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Experimental Servers Stuck (US East)

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Most Experimental servers in US East are currently broken and hanging on "Wait for Host...". Server list shows them all with 0 players but they are listed and appear to be active. What gives?



I have no idea who even runs those servers, but it would be cool if they were fixed so we have some more room for players.

Edited by BlazinOne
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Yeah man, isn't it great that they're all 30 man servers too? I love playing with only 30 people on a 300 fucking square mile map 

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Well I have to say I've never seen the experimental servers so bad . Literally at least 10 are shut down and have been for more than 3 days now.

My guess is they are waiting for the update to fix the servers but it just keeps getting postponed most likely cuz they keep finding issues with fixing rubberbanding or something , so well just have to squeeze into one of the other 15 servers or so(I play hardcore) , although I do say that is kind of annoying seeing as we need to test this stuff ? But that being said we've already beaten .45 to death , were just waiting on the rubber to go away so we can move onto the next "testing" .

P.s: experimental hardcore servers were packed the other night , forcing me to go to regular severs for the first time in months :0 . That's serious business lol !

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