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The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

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Don't listen to the haters. The new amount of zombies ROCKS.

Before, Chernarus felt empty. It was like the zombie apocalypse hit a third world country....not a post soviet state.

Now, it feels dangerous. Me and some of my Legion brethren were up at the NW airfield...holdin it down....like ya do...

And BAM 350 zombies come at us. Omg not a single bullet was spared as we lit them the fuck up and put them down like the hellish undead scum like they are.

The mod is nearing perfection.


That is all.

Tomcat /out.

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yay good to hear that just updated!

also happy birthday to rocket, guess it's like his best birthday :D

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What about tiny villages and random areas of the forest? Ive not played but ive heard its the same increase there as well, which would be a bit derpy. Im all for increases in the larger cities though.

Also someone said the respawn rate was way higher, so theyd clear a house and then before they had left zombs had respawned.

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I agree, it finally feels like a proper zombie apocalypse.

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feels like a proper zombie apocalypse me arse. In a so called real apocalypse, you'd be spending more time scavenging than killing zombies. And you'd not see more zombies than the population of the country, unless you want to think that the entire continent from the west migrated here.

This has turned into a zombie target gallery range instead of survival game.

I understand that there are people who just like to kill zombies and nothing else and then there are people who want to survive and loot and nothing else, but saying that nothing should be changed is wrong.

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feels like proper zombie apocalypse me arse.

This has turned into a zombie target gallery instead of survival game. I understand that there are people who just like to kill zombies and nothing else and then there are people who want to survive and loot and nothing else' date=' but saying that nothing should be changed is wrong.


What exactly do you think should be changed then?

I think you just want to gripe.

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Well, let's start with villages. Sometimes when a person turns into a zombie, they don't stand still but walk and walk over a distance. I'd say some small villages should be empty, others have zombies in lesser quantities. A lot of zombies scattered around and not in large groups everywhere you go. Maybe ,well cities can have a lot of zombies together and especially the biggest places with a lot of sound attractions can have a lot of zombies together.

Right now, when you see a zombie, you shoot it no matter where you are, you get 30+ zombies on your ass right at that moment.

Ask yourself, do you want to kill 30+ zombies for a magazine of wrong bullets and 1 bottle of cola?

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The number of zombies is great, but they are causing more lag are they not?

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I like the new zombie spawns except for one thing...

Zombies respawn out in the open. I was with a group of 3 others, we fired 3 AK shots outside of Elektro near the docks, we got charged at by about 80 zombies, most of them just spawned in the open out of nowhere.

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If the number of zombies is going to stay the same the system used to spawn them in needs to change. There's no incentive for me to kill off 20 zombies to get into a town for a few supplies and then have to kill another 20 on my way out because they all respawned.

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It's an Alpha!

If people don't like the zombie count now, don't log in for a few days till the next patch.

As it is, I'm all for random spikes in zombie population in the finished game.

Players should'nt be allowed to become confident about the number of Z's they'll have to face.

People's last words should occasionally be, "This is a small village there'll probably only be 20-40 zombies ... OH MY GOD THERE'S HUNDREDS AAAAARGH MY INNARDS ARE NOW OUTARDS!!!"

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Agreed on the Zombie count, much more challenging!

Perhaps with the new amount of Zombies a tweek could be applied to their speed, nothing drastic maybe just a third slower?

Otherwise stay safe!

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It's an Alpha!

If people don't like the zombie count now' date=' don't log in for a few days till the next patch.


Way to miss the point of this thread. I am pretty sure we all know this is Alpha. Here people want to keep the zombie count as is.

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It's an Alpha!

If people don't like the zombie count now' date=' don't log in for a few days till the next patch.


Way to miss the point of this thread. I am pretty sure we all know this is Alpha. Here people want to keep the zombie count as is.

Yes because I like the challenge.

But I agree with you that there should be "roamers" in the woods. Not just centered on the town.

The problem with Arma that you guys don't understand is that it is a heavily scripted game. That's the way the engine is set up.

Rocket is working as hard as he can, it just takes time.

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Way to miss the point of this thread. I am pretty sure we all know this is Alpha. Here people want to keep the zombie count as is.

Sorry, my post wasn't intended as an attack against people here, more a grumble about people on the servers.

I like the idea of more zombies too, but what I really like is unpredictable zombies.

Any 'fixed number' of zombies could become routine, players would be able to calculate the amount of people and ammo they need to survive and make a decision based on that.

Far better would be a scenario where you're scanning the horizon constantly, knowing that you could wander into a roaming horde anywhere at any time.

There wouldn't have to be many of these, just the knowledge they're out there would keep players on their toes. The increased zombie danger would also likely make it harder for bandits to get easy kills because players would be more cautious and aware when on the move.

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The trouble with having too many zombies in a town is it stops being a tense "what will this survivor do to me?" struggle to survive and more of a "oh hey, there's a guy I COULD kill, but why bother. I'll be destroyed by zombies anyway" game.

If you want lots of zombies everywhere, L4D. There needs to be a balance between actual player drama and AI drama.

If you know that you're likely to get 10+ zombies on you after 1 shot, then pretty much everyone won't shoot and suddenly no-one is pvping, there's no drama and tension on the server, there are no grudges VS players that spill into legendary battles for towns etc.

I played for 3 hours tonight and wasn't shot at by a single survivor. Even bandits left me alone in the main cities. I went 20 minutes in elektro without hearing a gunshot that was aimed at another player.

It just ends up as "if you don't have friends, you're fucked. If you DO have friends, you're gonna need to scavenge for an hour to get enough ammo to PK 1 guy" type game, which I guarantee will get stale very quickly.

The amount of zombies in 1.5.5 was pretty much that perfect balance of player drama and "oh shit, I aggro'd zombies!"

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The trouble with having too many zombies in a town is it stops being a tense "what will this survivor do to me?" struggle to survive and more of a "oh hey' date=' there's a guy I COULD kill, but why bother. I'll be destroyed by zombies anyway" game.

If you want lots of zombies everywhere, L4D. There needs to be a balance between actual player drama and AI drama.

If you know that you're likely to get 10+ zombies on you after 1 shot, then pretty much everyone won't shoot and suddenly no-one is pvping, there's no drama and tension on the server, there are no grudges VS players that spill into legendary battles for towns etc.

I played for 3 hours tonight and wasn't shot at by a single survivor. Even bandits left me alone in the main cities. I went 20 minutes in elektro without hearing a gunshot that was aimed at another player.

It just ends up as "if you don't have friends, you're fucked. If you DO have friends, you're gonna need to scavenge for an hour to get enough ammo to PK 1 guy" type game, which I guarantee will get stale very quickly.

The amount of zombies in 1.5.5 was pretty much that perfect balance of player drama and "oh shit, I aggro'd zombies!"


Ive not played the update yet, but your logic is agreeable. Maybe a -few- more zombies in towns, maybe more zombies in the woods or scattered about in general. But having 70 zombies in a village with 3 shacks in it is a bit retarded. If the AI was such that sneaking around zombies was more consistant, MAYBE then it would be better. But right now zombies can see you through a wall, and run through said wall to get you.

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The trouble with having too many zombies in a town is it stops being a tense "what will this survivor do to me?" struggle to survive and more of a "oh hey' date=' there's a guy I COULD kill, but why bother. I'll be destroyed by zombies anyway" game.

If you want lots of zombies everywhere, L4D. There needs to be a balance between actual player drama and AI drama.

If you know that you're likely to get 10+ zombies on you after 1 shot, then pretty much everyone won't shoot and suddenly no-one is pvping, there's no drama and tension on the server, there are no grudges VS players that spill into legendary battles for towns etc.

I played for 3 hours tonight and wasn't shot at by a single survivor. Even bandits left me alone in the main cities. I went 20 minutes in elektro without hearing a gunshot that was aimed at another player.

It just ends up as "if you don't have friends, you're fucked. If you DO have friends, you're gonna need to scavenge for an hour to get enough ammo to PK 1 guy" type game, which I guarantee will get stale very quickly.

The amount of zombies in 1.5.5 was pretty much that perfect balance of player drama and "oh shit, I aggro'd zombies!"


strange, before the latest patch i never worried about zombies when entering a town, my only real concern was other players

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good for you guys who already have gear. what about the new players? they can't just spend the whole game sneak walking around zombies the whole time.

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I'm absolutely loving the new zombie count. For the last couple of weeks it's been wayyy to low on all servers, but now zombies finally are a threat and challenge instead of a slight nuisance. It's fantastic!

And to the people whining about getting mobbed after shooting one zombie, here's a thought: don't shoot it? It would appear their perception has changed as well, because I managed to sneak around a lot better than in 1.5.5 or 1.5.6, so while it was at times tense, looting even a large city absolutely brimming with zombies was quite doable. Just have to have some patience and situational awareness.

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Was going to make a topic about how great this is!! More Z's i say, where as before it was more about watching other players now its about watching everything that moves!!

Btw i have only 12hrs game time, been killed 4 times and yet the huge amount of z's does not bother me, it makes me work harder to get that extra loot ;)

**edit scratch that 17hrs play time ;D

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good for you guys who already have gear. what about the new players? they can't just spend the whole game sneak walking around zombies the whole time.

winchester's are incredibly easy to find

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good for you guys who already have gear. what about the new players? they can't just spend the whole game sneak walking around zombies the whole time.

winchester's are incredibly easy to find

True, barns most likely.

One problem there are now like 10 zombs at 1 barn ^^

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