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Are AKM 75 Round Drums in Stable?

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Are they in after .47 because i know they were in .46 but found none after .47 help thanks.

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Yeah. I found one in a barracks, seem to be really rare.

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Could you please post all you quick questions in the New Player forum, per chance?

I'm getting a wee bit tired of moving one every fifteen minutes, is all.


You could also read the changelogs, they are freely available on this very site.

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I have an extra one if u have anything decent to trade I need M4 optics and a LRS in pristine shape

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Yes found three in one run through the Barracks at Vybor MB, actually just gave one away to a friendly player at Balota.

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Yes, but they seem to be very rare. Finally found one after many days of searching for a buddy...who promptly lost it due to the contextual wheel deciding he was too far from a door and his 'F' keystroke he wanted to no open the door, but reload his drum mag with a 30 round mag. Without enough room in his inventory, poof. We are about 6 hours into the search for another :P

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I find them all the time.


If you have a combat knife, M4 Optics, LRS or Riders Jacket I will trade one with you (all items must be pristine) 

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