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The Vicinity in v.

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Warning this might be a nooby question but I'm concerned about it.

I have seen many Youtubers posting videos, in which they use the Vicinity window to pick items up. I heard that you open it by pressing the Tab key, however this is not the case for me nothing happens when I press Tab and I don't know if I'm stupid or if this is a setting issue or a bug.

Please for help and thanks for any reasonable answers. 

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Do you mean the inventory ?

I think the default key is G (for gear).


Correct me if I'm incorrect.

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Are you referring to the Mod or the Standalone? Your version-# is close to what we actually are with the Mod, which would be


However: the mod does not have the "vicinity" gearmenu or option, it only has the normal Gearmenu, which you can open by pressing G whilst looking at stuff on the ground.




A bit clarification would be nice, as you posted in the Standalone section instead of the Mod section.

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