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The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

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i decided to create a guide for the noobs aspiring to be bandits.

In an ideal world here are the things needed:

1. Matches, Hatchet, Hunting knife, GPS, NVG, compas, Binoculars.

2. Ghillie suite

3. Coyote backpack.

4. 4 water bottles and 4 meats.

5. Medical Supplies: 3 bandwages, 2 morphines, 1 epi, 1-2 Blook packs, 1-2 pain kilers. I like many of you have friends on the same server and sometimes help is needed.

6. Silinced primary weapon with 4-5 clips along with a DMR in the bag with 3 clips. Range finder is nice to have but not a must. Side arm for hunting animals/zombies.

Pretty basic load out. You will want so many water bottles so that you can basically live off the land, travel long distances, and replenish yourself at fresh water bodies of water. This also allows you to not have to loot in order to get food which increases your length of survival.

The ghillie suite is imperative for blending in and moving around. You don't understand how well you blend in to the environment until you equip one of these.

The rest is pretty standard. I understand that this is hard stuff to come by but it can be done. As for weapons, I prefer the BISON SD due to having a 64 round clip or the silenced M4 due to having a red dot site with zoom in capability which is awesome.

I chose the DMR due to the ability to use NVG when you snipe. You must under all circumstances cary a sniper rifle with you in your bag. This takes up ten slots but it is so worth it. You don't HAVE to have a range finder but it is nice. It's pretty easy to estimate with the DMR but at times you will miss but the beauty is you will have the range to GTFO if need be.

Places to hunt:

1. NW AF (setting up shop across from the barracks or near the barracks in the tree's is ideal.

2. Stary Sober This place is a snipers delight and you will always find players at the tents or in the grocery store and can see them coming a ways away due to the hill tops.

3. NE air field more dangerous but good hunting grounds for a good sniper.

These are you number one hunting grounds due to finding people who will be moderately decked out in gear. I would avoid electro or chern if you are geared out because it just isn't worth it to kill some noobies.

Try to stick to tree lines in order to blend in. Avoid towns unless you need ammo or medical supplies. You can usually find good stuff in deer stands as well. It is also always good to have a base of operations and establish a camp with a tent deep in the woods to use as a supplies depot.

Don't ever run unless you need to make a quick exit. Always crouch. Running causes you to consume food and water at a faster rate thus causing you to have to search for more food.

Running also allows you to be spotted way more easily. Be patient and be smart. Crouch when traveling.

What to look for:

1. Zombie spawns always alert you when a player is around.

2. Check the high rewarding loot areas h as helicopter crashes.

I know this gear is not all that easy to come by but once you do get it and learn how to play you will see how fun being a solo bandit is. You will be self sustaining. The biggest rule is remember that you worked hard for your gear. Moving alone allows nobody but yourself to blame if you get killed and I find playing with others slows me down and I have to make up for their mistakes.

If you are going to play with others make sure they are geared out, offer them nothing of yours unless you have to. Keep your water bottles at all cost along with your morphine. Make sure they are established and self sufficient just like yourself. I do not recommend going out with noobs.


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this "guide" is shit

"so you want to be bandit? well, you'll need high end / hard to find gear for a basic loadout."

lol idiot.

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this "guide" is shit

"so you want to be bandit? well' date=' you'll need high end / hard to find gear for a basic loadout."

lol idiot.


Obviously someone is upset cuz they are bad at this game...

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So uh... You're a solo bandit, and yet you insist on carrying 1 epi-pen and 2 blood bags?

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So uh... You're a solo bandit' date=' and yet you insist on carrying 1 epi-pen and 2 blood bags?


yes, because I have "clan" players on my server that are on comms and sometimes you need a blood transfusion or need to give them one.

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great idea to get two blood bags if you're gonna play solo, simply brilliant

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Then I don't think that's solo if you are depending on clan mates for help. Maybe you should call this thread 'A guide for people that want to sit around alone near high traffic areas and shoot people for fun'.

PS, Ghillies suits are so funny if you are in the wrong bush/cover. I've actually seen the suits make people more visible thanks to the lighting of the sun.

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I disagree. Going out and hunting alone is in fact considered solo.

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Thats pretty much how i play Torothin. Apart from the blood bags.

I don't even let my friends team up with me when i go on missions.

Although , i will chat to them around the camp, but thats about it.

edit - spelling

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Then I don't think that's solo if you are depending on clan mates for help. Maybe you should call this thread 'A guide for people that want to sit around alone near high traffic areas and shoot people for fun'.

PS' date=' Ghillies suits are so funny if you are in the wrong bush/cover. I've actually seen the suits make people more visible thanks to the lighting of the sun.


So by your logic anyone who is in a clan can never play solo. Please try to think before you type.


You said you are making a thread for noobs. You cannot expect someone who has no idea about what is going on to be able to get the gear you listed. While I agree, this stuff is great for a bandit, this is not a guide designed to help newer players.

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it appears a lot of you "bandits" are noobs and do not know how to gear up.

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i decided to create a guide for the noobs aspiring to be bandits.

it appears a lot of you "bandits" are noobs and do not know how to gear up.

Like I said, you can't expect the people who you intended this thread to be for to be able to get the gear you listed.

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it appears a lot of you "bandits" are noobs and do not know how to gear up.

it doesnt matter if you "know how to gear up" *said in a cocky ignorant voice* the NVGs are so rare that you dont just come across them while gearing up any ol' time. you may have once, maybe even twice (not probable) but guy is correct in saying 2.6% of players have them, because the stat was posted in the stat forum. not a typical "gear up" item, its a lucky gear up item. i agree that this is a very good load up though

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Its a thread on advice for bandits who might need some tips. If you dont have NG, go find a set. Thats your number one priority.

I dont see why people have to jump into the fray with a snide comment.

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Its a thread on advice for bandits who might need some tips. I dont see why people have to jump into the fray with a snide comment.

ok heres a tip for every player out there.... get the best/rarest equipment you can find, it works better than the worst/common equipment you can find

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Again my only advice to those of you complaining about the suggested gear load out is learn ti play.

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Its a thread on advice for bandits who might need some tips. I dont see why people have to jump into the fray with a snide comment.

ok heres a tip for every player out there.... get the best/rarest equipment you can find' date=' it works better than the worst/common equipment you can find


Dude, you must be a pro! What other great wisdom do you have?!

LOL, this guide is srsly shit. I hate how people advising others to "go get some good loot!" is somehow sage advice. My favorite part is how in one line he says "go kill people is Stary Sabor, it's really easy to shoot people there!" and then farther down it says "go loot in Stary Sabor, there's good stuff there!" I said it before, I'll say it again: a dumbass with good gear is still just a dumbass.

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Its a thread on advice for bandits who might need some tips. I dont see why people have to jump into the fray with a snide comment.

ok heres a tip for every player out there.... get the best/rarest equipment you can find' date=' it works better than the worst/common equipment you can find


Dude, you must be a pro! What other great wisdom do you have?!

LOL, this guide is srsly shit. I hate how people advising others to "go get some good loot!" is somehow sage advice. My favorite part is how in one line he says "go kill people is Stary Sabor, it's really easy to shoot people there!" and then farther down it says "go loot in Stary Sabor, there's good stuff there!" I said it before, I'll say it again: a dumbass with good gear is still just a dumbass.

Stop trolling.

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It appears someone is adding lines. I never mentioned anything about looting in Stary Sober. I did say that people loot there. Please learn to read.

Too bad I got a screen shot of it then!


Your guide is weak' date=' you're a liar. Please stop, this is embarassing.[/b']

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My guide is weak for people who do not know how to hack it in this game. Yes you have a point there. This guide is for long-term survival. Not pwnign some noobs in elektro and cherno. All of you criticizing me have probably not gotten to this level yet so do not realize what it is like.

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Constructive criticism! There are many people criticising you, not because they can't play the game, but simply because the guide IS bad. I'm sorry. That's the criticism bit, now the constructive bit.

I think it would be better if the guide showed you how to survive and loot etc. all along your life time, rather than focusing on people who already have endgame gear. If they have all that stuff, they have no need for a guide.

Maybe include some links to charts for finding range with sniper rifles etc. for use until people find rangefinder?

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this "guide" is shit

"so you want to be bandit? well' date=' you'll need high end / hard to find gear for a basic loadout."

lol idiot.


Obviously someone is upset cuz they are bad at this game...

my k/d is awesome m8, so is my win/loss. Not shit. Definitely not as shit as your guide


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