chefwillis 33 Posted June 29, 2012 Tents as they are simply don't work out. They're easy to find and impossible to defend. They eat items and hardly work. It's pointless to even try to make a cache because it is always found no matter where on the map you put it. There is no method of hiding your cache; tents do NOT blend in to the environment and they are essentially useless. Vehicle storage stands out like a sore thumb and can just drive away never to be seen again.Simply put I want ACTUAL storage. A way to store things that other players find difficult to plunder. Anything, I honestly don't care, anything that is hard to find and works for storage. Something that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. You do know locks exist? Makes it difficult to open things you know.There are thousands of ways to hide things - so why in an apocalyptic world are you limited to hiding your things in the open for all the hellish world to see and plot on?Entrenching tool can dig pits, hatchets can cut wood to cover those pits with, leaves can be pushed atop said wood. In three easy steps you have a hard to find cache!Underground hideaways, weapon pits, camo box with locks, code combination lock boxes, holes, hide in rubble, hide it in cut logs, hide in a locked house, hide it in a locked shed, locks. It's a great game but there can be no progression when everything you've worked for is taken away without a second thought or anything to stop it. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted June 29, 2012 That's the whole point - everything, including your life, can be taken away from you in a second. I wont say dont get attached to stuff, but....dont get attached to stuff.In the future i am sure Rocket will implement places where your hard earned stuff can be hidden (and hopefully be degraded as well). Until then, spread the wealth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chefwillis 33 Posted June 29, 2012 I completely understand that concept. But the futility of it all is overwhelming, the only motivation I have after getting all my crap stolen is to kill every single person I see. You should be at least given a decent chance. People should have to exert effort to take your things. Even in an actual apocalypse I can guarantee people aren't going to hide everything they own inside a tent. The whole game is about risk and reward. But there is no risk involved in plundering tents. Bear traps are coming but that's not going to stop anyone or anything. Just another griefing tool like barbed wire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted June 29, 2012 ROCKET: Soon to be released are underground caches which are invisible, a bit more secure to store your stuff. #6Happy now? :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 29, 2012 Yea, I dont think that underground cache thing is going to happen anymore.confirmation RockeT? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SystemiK 366 Posted June 29, 2012 Shit. I had not noticed that the quote I posted was from the end of April. You may be right....which would suck. Was really looking forward to this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chefwillis 33 Posted June 29, 2012 I knew he was thinking about it. But as far as I know he hasn't made any mention of it since. It would be great for underground caches. Rocket, sate me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegreattriscuit 15 Posted July 28, 2012 I think this is a fantastic idea... I'd say that simply being able to pick any random spot to hide something invisible would give an incredible advantage... it would become far too easy to amass a gigantic weapon cache with very little threat of it being stolen... So you could limit the possible locations... say... an un-enter-able building. if you walk up to the door, you have the option to access it as a container, but maybe make it have a 30 or 60 second wait (the time it takes you to search the house?) so that you couldn't, easily, go door to door and check every house. You could, of course, just as you could in real life, but it would take time and patience, just as it would in real life. You stash stuff in Pusta, or where ever, and you still run the possibility of loosing your stuff, but it won't be glaringly obvious to every passing a-hole.Another dynamic to add might be buildings and/or the environment changing, based on the level of human activity in an area... stashed your stuff in a log in the middle of the woods and you only visit rarely? cool. it SHOULD be damn near impossible to find... stash all 30 of your friends' stuff in a 50 square meter area in the woods, and people visit 10 or 20 times a day? There will be obvious and unavoidable signs of your activity. Maybe have the ground cover in that area slowly degrade, or have trash piles and/or cat holes (holes you poop in) spawn near the location? Maybe you attract animals to the area... So one dude in the woods can more easily hide their presence than 10 dudes in the woods. Same thing with a house... you stash stuff in there and come back once every day or so? no problem... 50 dudes storing stuff there, you're going to leave signs. Maybe every time someone accesses the house as 'storage', the server counts it. if that count gets over 3 times in an hour, the skin of the building starts to change, or trash piles spawn outside (subtle at first, but eventually becoming obvious as more people visit the location).Of course, because I tend to view my own ideas as great (my ideas are fantastic, obviously :D) , I think this would work well in concert with this other thread: said, i think this thread is something that could/should be implemented sooner, as it would have a greater net impact on the actual game, I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegreattriscuit 15 Posted July 28, 2012 I guess another part of that would be that large groups would leave more obvious signs, yes... but there's nothing saying that they can't be smart about it and clean those signs up... maybe completely, or maybe not, but you might be able to, with enough work, make a 10 man encampment look like a 3 man encampment... so the signs are more subtle, and if someone DOES see them, they might find ONE cache, loots it and leave, but not realize there's a half dozen more... whereas you're tent colony in the woods is as good as empty the first time someone finds it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paul101 (DayZ) 16 Posted July 28, 2012 great idea, however locks would reduce the risk too much I think. You should be able to store your stuff, just not in a manner which stops your stuff being accessible to others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suiside 20 Posted July 29, 2012 i would really like to drop the backpack and save its location, then use that as storage.and please do something about the vehicle storage, because i think that most are now glorified tents because they rarely are driven Share this post Link to post Share on other sites