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"Files are not signed by a key accepted by this server"-Issue

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Im having problems joinng a server, this comes up everytime. Any help would be appreciated. I've been looking everywhere.

Edited by kichilron

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This happens because the addon you are trying to join the server with, isnt signed by a key in the server.

You should only download mods/addons from a "official" site or place, if you do that they will work just fine.


So either you are trying to join a non-epoch server, with the epoch addon enabled, you have downloaded the epoch files from a "non-trusted" site or you have edited and repacked the files your self.


The only way to fix it, is to download the official Epoch again, or perhaps the server you are trying to join is running theyre own modded version of epoch, you can download somewhere?

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I tried using play withSIX and DayZCommander, It doesnt work on either, When the server list shows up they all have a red circle and I cant join any of them. 

Im new to this and im probably doing something wrong idk..

Edited by Supra9319

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I been trying to get mine to work for two weeks.It says the same thing.I'll reinstall Epoch and see if it helps.Thanks for the tip.



edit:I ended up deleting the" extended_eventhandlers.pbo " files.from the Arma2/addons folder.That seems to fix it :D

Edited by maurice076

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Found 2 of them in different files, going to try deleting both

Edited by Supra9319

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edit:I ended up deleting the" extended_eventhandlers.pbo " files.from the Arma2/addons folder.That seems to fix it :D


This could be your problem, as theres no file called that in Arma II :)

Extended Eventhandlers is part of the CBA addons, for Arma. BI never added that functionality to the game.

You might have accidently added it on your own.


If you delete the folders called "Arma 2/Addons" and "Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead/Common", and then verify the cache of both Arma II and Arma II OA, it should fix this issue.

Basicly it loads every single addons, which is placed in these folders, so if you have anything thats not retail Arma in there, it wont let you join servers which doesnt have a key for it :)

So a good rule is to NEVER ever place any addons in these folders, its much better to create addon folder like "@mod" in the Arma root directory and then load them through the command lines.

Edited by Byrgesen

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Thanks Byrgesen thats great info.I'm quite new to pc gaming so I was a little afraid  to delete anything.For some reason I had like 5 different cba folders,all spelled a little differently.All downloaded at different times from armarize and pw6.I got rid of all of them and am running great.Glad I found this thread.

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Hey , 

When im trying to join server from any program or the game , i got massage about deleted files , 

the massage is:

"you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted."

this is the massage and after this all the "deleted" files.

( every server - other deleted files ) i don't know what to do and i need help.

pls help me :(

Edited by Eyal

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iv'e been away for a while and came back but i also cannot play Day Z mod in anyway through the commander or on it's own i keep getting asked to verify ArmA 2 and ArmA OA it wont verify arma 2 but it will with OA or most of it even though it says dayz 1.8.1 upto date and ARMA 2 upto date.


any helpful ideas would be appreciated as i would love to go back to playing day z mod

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That message means that you're missing specific files to join the server. Make sure your files are up to date and that you're trying to join the server with the correct mod and version installed.


Easiest way for DayZ Mod is to go through Steam:



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Ok so if you are having This problem I can fix its so


Also this only work for steam I think


1. Make sure you have Arma 2 and Arma 2 AO Installed (Do Not install the Beta of Arma 2 AO or Arma 2 Dayz Mod!)


2. Open Dayz Commander and go to "Install/Update" and look for Dayz Epoch and Download it


3. Open Dayz Epoch Server's from Dayz Commander (Do not play on Arma 2 or Arma 2 AO it dose not work!)


5. There you can now play Epoch! not all Maps though.


This worked form me like a charm its the easy way of doing it!

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its not specific files , and i have all the available mods , and versions , still got missing files. 



Then you're launching it wrong. In the mainmenu, after it launched, make sure it displays the correct mod and correct version in the bottom right.


Like I said: the best way of launching DayZ Mod is using Steam.

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i tried from steam and from programs... still not working , and at the main menu i have the right version and mod - overwatch , still missing files

any help ?


This is my Arma 2 folder ,



Edited by Eyal

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So I'm trying to load into a DayZ server through DayZ Commander, but it gives me an error message.  I've loaded up Arma 2, Arma 2: OA, and the beta thing for it too.  No luck. Still the same error message.  Here's a screenshot of what it says..



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So one day i was playing on an Overwatch server and it kicked me from the game and than when i try to join it would stop responding (this is through Dayz Commander) i launched it with the normal mod through steam and it gave me a message telling me files in the addon folder are not signed such as:



"dayz.code.pbo" and about 10 or 15 more


I have looked through the internet high and low and every solution i found didnt work for me. I tried reinstalling both Arma and Arma OA. I tried reinstalling dayz commander. I tried deleting the files in the addon folder. I tried downloading overwatch manually from the site. I tried reinstalling battleye. I tried appsolutely EVERYTHING online and i have no clue what is going on. It worked perfect and all of a sudden it doesnt. Can anyone help? any suggestions are appreciated and if i have already tried it i will let you know! Please help this is getting SO frusterating!


EDIT: i also tried other servers which do the same thing!

Edited by FusionBB

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i've been having the same problem,i have just installed it,i try to join a server,and it says that,i haven't installed anything extra.


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I got a problem whenever I join a server I got this error. "C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Arma2\@DayZ\addons\dayz_anim.pbo", C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Arma2\@DayZ\addons\dayz_code.pbo", C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Arma2\@DayZ\addons\dayz_communityassets.pbo", C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Arma2\@DayZ\addons\dayz_equip.pbo", C:\Users\Kenneth\Documents\Arma2\@DayZ\addons\dayz_sfx.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server remove listed files or install additional accepted keys."


I used Play withSIX.

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I, am totally new to arma 2 and dayz and stuff and i have the same problem but i have the game and expansions installed from steam. 

i don't know what you guys are talking about anyway haha but if anyone can help me, i would appreciate it

it sais that some files like from a folder in the operation arrowhead forum are not signed by a key accepted by this server. 

i don't know what it is or even what it means, i tried uninstalling operation arrowhead but that won't let me start the game.. haha


i'm a total noob to this.... but if anyone can help i would like to help i would greatly appreciate that.



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