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Dynamic 3pp camera

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Simple suggestion.


A lower dynamic 3pp camera that closes in on a character when he is close to walls or objects to prevent peeking or looking around cover.


Camera goes back to normal once you enter open land.

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Simple suggestion.


A lower dynamic 3pp camera that closes in on a character when he is close to walls or objects to prevent peeking or looking around cover.


Camera goes back to normal once you enter open land.


Doesn't it do that already? Sometimes it doesn't sometimes it does, for me at least.


Usually when I'm in the corner where two walls meet.

Seems like it's there but not quite set up yet.



So long as it's pretty smooth and isn't popping in and out of zoomed in or out mode giving me headaches I wouldn't mind it.

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Already does this, though?

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I dont think it can be done. It usually leads into some wonky camera action.


You can still look trough walls though even in hardcore.

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It already does this for obvious reasons if the wall is behind you and you back up into it. However if the wall is in front of you, and your peeking over it, as OP assumed, its the other way round. there is room behind you for the camera to pan back.

This happens in every third person game when something is behind you and u back up, the camera squashes closer. How exactly you would have this automatically work when looking forwards is a different matter. I feel the camera could be zoomed in anyway! It is very far back. The classic camera view from Resident Evil 4 / gears of war is much closer and less usable for abuse

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I made a suggestion to take a World of Tanks-like approach. You can have the same old 3pp we have now, but anything outside of your avatars 1pp field of view wont be rendered.

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