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37 murders and counting..

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I found a guy in the airfield today and talked to him as a friendly and we found out we were sniping 15 meters from each other.. I got a few shots of my m249 but he dced while I was checking if he was dead :(..

u mad??

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nice...hopefully I see you before you see me. What type of binoculars are those?

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dude 37 thats amazing but only if u swear u never dc ? if u didnt do it once then respect bro ! keep up them headshots

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yep rangefinder.. 50kal was off a player i had the m107 that i got off a heli and traded for the as50 to try something different.. l85 was also of a player i had the fal but only 1 clip so i trade that as well..

40 kills and counting :)

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37 is pretty high for a person that doesn't DC.

Good Job :)

Of course, I'm only assuming you don't DC, kill fresh spawns, or serverhop for easier kills. But if you did, your kills would be far over 50, with almost no zombie kills. Best I had was 16 and then a hacker spawned behind me and killed me, then followed me through 6 respawns on the coast before getting bored.

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God, I don't mean to offend, but your getup is retarded.

What do you need 3 belts of 240 ammo for? When are you going to get into a protracted firefight and at range where you wouldn't just use the AS50?

Gucci Guns for sure, and for no reason other than to have them.

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my original setup was s85 as50 and m4 203 holo, i picked up the m240 for a friend..

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how do people stand to play the game this way' date=' so fucking boring.


Semi-afk, watching Netflix or browsing reddit.

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38 before i encountered a guy with invincibility. 2 boxes of mk48 and he just sits there lulling the kills me.

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38 before i encountered a guy with invincibility. 2 boxes of mk48 and he just sits there lulling the kills me.

I probably would have logged out after the first box?

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that's sucks.. i just ran into 5 players in an offroader at the nw airfield.. only got 1 my friend got mad at me because I went balls out and start spamming my as50 and lost my last 10 bullets with only 1 kill.. stupid bugs :(. i hit more than 1 but the bullets looked like they were hitting an invisible wall :((((((((((

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64. murders and counting!!!!!!!! any1 else have more?? if so how many?? I really like to know when the boards are coming back...

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69 kills...... (Sarcasm)

I'd like to see some "evidences" of all these kills, its very easy to fabricate a story....(Screenshoot)

How long are you alive?? Also whats your Zs count.....

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I found a guy in the airfield today and talked to him as a friendly and we found out we were sniping 15 meters from each other.. I got a few shots of my m249 but he dced while I was checking if he was dead :(..

u mad??

u mad, a meme made popular in 2010, still used by the type of guy who thinks IOU jackets are still in style. Throw that shit out of you vocabulary bro, its got mold on it.

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Dude, I hate to break it to you, but there's been 1,113,042 murders since DayZ launched.

To put that in perspective, with 62 kills, you've contributed 0.0055703199% of that total. You have to get three digits below zero before you even get noticed.

Less than zero .... Less than zero ... makes you think, eh?

Basically, telling us how many steaks you had eaten or cokes you've drunk would have the same relevance.

For the record, I've killed 0. But you don't see me bragging about it.

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