fireaxe guy standing in the door, blocking my exit with axe drawn.

My mic wasn't plugged in, so I quickly start typing, hey what do you need etc. No response. He just stands there staring. So I start dropping some stuff on the ground. He doesn't move.

So I step back a bit. He steps into the house, to the side of the door. Starts leaning towards the door, felt like he was taunting me to try to escape. I decided to test my luck, and somehow walk right past the guy. I goto the back yard of the house, and he follows me with his axe drawn still.

I'm pretty sure he saw my fireaxe and had psychotic visions of an axe battle in this little back yard. I left the yard and continued looting, trying to find a backpack.

About 30 min later I am looting some random long barn, and when I get to the end of it, there he is. Axe drawn. Just... Breathing. I typed to him again, thank you for not killing me and dropped a pristine orange at his feet (lol!)

As I left the barn, he followed me out. I picked a random direction and start sprinting to the forest, looking at him over my shoulder. He followed me for awhile and then all of a sudden I lost him in the trees.

TLDR: i found a friendly axe murderer

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  On 7/13/2014 at 2:40 AM, TheFarm said:


I was in msta looting one of the single door houses. I had a fireaxe, no gun. I turned to the door to leave and see a hoxton mask/fireaxe guy standing in the door, blocking my exit with axe drawn.

My mic wasn't plugged in, so I quickly start typing, hey what do you need etc. No response. He just stands there staring. So I start dropping some stuff on the ground. He doesn't move.

So I step back a bit. He steps into the house, to the side of the door. Starts leaning towards the door, felt like he was taunting me to try to escape. I decided to test my luck, and somehow walk right past the guy. I goto the back yard of the house, and he follows me with his axe drawn still.

I'm pretty sure he saw my fireaxe and had psychotic visions of an axe battle in this little back yard. I left the yard and continued looting, trying to find a backpack.

About 30 min later I am looting some random long barn, and when I get to the end of it, there he is. Axe drawn. Just... Breathing. I typed to him again, thank you for not killing me and dropped a pristine orange at his feet (lol!)

As I left the barn, he followed me out. I picked a random direction and start sprinting to the forest, looking at him over my shoulder. He followed me for awhile and then all of a sudden I lost him in the trees.

TLDR: i found a friendly axe murderer

God, I wish I could have some of these encounters myself.

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I once made love to a lovely female zombie underneath an ashwood tree in the middle of a field. It was early autumn; she was breathing heavily as she meandered towards me. I took her in my arms, crushed her against me with a powerful grip, and rubbed my manhood against her leg.


I then proceeded to handcuff her so she didn't infect me during the act and double-wrapped that shit. 8/10, would bang again.

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  On 7/13/2014 at 3:08 AM, TrimPampano said:

God, I wish I could have some of these encounters myself.

I looked at some of the other posts in this thread after I typed mine up, a lot are, I shot this at this distance. If you want to talk to people instead of shoot them, I suggest not carrying a rifle.

Sure, it has screwed me over plenty of times but the other times it has worked fantastically.

One of the times it didn't work out for me... I had just been robbed in elektro (actually made a thread about the robbery some time ago) and found a guy camping the highway. I snuck up behind him, dropped a bunch of stuff and started typing like hey hello buddy, what do you need etc. he looked at me, shot me in the head. Pretty sure he was so stupid that he didn't realize, I had the chance to kill him but didn't

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  On 7/13/2014 at 3:23 AM, Grimey Rick said:

I once made love to a lovely female zombie underneath an ashwood tree in the middle of a field. It was early autumn; she was breathing heavily as she meandered towards me. I took her in my arms, crushed her against me with a powerful grip, and rubbed my manhood against her leg.

I then proceeded to handcuff her so she didn't infect me during the act and double-wrapped that shit. 8/10, would bang again.

Rofl yessss

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    I was in a firefight with my clan with another clan that we were enemies with, and I took 5 mosin shots in a span of about 30 minutes without dying. #ProtectionCases!!! All my friends that play DayZ never believe that I can survive even 2 mosin shots, obviously they don't play DayZ enough xD

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  On 7/13/2014 at 4:13 AM, Crazy_Spider said:

    I was in a firefight with my clan with another clan that we were enemies with, and I took 5 mosin shots in a span of about 30 minutes without dying. #ProtectionCases!!! All my friends that play DayZ never believe that I can survive even 2 mosin shots, obviously they don't play DayZ enough xD

I have had some redicoulus calls like that asswell. I remember once taking both a mosin shot to my Press Vest and Ballistics helmet. I managed to scamper into cover with roughly about 600 blood before passing out. MY friends barely saved me but hell they still don't belive it.

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  On 7/13/2014 at 3:23 AM, Grimey Rick said:

I once made love to a lovely female zombie underneath an ashwood tree in the middle of a field. It was early autumn; she was breathing heavily as she meandered towards me. I took her in my arms, crushed her against me with a powerful grip, and rubbed my manhood against her leg.


I then proceeded to handcuff her so she didn't infect me during the act and double-wrapped that shit. 8/10, would bang again.


Read this post first, then looked at the postee...


Not surprised in the slightest....

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I just made my first day run through a Hardcore server, 40 strong most of the way but it reset every 2 hours which wasn't very interesting.  What is so interesting is I escaped two traps, met a new spawn who I was going to help equip but he ran the other way, then got chased down the road by a zombie (too far away for me to help), then I have two nerve wracking encounters in a town way up north that no body goes to, ending with the third one where a two person team handcuffed me, and stuffed my backpack full of goodies I didn't need (food).  One of them kept telling me I was lying about not having played long (they don't use the forums, I asked...) based on my gear - but that was dumb luck as I found a tower that was chock full O loot.  But no backpack and a rain coat for an upper likely helped my story.  Then they knocked me out so I wouldn't follow them back to their stash.  It was a strange friendly encounter, but I felt like one wrong gesture and blam I am dead.  So I wake up and head east, skimming the roads and settlements, to a shack in the middle of nowhere to drop off for the night and who should be in the shack?  Yup, the two friendlies.  But instead of saying high I just disappeared into the woods, probably saving my toon for another day.


Not bad for starting from scratch though.  4 Hours of running and picked up a mosin, fireman's axe, 357, ammo for both, can opener, camos except the jacket and vest, and filled up on so much food and water I would have burst.  I left behind a 357, longhorn, two over/under rifles, several axes.  I never once set foot on a miltary base of any kind.

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I accidently misfired with a pistol and it ricorshaded and killed me, there was no one else on the server


Still no one believes it possible and even though ive tried to do it again ive never been able to recreate it

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If anyone has ever played on Kilo wasteland server they should know there server resets on the hour every hour.  The time the server resets is on top of the hour it's spot on through steam clock there server even warns you about  the server resetting gives you a warning 1 minute ahead (I wish more servers did this).

We had 2 individuals trapped in the jail at Bolota airbase we were trying to bait them out of the jail  but they wouldn't budge (gernades would of been handy, or flashbangs) been playing around with them for approx. 10 minutes. we looked at the time and there was about 18 minutes before the top of the hour so we had until then to do something then all of a sudden the server resets one of those individuals must of been an admin. I went in to look (doors where open) after the server reset to see 1  individual  was all decked out in back with a AFM the other same but with mixed clothing.

I just think it's  funny that individuals are  scared to loose there gear and go through all the trouble to reset the server just to get out of a jam

Let me tell you a secret to the game, never get attached to your gear.


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i met this guy who wanted me and my friend to kill him and so we tried our best to make it not look like a bandit encounter, when out of nowhere a fricken hero squad comes out and holds us up. they were questioning us and they released the other guy which then proceeded to punch the heros. so anyway that guy died and we were just left there hancuffed in the middle of electro until we broke free.

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