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Character Reset 0.46

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I'm curious with the upcoming patch since I want to basically "hammer" DayZ today getting geared. So my question is, will my Character reset on 0.46 making it pointless to play until tomorrow?

Edited by Cryorex

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Can happen, but luckily there is an insider trick to prevent that from happening.

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  On 7/1/2014 at 9:56 AM, TiggyPooh said:

Can happen, but luckily there is an insider trick to prevent that from happening.

now u have my unparted attention ! 


Munson-fry is listening very closley.




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  On 7/1/2014 at 10:23 AM, Munson_fry said:

now u have my unparted attention ! 


Munson-fry is listening very closley.




... Don't play...

Lmfao, seriously. Got geared the first two months haven't played and I have bugged and broken things in my inventory left and right that no longer have names, descriptions or pictures attached to them; some of these are useable and yet ruined. It's great.

Makes me feel like the inigma from the first pokemon games. Bugged, useless... but oh so rare

Edited by Nihilum

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there is definite character reset tomorrow ? where did you read that? thanks :)

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No signs of character reset, and no need for one.. that would have happened last stable patch if anything.


There is no trick to keeping your old player, all you have to do is not log in for the first day or 2 of any new patch. There always seems to be issues in the first hours of a patch release that causes many players to be reset by logging in and that character being saved after that to the hive. So simply dont log in until you hear people are not having that issue any longer.. its been like every stable patch since the dawn of man. ;)

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