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Why I kill other players (outsided of defense/necesity):

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Once again with the unwarranted insults. You're the only one who seems like a 15 year old. But you're probably just going to reply with another completely stupid assumption, so I think I'm just going to ignore you for now.

Was fun seeing just how uncivilized such an oh-so-great-parent can be, though.




 Maybe you should also learn to be more civilized before telling others to grow up. And if you would bother to read, then you would know it's far too late for cutting of my genitals to accomplish anything.




Civilized? Are you kidding me?!


I want to fight you. This isn't some dumb name-calling game because we have disparate views. This isn't me getting worked up over foreign policy or some stupid conspiracy or any political bullshit. You said that having kids took time from "all night partying" and "roadtrips with friends" ....etc. 


I want to FIGHT you, dude. With my fists. In a fucking parking lot so I can beat your stupid little face in; you selfish fuck. 



Don't fucking talk to me about civilized kiddo. You "loud 'n proud" stated you wished you didn't have kids for the most selfish of reasons. So you can fucking party. 



Yes, dude I want to beat your ass. In a civilized manner. Like I said. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just trying to emphasize that If were were right next to each other and you had asked to me "say some shit to my face." I would spit in your fucking mouth as I articulated every foul word I could think of. 

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Civilized? Are you kidding me?!


I want to fight you. This isn't some dumb name-calling game because we have disparate views. This isn't me getting worked up over foreign policy or some stupid conspiracy or any political bullshit. You said that having kids took time from "all night partying" and "roadtrips with friends" ....etc. 


I want to FIGHT you, dude. With my fists. In a fucking parking lot so I can beat your stupid little face in; you selfish fuck. 



Don't fucking talk to me about civilized kiddo. You "loud 'n proud" stated you wished you didn't have kids for the most selfish of reasons. So you can fucking party. 



Yes, dude I want to beat your ass. In a civilized manner. Like I said. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just trying to emphasize that If were were right next to each other and you had asked to me "say some shit to my face." I would spit in your fucking mouth as I articulated every foul word I could think of. 


God I love this community. I'm laughing my ass off right now. I haven't had this much fun in an argument in a while. Take an anger management session or two, buddy. You sound like you need it.

Edited by Aanex

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Oh, you self centered dick. You don't deserve the pleasure of having kids. To try an continue your half-assed argument for not having kids is mundane. You look and sound like a fool. To fully admit that it's "stealing" time for you to party and hang out with friends?


Dude, you make me sick for having the gall to even proudly admit that. Fuck you dude straight up. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm telling you (and I wish I could say this an inch from your shitty little face) "Fuck you." 

Grow the fuck up. Get a job. Get your priorities straight. And cut your dick off while your at it because we certainly don't need any more piece of shits like you running around.

I sincerely hope someone gets angry in traffic one day and kills you; violently. God damn, you've pissed me off you fucking prick. 




Civilized? Are you kidding me?!


I want to fight you. This isn't some dumb name-calling game because we have disparate views. This isn't me getting worked up over foreign policy or some stupid conspiracy or any political bullshit. You said that having kids took time from "all night partying" and "roadtrips with friends" ....etc. 


I want to FIGHT you, dude. With my fists. In a fucking parking lot so I can beat your stupid little face in; you selfish fuck. 



Don't fucking talk to me about civilized kiddo. You "loud 'n proud" stated you wished you didn't have kids for the most selfish of reasons. So you can fucking party. 



Yes, dude I want to beat your ass. In a civilized manner. Like I said. I'm not going to argue with you. I'm just trying to emphasize that If were were right next to each other and you had asked to me "say some shit to my face." I would spit in your fucking mouth as I articulated every foul word I could think of. 


This, but with less anger. I wouldn't waste my time on him, personally.


I'd have had less of an issue with his statement if he didn't outright claim he can't "do the things he enjoys most in life".


Once again with the unwarranted insults. You're the only one who seems like a 15 year old. But you're probably just going to reply with another completely stupid assumption, so I think I'm just going to ignore you for now.

Was fun seeing just how uncivilized such an oh-so-great-parent can be, though.




 Maybe you should also learn to be more civilized before telling others to grow up. And if you would bother to read, then you would know it's far too late for cutting off my genitals to accomplish anything.


The insults aren't unwarranted. If you're actually a parent and not some kid trolling a video game forum (which is most likely), they're 100% warranted.


Just because I have a temper when it comes to people blatantly admitting they'd rather be out partying and going on road trips with their friends and that having a child hinders the aforementioned immature activities doesn't mean I'm a bad parent. Quite the opposite, actually. I'd fight to my last breath for my kids, it severely angers me when I read some pompous little cretin admitting that his child is one of the worst things in his life.

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I'm laughing my ass off right now. I haven't had this much fun in an argument in a while. 



You've lost all public support on this topic buddy.



You're god damn right I'm mad. I could care less if I am angrier than most. You said some shit that is outside of a video game forum and I for once, wish I could reach through the screen and fucking hit you.



But, I'm done wasting my time responding to you. You obviously are on here for the "thrills" of trolling. 

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You've lost all public support on this topic buddy.



You're god damn right I'm mad. I could care less if I am angrier than most. You said some shit that is outside of a video game forum and I for once, wish I could reach through the screen and fucking hit you.



But, I'm done wasting my time responding to you. You obviously are on here for the "thrills" of trolling. 


I couldn't care less if I had no support, or if you want to hit me. But if your only reason to reply is to make petty threats, then maybe you're the one trolling.

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I couldn't care less if I had no support, or if you want to hit me. But if your only reason to reply is to make petty threats, then maybe you're the one trolling.



They aren't threats man. I never stated I was going to try to find you or any nonsense like that. 



Just told you what I would do if you had the pleasure of being in my vicinity. Because you made a horrible statement. 

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They aren't threats man. I never stated I was going to try to find you or any nonsense like that. 



Just told you what I would do if you had the pleasure of being in my vicinity. Because you made a horrible statement. 


I made a horrible statement, and you made several horrible paragraphs.


At least they were entertaining, though.


But, I'm done wasting my time responding to you.


And you might wanna stay true to those words. I can keep up this wonderful conversation all day if you want.

Edited by Aanex

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Holy shit! I forgot my popcorn!


My 2 cents? after 120+ small hours as a 43 year old man with grown ass kids =D



Its better to assume the other player is out to kill you, until you chat em up on the mic, EVEN then be on your guard as atm its way to easy to get knocked the fuck out in this game, another thing I have come across is foreign players...DONT get me wrong I don't care where your from, BUT I have been hosed down by 3+ to 5+ Kill teams from other nations quite a few times, to the point I AVOID anyone running in a pack of 3 or more...


I Gear up best I can and head North and survive, I get hungry I gotta hit a town =)



atm loving this game =D




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Such petty arguments, some of you are an embarrassment to yourselves.

The Topic has long gone off, and  Aanex, there was nothing entertaining to be had, if you think that derailing a Topic is fun and that you can "keep up this wonderful conversation all day",
You are mistaken.

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