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mouse cursor disappears on menus

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so i got a new pc, and after doing everything needed i downloaded dayz, when i launch it, all seems fine at first, i get the splash screen, and can move the mouse around freely, but once i get into the title menu, the mouse..kinda stops working. i can still highlight options in the menu, the the cursor doesnt move with the mouse, rather only moving after a few seconds of me clicking somewhere, and it just appearing the spot.  if i use the keyboard to navigate into a server, the same thing happens on the gear menu,,though i can look and aim freely

any suggestions?

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Same here! Stopped playig for awhile come back and this. I did get a new computer so wtf does that have to do with freaking mouse cursors?! So frustrating. Unplayable because I can't effectively manage my inventory or set setting. Mouse works but cursor doesn't move but options can be highlighted.

Edited by ZombieHeadHunterALPHA

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Ive tried a reinstall.  Didnt work for me.  Good luck.  Im in the exact same boat.  Huge cursor, huge messed up pixilations on menu screen.  I can only tell where the invisible cursor is if it happen to light up a button, or if I click the button...then the invisible cursor moves to the current spot where it actually is...but is invisible again.  All jacked up!

Did any of you reinstall? I may do it if all else fails.

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Yea still jacked up after .45 update. Sigh.... I just click like a mad man trying to see where my lovely cursor is. And the dev's haven't addressed this at all. I tried to signing in to the bug report to report this but to no avail. Can someone please report this?

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Bumping this, so frustrating. My laptop is new too, exact same symptoms, thinking it could be something to do with my 4k res?

Are you using the correct native resolution for system and game ?

Is 3D Render set to 100% (video options).

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new laptop or desktop doesn't matter it can be nvidia related. Losing a mouse icon can be many things.


One of the main causes as why this is happening is because you’re Windows 8 operating system has encountered some errors related to the mouse drivers and is unable to repair them after a reboot.

another reason is the mouse cursor trails,

and another reason is the nvidia drivers.


Make sure you follow those google steps first. Then you should be able to have the right to blame a game.

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