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Modifications for the longhorn

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Just throwing out some ideas for possible modifications of the longhorn pistol.




Caliber & Barrel Changes


Some possible additions I can already foresee for the Longhorn is caliber changes, as the Longhorn is based on the Thompson Contender which has a wide variety of calibers available all with a simple barrel change. All of these Barrels would have fixed sights in some form. I believe one of the more common adaptions is to change the barrel for a certain ammo type. For this I propose the following:

  • .22LR Barrel - Fixed Red Dot Sight, 12" Barrel
  • .357 Magnum Barrel - Fixed Red Dot Sight, 12" Barrel
  • .223 Barrel - Fixed Red Dot Sight, 23" Barrel
  • 7,62x39 Barrel - Fixed Optical Scope, 23" Barrel
  • 7,62x51 Barrel - Default Barrel, Fixed Optical Scope, 14" Barrel
  • 7,62x51 Barrel Long - Fixed Optical Scope, 24" Barrel
  • 12 Gauge Barrel - Ironsights Only, 14" Barrel



These Butt stocks replaces the longhorns default pistol grip, for that a short carbine length buttstock. It effectively reduces the felt recoil of the weapon and allows for more stability for those long range shots.


They include:

A Fixed Wooden Stock (turns it into a stowable secondary)


Or a Synthetic Folding Stock (same as above but takes less inventory space)


Rifle Kit


The Rifle Kit is a rare kit that converts the Longhorn into a more rilfe adaptions having a complete modification kit that allows you to turn the Longhorn into a single shot long range rifle. It replaces the pistol grip with a rifle length stock, changes the default 14" barrel to that of a 24" long match barrel and replaces the default scope with a x12 long range scope, in addition it also allows for an optional addon of a bipod as seen below.



Edited by Draco122
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Hell if were going to go down that road, this M4 should be rare as well.



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What should I say?


Have mah beans! A whole bowl and some bacon with it, too!






But srsly:

It's hard to say for me, but...

The longhorn should stay 7.62-ammo.

Different stocks, barrels, etc. would be cool to have.

(Like different barrels for the B95 with 1x shotgun & 1x rifle, or 2x, rifle)

Edited by irishroy

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I don't really see the point in adding that many more attachments for a weapon, where would they even spawn?



And what's the point in downgrading it to .22? The only one that seems decent is shotgun shells. I'd like to be able to put a red dot sight on it but that's it really it's power currently is all it has.

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In the zombie apocalypse .22 LR would be the best ammo to have - high capacity for low weight - you can kill thousands of zombies instead of hundreds carrying the same amount of weight.

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In the zombie apocalypse .22 LR would be the best ammo to have - high capacity for low weight - you can kill thousands of zombies instead of hundreds carrying the same amount of weight.


But one shot at a time? I think the Longhorn is only really going to be useful if it can blow away both zombies and people in one shot at non ridiculous ranges, if you miss, which is very very possible with all the lag etc you're pretty fucked unless they don't have weapons. Although if they have fists you're still pretty screwed while you're taking your rifle out.

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Only thing you should be able to do is remove the scope.. thats it.


Im on for that idea, the others.. we dont need a foregrip for the longhorn, or any other form of modification. Other weapons for those things.. imo at least. 

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