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Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

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I think they should un-nerf it. High powered sniper rifles should be deadly. One Shot One Kill


Also its slow firing too, so now your really screwed in a short range surprise encounter.

Edited by CJFlint

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I regularly tank 2 mosin shots.


But I don't think it's the mosin but rather damage absorb system of the clothes.


As a guy who only uses the Mosin I can atest to this statment. It's not a damage nerf it's the fact that they have a pistol/ammobox/mags/kevlar helmet/shit/etc that absorbs the damage. Just aim for the face. I used to only carry the CZ75 9mm and killed many players with it. Was never killed. Why? I shot them in the face avoiding all the absorption other than a hat or helmet.


Now I rock the MP5K as my sidearm to my Mosin.


I have also survived two Mosin shots along with two shotgun blast all at once point blank and didn't even bleed. Why? Cause I stack every slot with something..


And I doubt they would ever nerf it. It's slow firing and it's a large caliber. With all the absorption in game any nerf would make it pointless.




If anyone thinks otherwise it's because they never noticed items ruin from left to right in there inventory. Here's a pro tip. Keep your pistol in your pants on the left side. You will survive one shot to the legs with any rifle in game without a broken leg or bleeding. Your welcome..

Edited by RyBo
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SKS is better now.


as it should be.


SKS has more firepower, is a more accurate firearm and is easier to wield.

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Friend shot a guy with a ballistic helmet at about 200 meters directly to the face. We both witnessed it. I went to loot, guy wakes up (???).


I shoot a guy with a cowboy hat at 100 meters with the AKM. Headshot, he drops. Go up to him, still alive.


WTF guys?

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as it should be.


SKS has more firepower, is a more accurate firearm and is easier to wield.


Still 3 shots from Mosin point blank, even if not headshot, should kill anybody or put him to coma alteast.

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If anyone thinks otherwise it's because they never noticed items ruin from left to right in there inventory. Here's a pro tip. Keep your pistol in your pants on the left side. You will survive one shot to the legs with any rifle in game without a broken leg or bleeding. Your welcome..

Confirmed? There's times after I've been shot up that only the top rows are ruined, while the bottom rows are fine. I think it just matters where on the item you've been shot.

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Yup. Mosin got nerfed badly. No idea what the reasoning behind this is.


I tell you why. Reason: CZ527 - upcoming "sniper".

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I guess that makes sense in a twisted sort of way.


 I think the Mosin will be more common to loot as CZ527 will be.

If the guns have the same damage-factor - I do not need the CZ527 ^^

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LOL Where have you been for the past couple 4-5 months? The Mosin, and M4 both got nerfed to crap, ages ago. They used to be everyone's favorite until the babies complained they were to OP so they gutted them. Not to forget that even the beautiful (used to) crossbow and string bow used to also be amazing until the whole "WAI IZ IT STRONG3R TH4N M4...BLERGH...BLERGH" threads showed up. All in all, we aren't very lucky to have unchanged things, especially when they aren't broken in the first place.

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 I think the Mosin will be more common to loot as CZ527 will be.

If the guns have the same damage-factor - I do not need the CZ527 ^^


If anything, I would expect CZ527 to be more accurate to certain range, still I would think Mosin packs more punch especially at close range.

Hope we will get some hunting scope for that CZ as well, maybe also bipod?

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If anything, I would expect CZ527 to be more accurate to certain range, still I would think Mosin packs more punch especially at close range.

Hope we will get some hunting scope for that CZ as well, maybe also bipod?


Freshspawn hunting scope and bipod for better aim from mountains to Cherno ? :D

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What's this crap?

Clothes.. stopping .30 rifle rounds? That requires heavy ceramic or metal armor plates.


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What's this crap?

Clothes.. stopping .30 rifle rounds? That requires heavy ceramic or metal armor plates.



Original idea was that clothes and items getting destroyed while player is attacked by guns or melee weapons.


Unintended side effect, bug is that the clothes and backpacks are reducing damage players takes. To absurd levels.

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Freshspawn hunting scope and bipod for better aim from mountains to Cherno ? :D


Nah man, Cherno ain't what used to be. Better stalking Balota or land of rabid freshies ie Berezino.

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Still 3 shots from Mosin point blank, even if not headshot, should kill anybody or put him to coma alteast.

I suspect that has less to do with nerfing and more to do with them adjusting player damage or player health and the guns feeling weak as a by product.

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No, the Mosin damage has not been changed, it is the clothe's abortion that is 100% broken. I shot a fresh-spawn with just a jacket and backpack the other day in the legs and he was immediately knocked unconscious. Shooting someone else with little clothes on in the chest killed them. However, when I faced fully kitted out players, the same thing happened to me, it took me 3 to 5 shots to kill them, which is ridiculous, have you seen a 7.62X54 round? That thing will tear you apart with one shot. The clothing damage system needs to be changed dramatically, as clothes shouldn't effect a high velocity projectile in the first place unless they have the materials inside of them to do so.

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No, the Mosin damage has not been changed, it is the clothe's abortion that is 100% broken. I shot a fresh-spawn with just a jacket and backpack the other day in the legs and he was immediately knocked unconscious. Shooting someone else with little clothes on in the chest killed them. However, when I faced fully kitted out players, the same thing happened to me, it took me 3 to 5 shots to kill them, which is ridiculous, have you seen a 7.62X54 round? That thing will tear you apart with one shot. The clothing damage system needs to be changed dramatically, as clothes shouldn't effect a high velocity projectile in the first place unless they have the materials inside of them to do so.


I really don't like the clothing absorbing damage mechanic.


It just leads to sillyness like people taking rifle rounds to the face and shrugging it off or a 7.62x54r right to the chest and a thin nylon jacket somehow mitigating the damage.

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I suspect that has less to do with nerfing and more to do with them adjusting player damage or player health and the guns feeling weak as a by product.


Many suspect that clothing & item damage reduction is the culprit here.

Still hope that at some point this will be fixed (yeah alpher).

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books in your vest doesnt work like body armour .... just saying... ya know in case anyone was wondering how you take 3 mosin rounds to the chest 


actually having items in your stuff makes you very slightly more vulnerable...


at least that is what the DayZ science guy on youtube said




note however, empty clothing does protect you quite a bit, wearing a tshirt and a pistol holster protects you just like a tactical shir and ballistic vest though...



Edited by Zombo

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Had my own experience with the horrific nerf on the Mosin with some friends over the past couple of days. Me and my friend, both armed with Mosin's at the NWAF (feel free to judge us); we shot at 3 people. Shot one guy straight in the forehead: he gets back up and runs off. Shot another guy in the head, who was wearing a BERET... TWICE, runs off. An AK finally got him. There were also numerous body shots that failed to finish people.


Another incident was when we were in a fire-fight and my friend shot a guy in the head, who was wearing a BANDANA, as such a range he could have literally poked him in the head with the muzzle of the gun, but the guy proceeded to turn around and empty an AK mag into my friend. I shot the same person in the leg AND upper back at 800m.... no kill. 



WTF happened to the Mosin..?

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Its the clothing absorbing the damage. Its been said multiple times. I Imagine this will be looked at while it further into the Alpha development. Although balancing is normally reserved for Betas.

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Then why did I get one-shotted last weekend in the ATC tower in Balota? Server was nearly empty, and it was really far from Berezino, so I thought I needn't creep around.


Boom. You're dead. And I had pretty much a full inventory, coat, vest, very little space left.

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Then why did I get one-shotted last weekend in the ATC tower in Balota? Server was nearly empty, and it was really far from Berezino, so I thought I needn't creep around.


Boom. You're dead. And I had pretty much a full inventory, coat, vest, very little space left.


Headshot maybe? there the only shots that have a realistic chance if instakilling if you have gear.

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