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Max Planck

Add 'Firing Mode' keybind

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Is it possible?

As it is, cycling through firing modes and changing weapons (sidearm excluded) is done on the same button. This means that if I want to use the M203 launcher, and then use 'semi' afterwards, I have to go through all my flares, chemsticks, green smoke grenades, white smoke grenades, regular grenades and bear asses to do so.

Would it be possible to have a seperate keybind for switching between semi/burst/launcher modes?

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Not' date=' also you have too much junk in your inventory :)


One can never have too much junk!

F is the only answer I will give you.

'Read again' is the only answer I should give you.

I want to have the firing mode cycle on a separate keybind and keep stuff like flares and smoke on 'F'. Do you get it now?

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